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Everything posted by 4-string-thing

  1. I briefly played in band where the guitarist was left handed and played a right handed guitar upside down without swapping the strings round.... Try following what he was playing!
  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1368177332' post='2074040'] snot baffling at all we'll put our own flavour to this one usually means[b] [i]i/we havent got skill/patience to learn/play/rehearse it faithful to original [/i][/b] [/quote] Not always the case, I have the skills and patience (and so do the musicians I've been in bands with) to lean/play/rehearse/reproduce plenty of songs, but it's the last thing I'd want to do. I'm sure this is the case with a lot of people on here. . .
  3. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1370697137' post='2104527'] I answered an ad for a bass player and went along to audition. There was a few numbers for me to learn including some Lenny Kravitz and Foo Fighters stuff. I noticed the guitarist was playing the wrong chords in one song and I made the mistake of correcting him telling him it was E minor not major he needed to play. After the end they said to me "Well done! you really know your stuff, - why are you only playing the bass?" ....................Speechless!............................. [/quote] My answer would have been "It's BECAUSE I know my stuff that I play the bass"
  4. I answered an advert last Friday for a "full time" tribute band who gig 2 or 3 times a week (some vey big gigs booked) I got a phone call on Saturday and after 30 minutes or so on the phone, got told I could audition in a couple of weeks with a view to starting with the gigs booked for he end of June (they're using a dep til then) "I'll email you a set list tomorrow" (Sunday) says guitarist, "learn as many as you can, for he audition and hopefully you'll know them all after a couple of weeks" Its now Wednesday, and no sign of a set list and he's not answered the text I sent asking what's happening. I don't care if it is a "pro" band, or the fact that I don't have a job at the minute, if people can't be ars*d to do what they say, then neither can I. This is supposed to be fun, so to the OP, if you don't like the songs and can't see yourself enjoying it, you did the right thing!
  5. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1370382267' post='2100204'] It sounds (no pun intended) plausible to me. [/quote]Yup, cut down the vibration from one surface to another and you cut down the amount of noise that passes through....
  6. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1370278447' post='2098534'] That's why the shed-in-a-shed has a massive paving slab floor resting on 100mm of Jabloc - it's effectively a very heavy mass on a spring, which acts as a vibration absorber - hence the walls don't have to be massively rigid to prevent the vibration. Sounds bizarre, but it works well. [/quote] I can see why it would!
  7. There are several "rules" when building studios and rehearsal rooms The main ones being mass is very important in helping with soundproofing or more accurately, noise reduction. Sound is passed through walls by vibration, so the more solid the walls the better. Also, if you use stud walls with rockwool, try to double (or triple) skin the walls on both sides, with two different materials on each side. Vibration passes less easily through a plasterboard/chipboard/plywood sandwich than 3 layers of plasterboard. If the place is big enough, leave as a bigger gap between the rooms as you can, I used to rehearse in one place that only had 2 rooms even though there was space for at least 2 more, the gap between the 2 was at least 20ft, and you couldn't hear the other band at all unless you opened the door. Talking of doors, heavy fire doors need to be used, preferably with extra wood panels on both sides and they need to be the widest you can get, people will always want to bring their own kit in and you cant get a 24" bass drum through a 22" door! The main rules of recording studios though (not sure it applies to rehearsal rooms) is that you should never go into it expecting to make any money! And it will cost you a lot more than you thought to get started....
  8. Probably been done to death already, but prompted by the fact that a couple of my old bands have gone on to bigger and better things since I left, and I am sat at home playing to myself, I was wondering what bass, or music related regrets you may have. It could be gear you've bought, sold, trashed etc or auditions where you've passed but turned the band down only to see them rise to megastardom, anything really. The more pathetic/amusing the better!
  9. Can't answer this, as I have no friends, no band and (very soon) no job! Jeez, I'm screwed!
  10. There are quite a few band name generator sites on the net, they are usually quite amusing and on occasion, throw up something usable....
