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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. I did in fact play through pedals direct to my PA on a very good very small gig with no guitars or vocals. Effectively I was playing through a backline amp with no monitors, not really applicable to the OP.
  2. Because otherwise without all your gear they would find a bassist with an amp and carry on. Not rocket science.
  3. It's common for the original artists to play it a bit differently every time too. I don't hear much in the way of overplaying as I understand the word. To me overplaying is stomping all over the arrangement and over someone else's twiddly bit. If you think you are overplaying maybe you are. Sometimes a little extra empty space is mighty effective too. An open mic host referred to an overplaying bassist as playing like an American. The kid could play alright. Bippity bobbitty all over the place. Meh.
  4. It's not ethics. A complete beginner may have the wherewithal to buy nice gear if they choose. No seal pups were clubbed to death. A somewhat lousy player may decide his lousy gear is wholly or partly to blame and invest in nicer gear. He could be wholly wrong, or only partly wrong if his gear was all that hard to get nice noises from. Either way NSPWCTD. An old pro could be still playing with the first ge ever bought or getting a shiny new one every couple of years. Again, NSC... No ethics at all.
  5. I am over 50 and I get better every year. I think I would be ok staying the same but if I deteriorated I would have a hard time of it. I am still pretty mediocre though so it's no miracle of anti aging or anything like that. My main areas of improvement have been in my ability to hold time while drummers and others take diabolical liberties, even throw in my own diabolical liberties, and my abilty to draw expressive tone with fingers. I get way more compliments now than I did 20 years ago. I reckons the bigger part of those improvements would have come since age 50.
  6. That's only because you have all the gear and you have buy in from the band. You wouldn't get any work in my backwater unless you carted monitors for everyone and then you would have to mix them as well. Why not just admit it's horses for courses?
  7. I am reading all this to mean the neck is held on by fancy schmancy woodwork with no glue? Was the heel flush with the bottom of the guitar body before? If it isn't now and it was before, that would be a very good indication of drift of the joint.
  8. I dunno, it would make the join that much more robust when you use it to bash your drummer over the head.
  9. Agreed. It may very well handle 1000w thermal, but probably can't take more than half that mechanical Exhibit B.
  10. Afaik no mainstream manufacturer uses 10" woofers with the kind of excursion capacity required to make good use of 250w each. They all do the thing of quoting thermal power handling per BFM's post. If Hartke were the exception they would be selling like hotcakes and BF wouldn't get a look in.
  11. Except without the bass it wouldn't be quite right.
  12. Barefaced unwittingly play into that myth. You are told you can use X000 watts amp but you must be using a clean tone. That's so you can avert destruction by hearing it start to complain before you go too far. If it's distorting with a clean tone the woofer is being made to travel beyond where it is happy.
  13. Get off your high horse and acknowledge the rest of the world that often has no stage as such just a corner of the pub to set up in and play some tunes.
  14. BFM will be along to correct you far more concisely than I could.
  15. IEM has never rated a mention in any of my bands or offered at any of my gigs where sound is provided. I would be a very lonely bassist if I were to ditch amps for IEM.
  16. ^ Just needs a bass guitar bridge to be the ultimate bottom end accessory. Wooden toilet seats are the shizzle in winter. Naturally antibacterial too.
  17. Two things. Hartke are not nearly in the same league as Barefaced. A burst of low end is what busts up woofers.
  18. Same same. The 2nd channel was a boost. The third was boost with fx loop preselected. This enabled me to preselect the fx I wanted and either kick in with boost or not. If I wanted fx at standard level I could still kick them in on channel one and still go boost on channel 3 with one stomp. IOW clean, clean boost with delicious touch OD, clean with fx, boost with fx, pretty much one click from each other. The exception was from failing the double tap to get clean fx and getting Band B instead ( which had fx on 1 to save the day ) Neglecting to disengage B while skipping about over on Band B [which had identical off on fx channel 2 and 3 so no issue toggling back to Band meant no clean regular without a little twin tap dance, which ain't bad really! Needed an EQ pedal to put in some mids that the BDDI couldn't quite do.
  19. Same because they are the same thing. Only the naming is different! As you know but many would not.
  20. Have one also. All you kids looking to get out there: If you can manage 14kg you can be gigging.
  21. Can I sign on the basis that whatever nonsense you guys come up with makes it here in about 15 years?
  22. Idiot question. I always thought pickups were designed with active or passive in mind so is it ok to blithely covert to passive?
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