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Everything posted by NJE

  1. I remeber reading somewhere that someone suggested Mr X could have been Winston Blisset who used to play with Massive Attack and did some work for Robbie Williams amongst many others.
  2. Hi, Funnily enough Jack who I got the amp from has been using barefaced if I recall, and said they were fantatsic. Unfortunately the cheapest cab is still £100 over my very top budget otherwise they would be top of my list to check out for sure. I wish I could afford all the gear i want but i guess a few of us on here are in that position. Cheers, Nathan
  3. Hello, I have just picked up a Eden WTX260 head and I cant wait to get using it but I need a cab to go with it but have no idea what to get. I got the amp from Happy Jack who gave me some good advice as far as cabs go, but still considdering what will be best. Points to considder: 1. The cab should be 4ohm. The amp (like most) will run at top voulume at 4ohms. Now I have read that this is a loud amp and will produce the goods through a 8ohm but I would rather just get a 4ohm to start with and get the most out so I have the power if i need it. Also I cannot afford to be changing in the near future (I just bought a house) 2. I dont really know what the different make cabs are like. I have only really ever used Ashdown at length with a few brief moments with EBS, Markbass and EA. How different do EBS sound against Aguilar for example? 3. I have a limited budget to get a cab. I have around £300-£350 to get a cab so i am pretty much looking at secondhand. There are a couple I have my eye on but I would probably not be able to try them out. Bass Direct are fairly close to me but I dont want to go there and waste thier time as I would not be able to afford any of their cabs new! Portability is not a huge problem ( I am quite young) and I dont really have a preference on speaker size but like a nice smooth tone and not too fond of really sparkling high end. I will need to compete with guitar, drums and Keys playing fairly chilled music so no metal or anything. I have made enquiries about a EBS 2x12 and Aguilar 2x12, any opinions on these? Any help gratefully received. Nathan
  4. I love the new issue, great article on squarepusher, very interesting and this guy has some serious fans in the bass playing community. I have to say i can read the interesting bits in BP in smiths in less than 5 minutes ( I usually still buy it though). I was reading this months mag for ages and still had not got half way through. Lots of interesting stuff for me at least, maybe I am just easily pleased.
  5. I also noticed in the new issue of Bass Guitar Magazine that the chap from Spandau Ballet, Kemp? has a brand new Wal Mach II built for him recently. Although i am very jealous and he doesnt deserve it, ha ha, it can only be a good thing that some new ones are out of the doors already. It was avery nice looking bass too, very similar to Justin Chancellors. Very exciting.
  6. Any news on the website anyone? I want to know if/when i can order one?
  7. Not too sure where I am going with this but I might find out while I am writing it. I have just been flicking through the Fodera website thinking how much I love the Imperial 5 body shape. It has to be the only singlecut design I really 100% love and would love to own. I am not sure why really, I think its the the way the top of the bass kind of looks like a G&L Asat / telecatser. In my own very weird way I think it kind of looks like the kind of singlecut leo Fender would have designed. I could never afford a fodera in a million years and to be honest as nice as they are (nice may be an understatement) the only thing that really appeals to me about the instrument is the aesthetic. So it got me asking the question "would another luthier be happy replicating the bass almost exactly?" Now I know some people may say you buy a bass from a luthier because of the instruments they design, but everyone has a take on a J and P bass, so how would they feel about copying Fodera for example? They copy Fender so why not? I do also understand that fender cannot copyright their designs which was brought to attention in the recent court battle, but do other manufacturers have copyright on their designs? I have seen so many singlecuts that looks so similar, or is it just headstock designs they copyright? Sorry, my mind is just wondering everywhere today. Cheers, Nathan
  8. Just my pennies worth but I would say its definately worth thinking about a Lakland JO5 with either a East J retro or a Audere unit if you really like teh bass. I personally think that the JO is the best skyline model they make and many people rave about the East and Audere units. As you probably know Lakland will put an East in a DJ for you in the factory so they must work well. I would also sugegst looking at windmill basses. I played one some time ago and it blew me away, really quality instrument and great tone. I think the one I played had Delano pickups and it was really was good. Other than that I think most bases have been covered. Secondhand Sei is an abvious choice, as too is Overwater. I personally would not spend that much on a new fender (and i am a fender fan) when you can get used Sei for around the same price.
  9. Do we think he means ebony maybe?
  10. I have to admit I am not a huge fan of Hadrien (sounds a little dull sometimes to me) but I do appreciate his style because i love the look of this, just looks classy IMHO. strangely I am not usually a Smith fan but that made me go wow! maybe its the Buckeye and black hardware combo, I do love a bit of buckeye, just wish I could afford a bass made with some.
