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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Yes, likely the cable you use from the Zoom to the amp is faulty.
  2. The Seymour Duncan Hot Rails pickup ought to be a great upgrade for your Bronco. Regarding bridge, as said above most bridges out there are made for the standard 19mm string spacing at the bridge, and the Bronco only got 17mm strings spacing, and a slightly narrower neck, which means that if you fit a bridge with 19mm string spacing on the Bronco the upper and lower 2 strings will be very close to the edge of the fretboard, which will make it really hard to play without them slipping off the sides of the fretboard.
  3. "Neon Yuppie Coke Machine" is genius, the clear winner of this thread, nothing can beat that name!
  4. I'd blame the Mexicans, and make them pay for it! Like they are all smug like with their stupid hats, ponchos and fiestas, and what not! Oh, and those flamingo guitars! Whas'up with that? Make cover bass playing great again!
  5. I'll let you in on a neat tone secret that will upgrade your bass to a bass kazoo: I've heard that it is possible to emulate a kazoo sound on a bass, mind with a deeper tonality, simply by slitting the speaker cone(s) of your cab a couple of times. Using guitar speakers instead of bass specific ones allegedly should help too. And who wouldn't want their bass to sound like a bass kazoo?
  6. Well, back again on "Mr. Growley - The Noodlemancer", and think there's a chance I'll stay this time, and that it actually just might become my new preferred main instrument of choice. Really getting a hang of the extra range both above and a bit beneath my 4 string Mikro. Of course I can still play everything I did on my 4 string, but it does kind adjure and lend it self to a somewhat different way of playing, and I am starting to get used to this, jamming my way to something more worthwhile than the random disjointed noodling that seemed to come out of my fingers to start with when playing it. For one both the tone, the extended upper range, as well as the fact that it got one extra string, lend it self really well to incorporating chord work. And I really appreciate that you relatively easily can span over 3 octaves on the fretboard vertically. I have also gotten used to the tone, which I actually really love now, despite the fact that it is just the cheap stock bridge J pickup. Though as I mentioned in my OP I still kind of plan to swap the pickup out at some point. And if this really does become my new preferred instrument of choice I might eventually swap out the ugly big chunk of a BBOT bridge out with individual mono rail bridge pieces, milled from solid brass, as well.
  7. I am pretty sure that with the right template, which should be relatively easy to make for someone with a 3D drawing program provided with the right measurements/dimensions, it would be a simple task to have 3D printed some.
  8. Well, to nitpick said compressor might have a build in buffer that would still affect the signal, even if switched off. That said I am quite certain that wouldn't affect the tracking or accuracy of the tuner negatively. If anything that actually ought to improve it.
  9. Damn! And I thought that I had thought up the perfect cover, that no one would ever find out about my true identity. I guess I oughta known...
  10. The Crocodile Dundiee's La-la-la-coste Luxus Band David Chapman & The Dead Lennons
  11. How ironic... Also: Written in reply to a post by "Burns-bass": To which was replied :
  12. What? No! If the you put a capo on second fret of a long scale bass to use it as a short scale bass the effective result compared to a real short scale bass would be as I described:
  13. But with a wider nut width, and fretboard in general, with 2 less frets, a bigger bulky body and a huge hangover at the headstock.
  14. Mullets and Mohawks 80 Cans of Hairspray
  15. But that is rather obvious, and I never claimed otherwise. So clearly you were trying to prove something. The question is what exactly and why? However you don't need theory to know that. Ears and experience will tell you that. And personally I prefer the music and my ears to tell me what to do. But if you prefer your crotches and training wheels then suit yourself.
  16. Yuppie Cowboys/Lucky Punks 80 Bullets for Lucky Punks The 80's Hit Miss 80's and The Hits 80 Something 80 Immortals Old Wave
  17. 80's Gringe For A New Generation 80's Gringe > 90's Grunge ∞0 Forever
  18. You still don't seem to grasp what the concept of theory means and implies. I really can't be assed to go into this discussion. But theory is secondary, you got it the wrong way around. The theory is based on the language, the language is not based on the theory.
  19. Then you don't understand what theory is. Or more specifically what (western) music theory implies. No I didn't.
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