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Everything posted by WinterMute

  1. More power = headroom in my book, currently running 1400 watts into a BF Big Twin T, competing with a drummer who hits like Chuck Connors and a guitarist who is contributing to continental drift... Effortless bass in a distortion crazed world... OP, try turning the amp up a touch and the bass output down, you'll not affect your signal to noise ratio much as you're playing at such low volumes anyway. At least you can then control your onstage volume from the bass and not have to go to the amp every time.
  2. The Squire VMJ is a decent and cheap bass to try your hand on, fretless takes time to get comfortable with, a coupe of hours on a friends bass won't give you the feel for it really. The Jaco styled model is lovely too.
  3. Mine has the bridge with the Allen keyed bolts into sleeves set in the body, just like real MM bridges, OLP standard bridges were simply screwed, I don't know if early TL models had the standard OLP Bridge.
  4. I've had mine a year, I changed the pup and preamp for barts, but it's still a cracking bass. There wasn't a 4 string version, and the early ones were a bit suspect as i understand it. If you can find one the are worth the money. The neck is a little narrower, but is deeper tan the standard SR5 profile, more a D.
  5. Doesn't look like the pictures are still attached to that thread.
  6. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1359990665' post='1963060'] Ha. No - I only used it on the E... but I run a Parallel Sub Octave to my signal that is low-passed so there is HUGE low end under neath everything. [/quote] That's what the Big Twin is for, I can't say I've noticed any lack of bass with the 5 strings, in fact I've had to modify the patches a lot in the Pod to back the bass off. Different strokes, but the bass is good...!
  7. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1359832402' post='1960988'] I used an XTi1000 for a while but actually found it to be fairly inefficient in the lows. Use an Octave pedal and watch that clip light go!! Even in Bridge mode. It was fairly unimpressive for my application due to using lots of subs octave. I had read on the Crown forum that the XLS was less efficient as a dedicated bass power amplifier that the XTi, though I've never known anyone thats tried one so can't confirm deny it. John (emporermingus) uses an XTi series live, but I think he went with the 2000 as headroom can be an issue if you are in a LOUD gig situation. [/quote] You used an octaver for a B string? Have you no respect for human life?
  8. If you want to spend a little cash, grab a Bass Pod off eBay, it connects to the Mac via USB, and will turn up as an interface in Logic and the like. Means you get a chance to make a good tone without having to connect audio outputs from amps etc. Modelled amps and cabs plus effects... Bit more money I appreciate, but it's a really easy way to get good bass recordings.
  9. I use the GK bass amp emulator, PocketGK. It lets you play along with any track in your iTunes library on the pad. http://pocketlabworks.com/pocketGK.html It's designed to work with the iRiffPort http://pocketlabworks.com/iRiffPort.html
  10. I have the XTi1000 bridged into 4 ohms, it's a tad more powerful at 1400w but I rarely run it past 50% and it's monstrously loud. It is a little picky as to its input level, my pods balanced output can push the input into clipping quite easily, but as long as I watch the master output its fine. Crown amps are pretty similar in this regard. I don't know the pedal you're planning on using, but I think you'd be fine.
  11. Barefaced Big Twin T 2x12, 1x6 and a tweeter...
  12. Barefaced Big Twin T by a country mile, beats out Ampeg 8x10, 2x10s by GK and Line 6, 4x10's by TE, 1x15 + 2x10 by Marshall in my personal experience, and 25 years as a studio engineer recording almost everything on the market. I'll not be changing this cab anytime soon, although I may have to buy another one....!
  13. You won't be disappointed, excellent units.
  14. Another vote for Etymotic ER4s, bloody marvellous for single armature units, I have the P variant for the iPod and I had to buy a 160gb classic so I could rip everything to Lossless as MP3 and AAC sound so grotty....! Not bad isolation for in-ear monitors either...
  15. Ive had mine for a couple of months now, I'm involved in a writing project currently, so I haven't had a chance to gig with it, but it's in rehearsals with a very big hitting drummer and it is, without doubt, the most capable cab I've ever owned, the LF is very, very scary with the B on both fretted and fretless basses absolutely thunderous and clear. I'm running with a Crown XTi1000 in bridged, and the pod, and I'm seriously impressed with the levels and sound of the cab. Money well spent, no question.
  16. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1357049613' post='1916729'] There's absolutely no problem in wanting to be an entertainer. The irritating moment begins when the clown not only fools himself but tries to convince others of his artistic integrity. [/quote] Artistic integrity is a great thing for those that can afford it, or those who give a toss about it, the music industry hocked it's integrity for drugs and hookers many years ago however....! I think there's a lot of bollocks spouted from both sides of this argument, and that the truth, as ever lies somewhere in the middle. It's the enjoyment of the music that counts above all else, and that means satisfying your audience and yourself.
