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Everything posted by AM1

  1. Seriously tempted on the 4x10 but need a cheaper price. Cash waiting, just not as much as you're asking!
  2. [quote name='Rasta' post='655387' date='Nov 15 2009, 08:11 PM']Never really got into the Warwick's thang, thick uncomfortable necks, nasal woody sound with no bottom, and well... i thought they were a bit overrated generally...... And soooo, i did a trade recently and ended up with a 96 Warwick Corvette, admittedly it has had good upgrades to EMG's and EMG pre amp, and wow this thing really rocks................well actually it funks for me to be honest! I haven't stopped funking on it, my terrible slap almost sounds audible, ...its weird because i don't really want to like it that much, i don't want to become attached because its kinda bass number 2/3 and having also recently sold my main Jazz bass to fund a 79 MM ray i feel guilty. I keep picking up this Warwick though, it has something paranormal going on about it, i get drawn to it,...it has a slimmer neck than i remember of Warwicks i tried many moons ago, it has a nice ass (bottom) too, and well i even like the ergonomics and general looks....does it do DUB? Its only a matter of time and i'll be singing the praises of those spiky BC Rich bitches I think i am becoming less judgemental but more mental every day, must be my day job i guess Anyway thought I'd bizarrely share this as losttheplot.com didn't yield any help for to me see sense in what i'm thinking.[/quote] Welcome to the Warwick world! Wait til you try a Streamer Stage 1/2!!
  3. [quote name='Clarky' post='654927' date='Nov 15 2009, 12:23 AM']Think you are taking my tongue-in-cheek comments very literally - our marriage is indeed a two way street, I drag her to my gigs, she drags me shopping![/quote] To be fair, you've got the shabby end of the deal! Rather go to a gig than shopping, any day!
  4. [quote name='Clarky' post='654921' date='Nov 15 2009, 12:19 AM']You have clearly never been married to Mrs Clarky[/quote] Why do you express your frustration here, rather than communicate.
  5. [quote name='Clarky' post='654912' date='Nov 15 2009, 12:04 AM']Yep and a salad with a caterpillar in it (in a brasserie at lunch time that charged Euro 16 for a burger). Yuck. Lost my appetite after that. And sadly my prediction was right - I was simply a bag carrier for Mrs Clarky in a rainy Paris Give me London any day[/quote] Well, it's a two way street, you should have done your own thing as well. I really despise shopping, I can't think of a worse way to spend a weekend!
  6. I complained to Ebay recently about misrepresentation, for which there is actually a Statutory offence and penalty. Ebay ignored it, then I escalated to Trading Standards/Public Protection, who sent the following, utterly pathetic, response: ----- Original Message ----- From: <[email protected]> To: <am> Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 2:55 PM Subject: enquiry reference XXX > > FAO AM> > Your email to this service concerning XXX Motor Company has been passed to > me to consider. In light of your experience I will be writing to the > trader to remind them of the need to ensure that any advertising they > produce is accurate and further where standard text is used in an advert > that it reflects the true position of any sale. > > Many thanks for brining this matter to our attention. > > Regards > > Spineless Wonder > Senior Trading Standards Officer > Public Protection, XXX Council > Tel: > Fax: ------------ The point is, mis-selling under the Trades Description Act is an offence, punishable by either a fine up to 5K or a custodial sentence. Trading Standards' response is unacceptable - they are the Enforcement Authority for these offences. Needless to say, I wrote back to demand that they recognise the offence and act accordingly, not just slap the seller on the wrists. False warranties on motor vehicles is a matter in the public interest, so why do both Ebay and Trading Standards turn a blind eye? Apparently dollars are more important than safety or honest sales, conducted with integrity. I hope you follow this up, there are implications for all of us in letting such matters go.
  7. Yo Cheers, some good suggestions - having gone back to the serious electric bass book, I'm back on track and making progress again. Works for me every time, over and above bands, composing, lessons, multi-instruments etc - books - the power of books can't be underestimated. Only downside is nearly 8 hours of playing today all in and desperate to play more, just right in the zone, but my wrist is throbbing now. Hate having to stop when I'm in that special bass place!! Time for some anaesthetic refreshments! Laters, thanks again!
  8. [quote name='51m0n' post='519677' date='Jun 20 2009, 09:50 PM']Not working hard at reading when at music college, if I'd got reading and charts down I'd have been set to get work as a jobbing bassist. (that one _really_ bugs me)[/quote] Yo dude! It's never too late to learn to read and you could still seek out work (PT). You could do this easily. [quote name='51m0n' post='519677' date='Jun 20 2009, 09:50 PM']Then giving up bass in all but name for about 4 or 5 years. At one point my technique was really really good, and I could play all day long at full tilt and not be fatigued, currently the amount of practicing I'm doing means my hands are utterly knackered :/ .[/quote] I still think your technique is amazing - seriously funktastic! But I can understand the desire to constantly improve and can understand the hand fatigue issue, I wish I had started playing bass at school! I used to be able to play for crazy amounts of time, ten hour practice sessions would fly by. Maybe it's just that bass is a physically hard instrument but I can't practice for anywhere near the same time, much as I'd love to!
  9. [quote name='Golchen' post='518910' date='Jun 19 2009, 09:18 PM']My big regret is that I have never played music with other people. I lack confidence in my abilities now and can't see me ever doing it.[/quote] The problem is just that you can't visualise yourself doing something that the rational part of you surely must know is well within your capabilities. If you allow fear to prevent you achieving something that could make you really happy, you'll always, always regret it. Visualisation is a very powerful technique. I think you should try visualising yourself going to some band auditions, joining one (or more) and playing on stage, in front of people. The more you start to "see" yourself doing this, the more likely it is to happen, because your mental barriers will recede and it will start to seem more realistic and feasible. What have you got to lose? The feelings you have to confront in order to go and play in front of others are a lot less painful than a lifetime of regret over not even trying.
  10. AM1