  11. Dont know if this should be in bass guitars or if anyone got here before me, but here is the new Ken Smith Burner Hadrien Feraud signature, look really sweet IMHO. [attachment=33345:HADBURNER.jpg] [attachment=33346:HADBURNER02.jpg] [attachment=33347:HADBURNER03.jpg] [attachment=33348:BURNERBASS06.jpg] Spec from hadrien himself: "Hi , I'm happy to show you the new Ken Smith Burner Signature made on my own specifications . It’s made in Japan under Ken Smith control by SleekElite cie Mr Hajime Hirose ( Ken Smith Importer for japan )" "The choice of woods is amazing : Buckeye , spalted Maple , Quilted Maple , Bubinga ….Walnut back .. Ivory ramps , Ivory Fingerboard ." "Regarding to control. Master Volume / Balancer / Bass / Treble / Mid Rotary Switch. This Mid Switch is amazing , it’s a 4 ways button , I can choose from 3 boost range. I can boost the volume as well when I take a solo .. Headstock is looking like Ken Smith range ( not as the old Burner)" "The Bass is active /passive String spacing will be 17,5 mm , action is low and perfect for the way I play .."
  12. Bit of a bump and a quick note to say I would potentially be interested in good quality combos and heads as potential trades, (preferably not Ashdown as I have used them for about 8 years and fancy a change). Cheers, Nathan
  13. Cant listen to this as i am at work right now but cant wait to have a listen. I love Pino pure class in my opinion and he has a smashing P bass. If anyone is remotely interested, Pino and Steve Jordan seem to be recording most of John Mayers new album. Some small clips of him on Mayers video blog on his website. I cant wait to hear what he does as I loved his playing on John Mayer blues trio and on his last live DVD, wicked stuff, classy music.
  14. Have had some interest but its still here, if anyone is interested, feel free to make me an offer on price. BUMP!
  15. Cheers for that, completely forgot about John East, will hit the website now.
  16. Hello, Firstly apologies if this is in the wrong place. I have a squier deluxe jazz V. It is a great playing bass and I love it and can also never get rid of it as it was a present from my very lovely girlfriend. I have been slowly adding parts and modding it and a few months ago I had a Aguilar OB2 put in. Now the new Aguilar does not seem to do much, that the old one didn't. Its a bit tighter on the bass but is still lacking sound wise, it will just not give me the nice clean high end I expected. I have to be honest it was wired up at a local music shop and I dont think it is quite right (wrong pots maybe) as the volume dies when I roll the EQ off. It also has the stock pickups which are basically rubbish. So my point, FINALLY! I want to get this playing and sounding as good as it can get and am looking for advice on Preamps and Pickups. I play a mixed bag of music but I like a tight low end, something tight and modern sounding, not to botehred about a vintage type sound as I have a RI 60's Jazz. I would like it quite punchy though if that is not a contradiction. I have been thinking about the following combinations of pickups and preamps, what do you think? will they work? can you suggest anything else? Dimarzio UltraJazz 5 + Aguilar OBP3 with mid switch ( this will slot right in to what is already there) Nordstrand Pickups (maybe big singles) + Nordstrand preamp Nordstrand + Aguilar OBP3 Sadowsky Pickups + Sadowsky Pre (I will have a spare hole where a switch was, can I make this unit active/passive witha switch?) Bartolini + Bart Pre Suggestions and advice would very gratefully received. Cheers, Nathan
  17. I dont know about that headless but the mirror finish is a Fender (neck at least) which has been chromed by the looks of things and has a custom guard on it. It was in this months Q magazines Muse interview pictures, it matches Bellamy's manson nicely.
  18. Friday BUMP. away til sunday evening but get in touch I will reply as soon as I am back. Cheers, Nathan
  19. My best friend did the Berklee online course and said it was fantastic, great materail and resources and suport. Worth a look.
  20. In 2001 when I was at Uni a local cash generator type place had two 70's precisions in, both sunburst one maple neck (IIRC) and the other was fretless. One was up at £350 and the other was £400. I had precision at the time and loved it, offered the guy £400 cash there and then for the fretted but he said some guy had been paying it off for over a year at about £10 a month! the fretless was sold but had no tag to say so. I was gutted! I keep plodding into cash converters and such and never find any good bargains instrument wise. Did get a Marin mountainbike in great condition for £99 though!
  21. Stunning playing by a stunning woman, brilliant combination.
  22. Although they do look like nice instruments and the Ray 35 was very nice when I played it at the guitar show, I really do not see the point in buying one when a couple of quid extra will get you the real deal secondhand. I have seen really nice Stingray 5's on here for less than £799 and seen stunning Stingray 4's for £650. I suppose they are not too bad if you have to have a new instrument though......
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