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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. I'm using an Orange 4x10 cab and tuning down to drop A# plus using a Cali76 compressor and a LeBass valve preamp with the gain turned up quite a bit. Could that combination be contributing to my volume situation?
  2. If I was using an all valve amp wouldn't I want it running near max on the master volume to drive the valves and get a nice bit of dirt?
  3. I've been using an Orange Terror 500w amp for a few years now and despite having played in two very loud doom/stoner metal bands I've not yet got past 30% volume. What situation would actually use that much volume? Orange also made a 1000w version of this amp. Is it just so you can say you've got 1000 Watts?
  4. I've got them on my Stingray. They're quite bright but with a deep bottom end compared to my usual Slinky's. I play using a pick with loads of distortion in a stoner metal band and it cuts through nicely.
  5. I currently have my Orange Terror 500w with a 4x10 cab and I've never turned the volume past 30% volume. I used to have a Trace Elliot GP12SMX head with a 4x10 and 1x15 cab and needed to run that at 90% on the master volume with a band that wasn't as loud as this one.
  6. DC Comics and Chocolate Milkshake - Art Brut
  7. I'll be taking my new fuzz to practice tonight. I'm not convinced by this one myself so I may be told to not take it again.
  8. An invaluable piece of advice given to me by a great bassist "if you hit the wrong note, throw the guitarist an angry look. If you come in on the wrong beat, give the drummer a dirty look"
  9. Epiphone Thunderbird Vintage Pro with genuine Epiphone hard case. In excellent condition with just a paint chip on the headstock (see photo). Nearly new DR DDT strings. Possible exchange for Fender Precision or Ernie Ball USA SUB Stingray
  10. Did you? I'm sure if you put an extra couple hundred quid with it you could trade it in for a used Mexican P bass
  11. I was once told not to use my Orange amp again and to buy an Ampeg SVT classic because "that's the industry standard". As far as I know they're still looking for a replacement bassist.
  12. I've been in the office today so it's been headphones on all day and exploring new (to me) music. Emma Ruth Rundle was the highlight. Beautiful yet bleak and dark.
  13. This over complicated bridge was also not designed by an engineer, not a competent one anyway. What's the username of this bass butchering fool? I need to look up his creations
  14. Was he the dude with the incredibly complicated prototype bridge that claimed to solve all those problems no one ever has?
  15. I've just set up an old Squier P bass with the 4 heaviest from a 4 string set and tuned it to drop A#. I had to drill out the bridge for the heavier B string and file the nut. The truss rod needed a tweak as well. The other problem I had was the low string sounded muddier than a very muddy thing. I replaced the pickups with some cheap Tonerider pickups and now it sounds pretty decent.
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