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Everything posted by admiralchew

  1. They stayed up for about 40 minutes before seemingly selling out again. Hopefully Tom will keep producing them regularly.
  2. That’s a fantastic price for the bass! I’ve just moved and, while I have a few basses, it’s the Gretsch that is currently sat out on the stand ready to be played. They sound fantastic and if they’re good enough for Royal Blood… GLWTS!
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  4. It’s back in at Bass Direct by the looks of things.
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  6. There’s one in the classifieds now!
  7. Does anyone know if there are substantive differences between Mini Tarkins that have LPF and HPF switches that have up/down positions versus those with up/middle/down?
  8. The big blue one. I’ve been considering a few other of their pedals too. I’m interested in the Subversive Propaganda and a couple of their drive pedals. Both units are well made and sound great. They take up a lot of real estate and have side jacks but I mainly use them on a desk too so cramming them into a pedal board matters less to me.
  9. I picked up the FTelettronica PLL and Envelope Follower a couple of weeks ago and have been impressed by both. I was fiddling around with the Envelope Follower yesterday evening and it’s very flexible and very wet (as opposed to croaky) sounding. I’ve not played a Meatball though so can’t say how close they are. I’m planning to spend more time on it over the next couple of days and maybe try it with a different bass; I tried it with a passive bass and had to keep sensitivity at max and dig in to get it to trigger as much as I wanted but when it was dialled in it sounded great. FTelettronica were great to order through and the pedal arrived in less than a week.
  10. Thanks! Starting with a T-16?! Bold! Judging by some of the other threads I’ve seen your pedals since then have been equally good. It tracks incredibly well. No glitches down to G#/Ab and is extremely subby. Plus I had a T-16 toy as a kid so happy days! Thanks, Tom!
  11. The T-16s from Tuesday’s release have already started arriving! Happy days! It’s even better than I remembered. It tracks extremely well, it’s super subby and the new finish looks great! Tom makes some of (many of, to be honest) my favourite pedals. I’m glad he’s doing okay and I’m glad he’s building again. Long may both of those things continue!
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  13. Thanks, @Sibob That really is excellent news all round. I’m not on Facebook either so thank you for the heads up!
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  15. I recently bought a pedal from @andybassdoyle. The transaction was smooth, the pedal arrived quickly and well packaged and he was a top bloke to deal with. Excellent, and thanks!
  16. @Brian45 very kindly replied to my wanted ad. We’ve exchanged messages before and he’s always been great to deal with, and this pedal purchase was no different. It arrived in about 24 hours and was well-packaged. Fantastic, and thanks!
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  18. It’s just meant to add transformer saturation to the tone. I’m yet to play with it too much but I think it likes being zapped with a decent amount of gain from the pedal before. I use a compressor with a transformer as part of my desktop set up so, as part of trying to replicate some of that sound in miniature, I thought I would try a transformer in line on this board after the compressor.
  19. Yep, that’s the LBA transformer. I think I got quite lucky with it in that I read that they’ve now been discontinued. Hopefully that’s just in their current form though. I ordered directly from LBA and, had it not been held up for a month in customs, it would have been pretty straightforward to get. It also doesn’t need dedicated power (it has only the instrument cable connections) so it’s great to keep under the board.
  20. Thanks for the heads up, I wasn’t aware of that and it looks great! I’m heading to a practice room tonight so I thought I could manage without a cab sim today but that’s a good shout. I have a Shiftline Cabzone Bass that has a similar function so I may give that a whirl too.
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  22. I finally got around to wiring up my all-minis pedalboard. I wanted to see if I could replicate the majority of the functionality of my do-everything big board. A reverb, looper and DI are the missing pieces but I’m happy with the result and, because the boards are tiny, it would be easy to make them modular. Signal chain: signal cleaner (under board) > tuner > compressor > transformer (under board) > octave > OD/distortion > fuzz > filter > synth > chorus > flanger > phaser > delay
  23. One of the top 3 ODs that I’ve played and the one still on my board. Good luck with the sale!
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