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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. Seems like you feel and perfectly know what unicorn really is and mean, which i doubt, so better keep cool ''collaborator''.
  2. As i explained before - at that moment i thought these words pretty the same. I was wrong, but still there are people calling the instruments - unicorn.
  3. I would call it a freak-show.
  4. No question - these are ugly.
  5. Not ugly, i think. It's just impropr made.
  6. Half of You are blaiming me that i used the word ''unicorn'' rather than ''universal'', but i clearly explain that at that moment i meant these two words as the same, so excuse me to those who took it so painfully and didn't understand. Now, i wish You will not ask me any more about this mistical, sensational problem. Please take my excuse. Thanks guys!!! Keep writing about Your ''universal'' bass opinions.
  7. Sometimes people call unicorn as a thing that is meant to do for another feature, but can do all the features, too.
  8. Why do You don't want to take ''unicorn'' and ''universal'' pretty the same ?
  9. Hi! Which do You think is the most universal bass in all situation, music type and so on......??? From my side - Fender fretted Jaco jazz bass.
  10. I will not speak about the ohms, but i would choose and i did 2 separate 12'' cabs. It works better in all situations - transporting only one when needed, if two You can put it in your car in different positions and i don't thing 1 cab with 2 12'' would sound better than 2 separate 12''. I got myself 2 cabs with 12'' and have the power i need in different situations.
  11. If You mean - those who are still alive: Gary Willis Marcus Miller Flea Victor Wooten Greg Lake
  12. Thanks! That was the way i did all the time, so i was right.
  13. Tone hammer500 has separate output for each cabinet so i guess it's not daisy chain.
  14. Maybe i am a bit stupid, but ther's one more question about HD112. If i use them with tone hammer 500, how much ohm is the right on bouth hd112 - 4 or 8 ?
  15. Ok, thanks. I allready thought that sl112 is more than twice in price vs HD112 and selling hd112 would not give me much in complete buying 2 new sl112. As i never tried them before, i think i will stay with my hd112.
  16. Gallistrings makes good gig bags. I had one for 20 years - no problems.
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