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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. Then you need to develop the technique to fully justify a po$h number plate...
  2. Great fun @Gasman 👍 I confess I was a teenage sax player for a bit too..
  3. I would but it usually says "No Fires" on skips... 😁
  4. The one I've got has the neck completely stripped (the orig paint was damaged) to bare wood.. certainly doesn't look like "ugly" wood to me, so I may just nitro it, not sure. I've also been messing with a maple neck on it from an indo Sub, which has a Jazz style skinny nut.
  5. You are John Major & I claim my £5 😁
  6. Ooh, isn't the end one on the plss a bit ?.... (only pulling your leg, looks v. good 👍)
  7. Nice tuners indeed 👍 Given their size they look easy enough to line up, I'd be using a square to get the flat front / back edges of the backing plates at 90 degs to the flat plane on top of the HS, but they're almost touching each other with a small gap so prob OK to eyeball it at a push. If there's any existing screw pilot hole visible thru the new tuner plates holes, you run the risk of the screw taking a run for the old hole and going wonky. You're naturally going to drill new pilot holes for the screws I assume.
  8. Just listening to some now, ooh.. I like Entwistle's sound meself !
  9. Well I've used a straight edge, ruler, or right angle engineers square on occasions, to set them straight.. The top edge of the HS you can use as a datum and assuming there's 90° edge on each tuner base plate you can set them using the right angle or T square against that.. They're then aligned to the top of the HS If the above makes sense?
  10. Well tbh I've in the past just plugged any redundant holes with cocktail sticks and wood glue, then trimmed flush when dry. I guess if the holes are way off where you need the new ones it doesn't matter tho..
  11. Those bushings can be a bastard, they're either too tight or too loose. In the case of tight ones it can feel a bit iffy bashing them in regardless in case you start a split in the HS !
  12. Oh, Seaman Staines...
  13. Yikes that's one to go through at leisure, when I don't have to get up tomorrow ! Good find tho.
  14. This isn't mine but thought it worth including for the entertainment value , looks like they've carved themselves a replacement neck.. With an Axe.. 😱
  15. Duude... The matching velvet plush lamp !!! 👍😁
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