    my next step

    [quote name='Kendo' post='649341' date='Nov 9 2009, 02:13 AM']hi am1 there quite hard to get hold of arent they. Have you tried the vampyre 5 string? how does that compare? cheers[/quote] Hi again, yes the Korean examples are fairly rare, I was very lucky. The Vampyre, I haven't tried the 5 string so I cannot give you a valid comparison in terms of the neck but I personally prefer the Rockbass sound, it's just got more growl. Of course the playability versus tone dilemma is entirely your call! Great basses have both and that's why I love the Rockbass 5
  11. [quote name='The Funk' post='649479' date='Nov 9 2009, 10:42 AM']But then who am I? [/quote] Dude, you ARE the funk!
  12. [quote name='FuNkShUi' post='646396' date='Nov 5 2009, 04:32 PM']2 years ago when i started playing i wanted to understand how musical notation worked. So i kinda taught myself as best i could. Could never say i could read it, but i could understand it, and given 15 mins with music, i could work it out. 2 years later and ive decided to pick it up again. I have lessons with a great teacher, and he has leant me a book to work from. Only problem being the songs in the book are by Stanley Clarke,Marcus Miller and Jaco. Great book, and great songs and usually love to play. But I could do with working on some less complicated pieces of music for the time being, to ensure im actually reading it, not just playing it how i know it sounds ( i try my best not to do this, but just cant help it sometimes ) So, does anyone have any recommendations they found useful when learning?[/quote] For a good variety of tuneage try the Bass White Pages. Try learning something that you've never heard and once you think you've nailed it, then listen to it being played and what the bass is doing. Even better if you are able to record yourself playing, even to a programmed drum beat and listen to how the whole thing flows. I'm a much better reader than I am a bass player as bass is a new instrument to me so my learning experience is kind of back to front. If you keep trying to "learn" from notation, using pieces of music that you know, you will end up always working out bits of it by ear because that's your natural learning mechanism and it can be quicker and easier than the frustration of working through the sheet music piece by piece. It can be hard to break out of the self-conditioning of using your natural, easier and quicker (at first) learning mechanism. You need to take the natural advantage of having heard a tune out of the equation and challenge yourself with learning the notation for songs you've never heard. When you first pick up a piece of music, don't rush right in. Look at it and analyse it first - what is the time signature, what is the key signature etc. Once you fully understand the notes on the bass clef and can correlate them to the correct positions on the bass, you should start to be able to look at a piece of music, straight away "see" the relationships between the notes and visualise the rhythm and beat and HEAR that piece of music in your head before you even try to play. Once you can visualise in your mind how a piece of music should sound, by reading through the score, the rest is just mechanics. Don't forget about rests, note lengths, phrasing, accents and dynamics. As soon as you can pick up a piece of music and read it and be able to hear how it should sound in your mind without an instrument beside you, you're on the right track!
  13. AM1