  17. [quote name='stoker' timestamp='1356975113' post='1915943'] What about an OLP? [/quote] If you can find one, the Tony Levin sig model is very, very good and cheap too.
  18. Very interesting thread till people start taking things personally. I've played 5 string basses since 1987, had one of the first Warwick Thumb 5ers and beautiful she was, thing is that I don't play covers or in tribute acts, where I could see the need for a specific look or sound, I play originals or as session in the studio (I'm a recording engineer by trade) and I need an instrument that gives me the sound regardless of the look. I have small hands, so I'm physically limited to the basses I can play comfortably, the Thumb was perfect, but I sold it several years ago when I thought I'd finished with playing. I now play SR5 derivatives, as I have limited funds to put an effective rig together. (see the sig) The thing is I find the basses I have deliver the sound that I want with playability and comfort, and currently that means 5 string SR5, I'd love to try a good 6er if I could find a neck my hands could cope with, and I've played the Chapman NS Stick 8 string, which was fascinating. I'd like to comment on another aspect of "authenticity" too, which is amp/fx snobbery. I use a bass pod XT pro as my main tone generator in the rig, I've used them for years in the studio and they are great units, but very difficult to manage if you're used to bass, middle, treble tone controls. I've had many conversations with other players about modelled bass sounds, and most of them wouldn't touch a Pod even before they've actually heard one. My guitarist uses a Variax guitar, the latest floor unit from Line 6 and their combos, the switching and shaping options are enormous, the detuning and fx options alone are massive, yet I know players who deride the technology because it isn't a Marshall or an Ampeg or whatever. My business is audio, I'll use whatever I need to in order to get the sound for the song, don't much care what it is, I've had ampeg, GK, Trace kit personally and almost every kind of unit in the studios over the years, and I keep coming back to technology to get the sounds I need. Tools for the job I guess. Anyway, my current rig and guitars is the most versatile, most powerful and flat out loudest rig I've ever used, it's like taking the studio into the gig and I love it. I'm sure I wouldn't get the Sex Pistols tribute gig, but give me a few minutes and I'll sound like Sid. Style over substance? Sure, thats a fair description of elements of the music industry. If you don't like it then don't do it, but don't slag someone off for going ahead and wearing the silly costumes and learning the dances and playing the bass that suits the look, that's entertainment.
  19. I've been a player for 30 odd years, and a recording engineer for the last 25 or so, I've recorded almost every combination of cabs and amps over the years and the Barefaced cabs I've seen in the flesh are certainly up there with the absolute best. I've recorded a super 12T and I now own a Big Twin T, the BGT has changed the way I think about bass backline, and I now treat my rig as an extension of the recording studio, crafting bass tones to suit songs and then throwing them through the cab knowing they will sound precisely the same regardless of the level I want to play them at. That, in itself, makes the BGT worth every penny. I can't speak for your needs as a bassist, but I recommend them without hesitation for the work I'm doing.
  20. If you're in that market, go look at the RS6 Avant... Goes like a startled squirrel, loads like a truck.
  21. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1356553759' post='1911164'] Like a power strip, except you get given them for free when you are in a big band. [/quote] I'm pretty sure Rush don't use stuff just cos they got if for free... They strike me as knowing exactly what they want in their rigs, if a power regulator wasn't doing something I sort of doubt it'd be there.
  22. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1356544237' post='1911008'] Uninterruptible power supplies are the thing that actually does that. Power conditioners vary in snake oil content from being channel strips, to being current limiting devices. [/quote] Sure, I get that, but both Rush frontmen list Furmen power conditioners in their racks, neither of which are UPS's as far as I remember. Do they act as voltage regulators both ways, limiting spikes but also protecting from drops in voltage? A UPS steps in if the voltage drops below operational levels, but if that happens in a venue then the lighting and PA goes as well as the backline, you'd need a UPS the size of a truck to deal with that I'd have thought.
  23. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1356313464' post='1909166'] Surge protectors are fine. Expensive power conditioners are not, as they can restrict current flow. [/quote] Why is it that people like Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee use them as part of their touring rigs then? Is that to smooth out suspect supply in various venues? I thought good conditioners were all about keeping the supply constant, not restricting it?
  24. Renault Megane estate 1.9 diesel... Dirt cheap, huge low load space, I get a BF Big Twin, a 4 unit rack, pedalboard and bags in the boot without dropping the seats. Bit rattly, but for £2k I'm not complaining.
  25. I totally agree about the seeming fragility of the BF cabs, I was a bit scared to move the Big Twin around, but it's really as tough as old boots, something that light shouldn't be that strong. I've seen comments from people who've dropped BF cabs down stairs and had no damage to speak of, but you do kind of fear they'd just shatter...! Alex's designs seem to do exactly what he claims for them don;t they? Thats a little bit of BF history you have there.
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