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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. I'm a big metal fan, I love just about anything heavy but I keep reading thar nu metal is coming back and that to me was a low point in metal. I have never heard anyone say they miss Limp Bizkit or Crazy Town or Papa Roach. The few good bands to come out of the genre have moved on to something completely different now. There must have been some good stuff so where's the good bands I must have missed? Is anyone still playing old Korn or Limp Bizkit covers?
  2. SteveXFR

    Bass wah

    I'm definitely going to need a bigger board. I found this very good video
  3. SteveXFR

    Bass wah

    I think I'll check that out. Thanks
  4. SteveXFR

    Bass wah

    Some more details. I'll mostly be using it for the odd solo part so losing a little bottom end won't be a big problem. I'll be using an overdrive with it.
  5. SteveXFR

    Bass wah

    I think I need a wah. Do I need a bass specific wah or can I use a g****r wah?
  6. Karma chameleon (lizard innit) - Culture Club
  7. Bull (sharks) on parade - Rage Against The Machine
  8. One benefit of getting old and having an unconventional taste in music is most of the bands I want to see live are playing smaller venues and a lot of them are so much better and cheaper (tickets and beer) than the bigger O2 and similar venues. I'm also really fortunate to have one of the best independent venues in the county 10 minutes walk away. I'll go and see loads of bands I wouldn't normally in there because it's close, convenient, cheap and really good sound. They also occasionally get the odd big band like Foo Fighters and McCartney.
  9. I don't get that. You can't buy the tickets without paying it so why not just include it in the ticket price? Why does it need to be a separate fee?
  10. It looks like a dodgy area but it's fine. Marble Factory/Motion is a great venue. I really like it there. Security are friendly, sound is great, there's always a good spot to watch even if I take the kids. Watching Idles there was one of the best gigs I've been to.
  11. Bristol O2 is a turd of a venue in a city full of brilliant live music venues. Tickets and beer are far too expensive, the sound sucks, for the first four of five songs if you're at the barrier you can't see anything except the photographers right in front of the stage. While I appreciate good security is important, they are rather over enthusiastic at the O2. Fortunately most bands I want to see seem to be at Motion, SWX, Thekla or The Fleece which are all excellent venues. I'm off the The Fleece next week for Agnostic Front, can't wait for that one.
  12. Music would be very boring if everyone liked the same thing. Without having loads of different tastes it would never have evolved the way it has with hudredss of different genres.
  13. I think the vocals are great, dome of Lemmys best singing. I guess we can't all like the same thing
  14. I love this cover. I think it's very nearly as good as the original.
  15. I can't decide whether this is terrible or brilliant. It's definitely one extreme or the other
  16. Especially Guns N Roses. Their cover was competently played but Axle's vocals are dreadful
  17. I like Deftones but this cover of Simple Man is utter crap
  18. Is that a touch of sarcasm I detect there?
  19. I guess my biggest problem with having lots of power (with my amp at least) is that turning the knob one tenth of one degree can take it from not quite loud enough to making your ears bleed from 100 metres.
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