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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. Or flip it.. Horse with no Name by America
  2. But will they be able to keep a straight face tho...?
  3. Just..Why ? Apart from the mad price I suppose you could take the neck & all the parts off... throw the body on the fire....then get a decent Jazz body and you'd have a nice enough bitsa..
  4. They do a foot specific one too, in a blue tub.. tho tbh the two seem pretty much the same / interchangeable.
  5. Spot on! The O'Keefe's Working Hands handcream is brilliant stuff, in the past my hands have been properly shredded doing manual work in 'orrible conditions type of thing, and the O'Keefe's works very well indeed.. if you also use it regularly once your hands are healed it goes a long way to preventing re occurrence too.. Highly recommended
  6. Woah ! There's and amazing collection of different styles in one there !.. from Ska, thru R&B, Jump, Jazz and some Country almost Rockabilly guitar ! Brilliant 👍
  7. Ahh..I see what you mean now !... I've had a hunt round in the garage this evening and transpires I have a bag of various thicknesses of hardwood veneers that I got for something else years ago.... so my plan now is to make a full pocket taper wedge, like the (crazy expensive) stew mac things. With a whole bunch of these I can make it spot on with no gaps. Cheers for the kind thought with the brass bits tho 👍
  8. Perfect, thanks gents... 👍
  9. Cool, these are wedges are they, or just flat sheet?
  10. I'd assumed blisters after a long lay off would be fretting hand but I guess the double bass guys get a bit of attrition on the plucking hand too Doesn't bother me as I'm a mostly pick/plec. type and luckily don't get blisters etc ( "where there's no sense there's no feeling" as mocking schoolteachers would say back in my day..)
  11. Ok done some more, assisted by Gin and Tonic & Old Jamaica !... Though sometimes hindered by the cat who wanted to help by sitting on it... Anyway, the scratchplate needed a bit taking off at the neck joint end as I'd moved the neck back, so a bit of sandpaper glued round a piece of dowel made a good round 'file' to do this, constantly comparing with the neck til it fitted. the scratchplate also needed opening up a bit for the pick up casings, as they were slightly too big and wouldn't pass through the apertures. This done I fixed the PUs into the body, packed out underneath with the foam they came in, they needed moving slightly to suit the S.Plate ( from where the originals were fixed in this body, very wonky anyway ! ) Then out came the Woolworths finest soldering gun and fixed the PU wires to the appropriate pots, this done all was stuffed inside and scratchplate pressed down, it was a nice snug fit and was happy to lay in place nicely without having to do any bullying ! Next making the holes and screwing it down to the body, the holes needed careful 'digging' so they didn't go off centre and pull the s.plate out of line..I found my Granddad's old bradawl a good hole starter, then did the pilot holes with a little pin chuck thing rather than blat away with an electric drill. All fixed down, before going further I plugged the whole shebang in to make sure I was getting a signal from the PUs by tapping with a screwdriver, and trying tone and vol..all good so far. using the same tools I did the bridge pilot holes in the new slightly shifted positions and screwed that down. At this point thought I might as well bung some strings on and see what it does, this achieved with some random used strings I tuned them up in stages and left the whole lot a whole tone flat for now , plugged in and the thing actually sounds pretty good, the Maida Vale PUs, bought from one of the guys on here, sound great and on first impression I can highly recommend these as a good very reasonably priced PU ( made by a guy in the UK too ! ) I'll need to take the neck off and shim it etc to get an action I like and do a few bits and bobs ( I strung it up without even the little string tree button ) but I'd say it's looking fairly successful for a bung it together from random parts bass !
  12. Yep I did, just saying it's surprising that a simple thing like that can make such a difference, but great that it does, he seems a very decent bloke too ! 👍
  13. Weird that just wearing a light glove can help with a neuro based issue, but it obviously works for him, that's the main thing !
  14. You really should.. the world actually does need more of these.! 👍
  15. Indeed...i bought a tin for the purpose of doing the amp, I've known of Servisol for many years and it has always had a good rep. I actually used some on a dodgy old Lucas car indicator switch and it sorted that out no probs !
  16. Fair enough, it seemed odd on the face of it, but I'm sure he has his reasons.
  17. I've got an old Peavey combo which is totally unusable as all the pots crackle like a bastard... A good "seeing to" with servisol is about the only option here....it's simply not worth paying someone else to fiddle with it, and the above method may well make it usable again, so in this case there's not much to lose !
  18. No worries, I just wondered where you, or he, got the 4 string one from in the first place, as it looks to be a decent one to start with !
  19. At the risk of another thread swerve!.. Dennis B worked with Fela Kuti at one point....back in about 83 we were mad on Fela Kuti and had him on all the time..( The band we had did a few tracks with horns and were very much influenced by him, to say the least !! ) Here's a classic Fela Kuti track, if you'll forgive the "swerve" 👍
  20. Yep Matumbi and he did stuff with LKJ as I recall, and added a bit of culture to some of the post punk peeps !
  21. Dennis Bovell another name from the past ! 👍
  22. Well he is Canadian...... Apparently they all used to get totally off their face at the BBC when making the kids programmes..
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