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Everything posted by pantherairsoft

  1. [quote name='steve-soar' post='730050' date='Jan 30 2010, 07:52 PM']NIN are amazing[/quote] Yes they are. Trent is a rather talented man I was fortunate to meet them all back stage pre-gig at there last show in Manchester. Was very odd, meeting an idol and all. Had a brief chat about bass with Justin, I recall asking him why he played so many dodgy basses... I recall him pretending he didn't understand the question
  2. It's all legit. Being a NIN member and supporter (yeah I know), I was notified by all this being sold a while ago. It's basically to fund a mix of a new recording project and a Trent backed charity... There were a dozen or so basses not long back that were sold as 'tour used' and went for supid prices. There was am interesting custom shop stingray, black on black with just a volume dial... No EQ control at all. Apparently with tone set internally for use on a specific track. Shep
  3. Bump! Updated for trades... 5 string fretless bass Ashbory (cash my way) 5 string EUB, any make EBS Neoline cab, either a 2x10 or a 1x15
  4. If this was a NEO I'd of ripped your hand off for it! Bump for a top end bit of kit!
  5. Thats lovely. Same pickup configuration as a Godlyke Disciple... which sound immense!
  6. [quote name='cheddatom' post='728847' date='Jan 29 2010, 03:58 PM']Jesus, what a bargain!! I have one exactly the same, except it was a factory 2nd. I got it on ebay 4 years ago for £300 and I thought that was a steal.[/quote] That was a steal! What gets me about these is how they can retail them at £600 max. I've had a lot of basses and played a bucket loads more on top of that and the build quality of these really blows so many other companies out of the water. Many people, myself included often disregard stuff because of the name, but this shows what kind of mark ups people do put on instruments. The quality of build in the body easily blows that of my old Stingray or Sandberg Basic out of the water, and this costs under half. Play one of these if you ever get the chance, they are stunning!
  7. I find playing a 4 string harder than a 6 :-) I'm strictly a 5'er man I'm afraid. It would be even more gorgeous if I had a proper camera to showcase it with :-)
  8. THIS IS NOW SOLD... Hi People, I picked this up recently from a fellow basschatter and to be honest it was a bloody bargain! I have however realised that the step to 6 string is not something I'm ready for and would prefer to concentrate on what I know. Given what I paid for this I'm sure I could make a little profit on it as well, but being the genuine person I am I figure someone else can have the bargain I had! I paid £275 for this in cash and its easily worth double, tonally the EQ is great and the through neck construction is up there with some £1k plus basses I have played in the last 12 months. If I'm not mistaken these list at around £600 mark, which is a damn good price as it is, so heres the chance to snap my arm off! So... [u][b]£275[/b][/u] on collection, or will consider a trade for... 5 string fretless of a similar retail value Ashbory bass (with cash my way) 5 string EUB, any make EBS Neo 2x10 or 1x15 Also looking for an EBS (and only EBS!) 3U rack case which I will happily take in part ex if you happen to have one. I do not have a case for this so posting is not an option, it would need to be collection, or arrange a meet up as I would be travelling via train to where ever I go (no car!). Condition is mint, I can't really find a mark on it, its of brand new from the shop condition with one exception... the strap pins seems slightly loose. I would assume the previous owner popped some strap locks in and removed them before he sold it on. As such I would recommend putting some strap locks back in, or a slightly fatter screw to hod the regular pins in, just for security. A minor point, but thought it was well worth noting! Set up with medium-light strings, a nice med-low action, no fret buzz. perfect to pick up and play. I'm in Nottingham for anyone that wants to try it! I apologise for the pics. My Camera has died so these are from my Iphone...
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  10. [quote name='Andy Blowers' post='725103' date='Jan 26 2010, 01:32 PM']My old Octabass serving you well?[/quote] Very mate! Pretty much stays on the 'High' setting... Sounds lovely before my discumBObulator as well
  11. Lol.. I used to own a Shark and a Groove actually. Miss the Groove 5!
  12. Also to be seen on my gear thread, but thought it deserved a place here... EBS Fafner EBS Neo212 raised by Auralex Platfoam GB Spitfire Pedal train with plenty of toys
  13. Th current rig set up, thank to funding from selling all but the Overwater and GB, a shift around of effects and a bargain amp purchase and a donation from good friend.... For those interested... GB Spitfire EBS Fafner in Gator case EBS Neo212 on Auralex Platfoam Pedal Train2, powered by a Diago Powerstation running... Boss TU2 Umph mini looper Tech 21 XXL Bass Edition MXR Blowtorch EMMA DiscumBOBulator EBS Unichorus EBS Octabass Boss DD3 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
  14. Cheers guy! Your not wrong... It's bloody awesome. It's here in a few weeks I fear I will of missed the chance to buy what I'm planning on, and in that case I will be keeping this baby! Who knows though...
  15. Bump guys. Someone make me an offer. I'll be making a donation to basschat when this sells too... It's about time I did! Shep
  16. I'd obviously be a little biased, the MarkBass SA450 I'm selling would be perfect... Although in fairness, most of the MarkBass range seems to suit your needs!
  17. Bump! All PM's replied to, apologies for the late replies to some of you, my iPhone was giving me grief. If you havn't had a reply please PM me again. Cheers. Still available for the time being Shep
  18. Number 4 is beautiful!! Me want...
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  20. Picked up an ebs Octobass from Andy. Great chap, perfect communications and pedal arrived as described. Cheers bud! Shep
  21. Hi guys the circumstance has changed slightly. The need to sell this immediately has gone, I have however agreed to purchase another item and as such this still needs to go sooner rather than later. I will still accept cash offers, but no trades please. I still aim to shift this ASAP so if your interested please do get in touch with an offer Shep
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