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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. Nop, no mod shop, just regular mods.
  2. So You would want Ibanez GWB1005 ? It costs a lot and is very rare.
  3. Nope, i didn' meant Fender custom shop.
  4. What bass would You choose for free, between these 2 brands - good Ibanez that You like or good Fender that You also like? Only the models that are currently in production !!!
  5. Beautifull, but not progress, just proggers.
  6. Shure - stick with this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. The thing is that i talked all the time of this kind of bass and said that i would not called it a normal bass anyway. I don't really care about the strings.
  8. No, i am talking of this kind of a bass, 11 string https://www.fuelrocks.com/most-common-causes-of-bass-guitar-rattling-and-how-to-fix-them/
  9. Yeah, but the half of the strings are the same gouge. Do You know the brand who make 12 strings every different?
  10. Hmm, just looked over D'addario site, but didn't find any 12 string bass set. Which model do You exactly mean ?
  11. I still think it's ok if You stay at Your standart tune and know the exact chords to play (paper or brains). You don't need always Eb or D at low string.
  12. Looks like you got a few of those, but i meant those - who has every different tuned string.
  13. The basses i own and play now, where bought with extreme you tube checking and hearing, huge review reading, couse of no availability to check and feel at shop. It's better to have them at you hands and ears, but.....................so i would pull the thriger anyway.
  14. If you know your guitarist tune and your tune - no problem.
  15. Money, money, money must be funny in a reach man's world !!!
  16. OK, the 2023.is near - lets's make some 30 string basses.
  17. I won't and i don't call 8-12 string bass type instrument a normal bass guitar, no matter what and how it is played. Maybe - octopus music machine.
  18. When i start playing bass (23. years ago) i was mainly jazz, funk, disco, fusion, latin fanatic, but 4 years ago when i started to listen to RHCP, suddenly felt that here it is -all in one, but that that doesn't mean i don't like my starting genres - i like to listen to them all the time, but my #1 band is now RHCP.
  19. 2 options - You don't like it anymore or You need money.
  20. If we are talking of 1 exatcly bass, for me it's absolutely 2006. Ibanez GWB1005.
  21. Get the money for the real thing - You will be in heaven !!!
  22. I own and like most Gary Willis signature Ibanez 5 string fretless GWB 1005. The bass on me.
  23. I was banned from TB too, about trolling, did not why. TB sucks.
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