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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. Was just going to say similar, takes me back a bit that one ! 👍
  2. Turns out fingermouse ended up playing double bass in some groovy psychedelic combo...
  3. What's that ? ...You want to play bass guitar you say....
  4. Apparently the Scott's bass lessons bloke wears rubber gloves to play too, can't imagine it myself but, hey ho...
  5. I was thinking, unless you want to replicate exactly the existing neck, it'd be a lot easier to buy a cheap J bass style neck from ebay, you could even trim the headstock to be closer to your original. It'd save a lot of grief making a neck from scratch, unless of course you fancy it as a challenge !
  6. That's brilliant ! Looks like someone's made a Rickenbacker out of a kitchen table :).. What a great 20quids worth 👍
  7. I had a most odd "recommendation" from ebay, like they do, this was certainly a WTF? moment....
  8. She could change it to SarahGstring but she'd probably attract some unwelcome attention.....
  9. Hopefully she wont be scratching at your new bass... you really don't want that kind of "relicing" !
  10. That's very nice indeed, like the moggy too !
  11. The bass looks fantastic! scratchplate ?...Black imho ... by the way, where is a good place to get the 4 string scratchplates for that fit ?
  12. Looks a proper larf ! I must check it out..👍
  13. If it's not silly money, I'd buy it like a shot..!
  14. Does it matter how old you are ?... If there's a group of people who are wanting to play something with someone, then why not just do it ?.. If you look at an orchestra for instance you'll find people in their 20s thru to 60s. I've been in bands with people much younger, admittedly I still had daft hairstyles and my general attitude can be less than "grown up" ....but I cant see any reason not to play with people who are a different age group, if all parties are up for it..
  15. Ahh..that's just life though isn't it !
  16. Cool ! The thing is to arrive at what works and is fun for You.. The U bass sounds like it's just the thing for what you want to do ( I actually quite like the idea of one myself now!). It's always good to try a whole bunch of different stuff before you come to a final conclusion.
  17. I'm glad you kept it, it's good to have an instrument or two just around in case you fancy a go at any time ! I've got an old piano, that was a local freebie ( it was "interesting" wheeling it down the road with two mates to get it home!). I've no intention of learning to play it properly, but it's nice to have around, as I'll sometimes mess about playing simple little songs, xmas carols, music hall ( vaudeville to you yanks !) tunes whatever, I probably haven't touched it for a month or more but good to have for whenever.. also makes a good bookshelf and the cats like climbing on it too ! The Karoke thing sounds great fun, you should do some more
  18. The stingray reminds me.. About 1983 i had a natural finish stingray like the one above, it had previously been covered in stickers ( mainly peeled off tobacconists shops at night !) I decided to refinish the body for a change of image, so round at the guitarist's flat it was cleaned up and sprayed a sort of vaguely Lake Placid metallic blue, we then, to assist in drying, hung it over one of those little convector blower heaters... We return a while later to discover a massive crack where obviously two sections of wood making up the body had separated. Oops.. Clearly a few F and C words ensued. My solution, though cynical, was pug it up with car filler, sand and add a few more layers of paint, re-assemble and get the bastard advertised for sale in the back of Melody Maker or whatever asap.. So if you bought a yukky blue Stingray circa 1983 that developed a big split, you'll know why.. That said, I'll happily take it back and refund the 200 quid or whatever it was, so no robbery eh !!
  19. Have you still kept the little acoustic bass above ?.. If so I'd just leave it permanently in the living room, and maybe when watching tv or something you'll find you want to just have a noodle around on it...no pressure...not trying to achieve anything...just for fun, maybe play along to tv show themes, or just meander ! ... When you've had enough, put it down again.. Just a thought 👍
  20. Funny you should say that, i had a Wal about 1981, it was the cheapest one they did i assume ( otherwise i wouldn't have had it !) ... I hated it....it was horrible to play, as i recall it was the fingerboard that felt really awkward, I got rid of it within weeks. Hence I always smile to myself when i see Wals going for stupid money and people raving about them.
  21. Ok, not strictly a tribute band, but I do like "The Disappointer Sisters"..
  22. Cheers! 👍 In the interests of British fair play I'll keep my choice confidential !
  23. Can you just vote for your fave one ? (rather than top 3)
  24. Well our postie is a funny old bloke... I must ask him what music he likes..
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