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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. That's probably for the best. I love Misfits but Jerry's bass (not his playing) sounds bloody awful. I'd say Lemmy has to be one of the most distinctive, Rickenbacker through marshall guitar amps played as a rhythm guitar is never going to sound like everyone else. Flea is quite distinctive. I'm no Chilli Peppers fan but instantly recognised his bass sound on Alanis Morissette's songs. He just has a really distinctive style.
  2. Spinning in the daffodils - Them Crooked Vultures
  3. Violent Pawnography - System Of A Down
  4. Redemption City - Corrosion Of Conformity
  5. What's the exciting way to practice scales?
  6. Holy crap, why didn't I think of that? I freaking love that song. I'll be on that in the morning.
  7. Have you not discovered Nintendocore yet? Or Dinosaur metal?
  8. ☝️☝️ What he said. Stranglers have some fantastic bass lines, all great to play with a pick. If you're not in to punk, forget their punk association, they're nothing like the Pistols. They're just a brilliant rock band.
  9. Scales may be incredibly dull but 10 minutes practicing them at the start of a session will help strengthen your joints and get you moving. If you really want to increase the boredom, try arpeggios as well.
  10. That's true, I forgot about that. Fast for the picking hand but the fret hand doesn't do a lot.
  11. Due to a case of golfers elbow (I've never played golf) I'm finding it quite painful to play anything fast which gets the fretting hand busy. While I can play through the pain, it's not good for recovery. Any recommendations for metal songs which don't get the fret hand moving too fast but are still interesting? I've been trying some Down this morning but the fast fills make my forearm feel like it's about to burst open.
  12. It seems I'm seeing in the new year with a glass of Highland Park and Family Guy. Couldn't ask for better really.
  13. Rubbernecker - Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs
  14. Sweet young thing ain't sweet no more - Mudhoney Do I get double points for this one?
  15. I've always seen New York hardcore as a completely separate genre to British punk because its so completely different. Were The Jam even a punk band? I thought they were new wave / pop. Maybe it would be simpler to just categorise music as good music or bad music.
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