  11. Its a 220 head, with a 404(1x15) both owned from new, bought 1981 and a 402(2x15) bought on ebay a few years ago with a non working 120 head (sold to Mrfoxen) I think I paid £52 for the 402 and about £440 for the 1x15 and the head. The amp and cab have never let me down in over 30 years and both are almost mint condition, despite quite a few gigs....
  12. Then you could just empty the vacuum cleaner into the dustbin!
  13. I remember reading that spiders are attracted to vibration, which is why you often see huge ones crawling across the living room floor towards the TV late at night. Borrow another amp, put both in the same room and play through the borrowed amp til the spiders move home, then give it back to the owner! Either that, or use the vacuum cleaner to suck 'em out!
  14. Only one thing better than a 2x15...... A 2x15 and a 1x15! (or possibly another 2x15) [sharedmedia=core:attachments:53529]
  15. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1367062842' post='2060791'] Dear Worried I don't really know much about music, but I do know people. When a woman looks visibly annoyed but doesn't say anything, you can be sure the storm flags are flying. And if her mouth purses in a particular way (psychologists call it 'invisible lips syndrome') then trouble is just around the corner. You say the drummer had to walk home alone. This where timing is important. If he arrived home just after she did, then the row is likely to have picked up again straight away. But if it's an hour or two later, she'll have had some time to get over things. With luck, he'll have come through the door to find a casserole in the oven, flowers on the table and his girlfriend sat up in bed wearing nothing but Chanel No. 5. It's always a worry when a couple you know well are going through a rocky patch. You must resist the temptation to get involved or to ask either party what happened. And don't ask for pictures. And don't mention the original mistake. Remember it's every woman's privilege to fly off the handle for absolutely no reason at all. But if it carries on you've got a bigger problem in the long term. Do you live with the uncomfortable silences or do you mention it to both of them? Will they gang up on you and say it's none of your business? Same if you talk to just one of them - they'll run off home and spill the beans. It could all get very sticky and you could end up having to take sides. So here's my advice. Your drummer clearly can't handle pressure and your singer's a bad-tempered, silly cow. Find replacements and fire them both. You'll thank me in the long-run. Love, Deidre. [/quote]PMSL!!!!
  16. We are also looking at Fever for this weeks rehearsal, different key but had a quick go at it last week and it sounded good. I've also got to look at Ace Of Spades, should be good with acoustic guitar, mandolin, double bass and snare/bass drum.....
  17. I reckon Blinddrew would be interested, gotta be better than carrying a bass on a bike?
  18. [quote name='mybass' timestamp='1365509208' post='2040422'] These guys got away with it... [/quote] I really like this pic too, where did you find it? is it in the public domain? or is there a copyright on it? I'd like to use it, or something similar, for our band website.
  19. The Lumineers: Lumineers Electric: Richard Thompson The Way We Move: Langhorne Slim And The Law Live At The L.A Troubador: Fairport Convention There are more, but nothing but the Langhorne Slim gets played at the moment!
  20. I used to be in a band with a really good fiddler. He told me the story of how one of his previous bands got loads of gigs on the strength of a demo that had been recorded before he joined the band. When he was played the demo he thought it sounded not only good, but quite familiar. Indeed, Fairport Conventions 1974 "live" album does sound quite good.... He's a good fiddler, but he's no Dave Swarbrick! He left the band shortly afterwards.
  21. If it's illegal to ride a bike under the influence (which I'm sure it is) then carrying or towing a bass will surely attract plods attention pretty quickly.... I'd get a taxi.
  22. That 50's Lam wouldn't be the one that was on ebay a few weeks ago would it? Just up the road from me! I was sorely tempted, but it was a bit over budget and probably too good a bass for me....
  23. Thanks to you both, but I recently bought a black Carlo Giordano from fellow Basschatter 6feet7!
  24. Bought a DB from John Yesterday, lovely bloke, great bass at a good price. Nice one!
  25. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1348567069' post='1815180'] Agreed. I bought the Tarlton book early on and, short though it is, it gave me a solid grounding in position playing and intonation. Now I sound like DAve Holland (he's a plumber from Cardiff, by the way). [/quote] I actually know 2 Dave Hollands, neither of them are plumbers, or Welsh.....
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