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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. We used to ogle all that kind of kit in the Charing Cross Road music shops, and the like, back then, but never had anything like sufficient dosh unfortunately
  2. You'd likely struggle to find anywhere with a G77 & synth unit in stock to go and "try out" tho
  3. Purple is the colour of this fella? That'd be your "old fella" would it... 😂
  4. Considering you could be jailed for being gay (until sometime in the 60s) it's not surprising that covert or code "languages" had evolved over the years. I wonder if we'll be needing to develop new ones that AI can't understand...
  5. It'd be fun to go and play about with a double bass..
  6. I remember seeing them prob '79, at some odd venue in London, they had back projection type stuff going on as I recall (rather like the Human Look league used to) Had the single Alphaville / he's Frank at the time.. Interesting band I do remember Mr Warren used to play one of those single pick up Ricks, as I was a rickenbacker fancier myself.
  7. And chop the headstock off for good measure
  8. Another dodge I've used is gluing sandpapers / emery cloth to pieces of scrap wood of various shapes and sizes to use as "files", long true straight pieces are excellent for sanding straight lines, properly flat bits should ensure a flat surface etc, of course various rod or dowel pieces are good on inside curves and the like.
  9. Ferry cross the Mersey, that little Scouse bloke
  10. A good fairly rough rasp file is excellent for getting the basic shape close to where you want, good on body contours too.
  11. Interesting, I couldn't leave the front of the headstock painted as my enthusiastic stripping with acetone sloshed on the corners so all had to go.... if leaving the paint on the HS obv. best to sand the edges ( with hindsight!) You clearly just sanded the paint off the body too by the looks, not that I'm particularly thinking of stripping the body or anything at the mo. What oil finish did you use on the neck btw? I might consider doing oil rather than laq. Ideally though it would darken or "vintage" yellow the whole thing a bit as it's very white as is.
  12. I've had at different times a couple of Kramers with Ali necks and "ebonol" boards, one was a bit chipped here and there, one of the reasons I told myself I should get rid of them was I felt ( rightly or probably wrongly ) that the ebonol would be very dodgy to repair or re-fret.
  13. Well some quick pics, the camera on this thing isn't great, I've just laid a scratchplate in place for completeness, it's not screwed down. I'll use a black one probably rather than the silver check plate thing. (a single ply matt black would be nice in fact) I'll also include a pic with the maple "cheapo sub" neck experimentally attached, purely out of interest. The maple of the original neck is certainly not substandard or anything so I assume it was pot luck and they randomly took a bunch of necks from the general production line?? You can't see in the pics but there's some slight staining from the black in the grain, but I'll likely do it in tinted nitro or whatever so it'll look fine I'd think. It's just bare stripped wood at the moment. Acetone easily dissolves the paint they use on these necks btw.
  14. I'd rather have it without all the stoopid stuff stuck on it too.. all that would in fact knock money off in my view...
  15. Indeed.. I borrowed one for a bit when I were a lad and it was perfectly adequate, prob did a few gigs with it. I'd have one now for £50 or maybe 75 quid at a push, but a Grand 😧
  16. Apparently you can "identify" as an animal too now, they're "furries" I believe I can't decide if I'm going to be a dog or a little cat tho... 🤔
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