    Flea Bass

    [quote name='stingrayfan' post='648201' date='Nov 7 2009, 04:52 PM']+1. He's a talented kid.[/quote] Oh, immensely so - especially considering he's only been playing bass for 3 years!! I've learned a lot just from watching and listening to his uploads. When you look at the two versions of Master Blaster he recorded, in the early one you can see him using a variant of floating thumb technique then in the second recording his technique is totally different, thumb anchored on the pickup. I play exactly the way he plays in the first recording mostly out of force of habit but it's proving very difficult to fully break out of it but I know it won't come overnight. Check out some of his Jamiroquai recordings....there's the makings of a magnificently funktastic player. He has a natural sense of groove you don't see so much of. In time when he leaves just a bit more space, it will be dynamite.
  14. AM1

    my next step

    [quote name='Kendo' post='648437' date='Nov 7 2009, 11:33 PM']Hey, ok I know this is going to be based on very personal tastes but I would like your opinions anyway as I am looking for inspiration. I have a SGC NANYO SB320 Bass - I love it , its great. I feel now that I want to upgrade to the next level. so I looking for a new bass , perhaps a 5 stringer , someware between 500 GBP -1200 GBP new or old that is noticeably better than my current bass. I am looking to play eagles style music and jazz on the bass , but I dont want it limited to just one genre. any ideas ? thanks people Kendo[/quote] Warwick Rockbass 5 stringer. An amazing versatile and under-rated bass. I haven't tried much Eagles stuff with it, just One of these nights and a few others from that era but this bass sounds great live and recorded and it's way cheaper than your budget plus the neck is really sweet. Tip - try to find a Korean one.
  15. [quote name='Rasta' post='592668' date='Sep 8 2009, 08:02 AM']Anything good & funky that tickles my funk gland that makes me go into a spasm is good for me-i don't get off that much on these super bassers doing funk like Miller & Wooten really...[/quote] Hmmm.....I hear what you say about Miller and Wooten, it's an interesting point. [quote name='Rasta' post='592668' date='Sep 8 2009, 08:02 AM']they're amazing guys but Groove is most definitely in the heart baba.....raw & filthy funk the type of groove you can chew on. [/quote] Totally agree. Groove for me is the very essence of bass. It's what it's all about! Rhythm and groove. The more I learn, the more I'm starting to think you either have a natural and innate sense of groove or you don't. It's definitely in the heart! I don't know how much that particular element can be "cultivated".
  16. I'm feeling really angry, frustrated and disappointed with myself. I can't see any progress happening lately, whereas before this it was happening in leaps and bounds. Even though I usually do make time for structured practice, lately I just keep picking up the bass and jamming. It's like I can't help myself. I have wasted hours and hours of time recently just creating riffs and grooves to backing drum tracks and basically p*ssing about. It's not constructive other than how totally therapeutic it is after a sh*t day. I seem to be playing bass a lot as a sanctuary but not actually doing anything to progress my playing. I have thought through this carefully as it is not like me to be so undisciplined and I think the main reason I am constantly noodling is because I can't quite figure out what to do next in terms of learning. I have already tried loads of genres, techniques and music rudiments and they are things to keep working at but what else can I do to expand my bass horizons? I dismissed it as just a phase but it's happening too often now. I need something to get me back on track and trucking forward again. Any hints or tips gratefully received as this is really making me feel totally disappointed with myself.
  17. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='645155' date='Nov 4 2009, 12:45 PM']Lowest point, was 3 months later when HMV sent 90% of the stock back as unsold as our management deal (if thats what you call it) had done no promotion and shortly after the band fell apart...[/quote] A truly terrible feeling but unfortunately it happens all the time.
  18. [quote name='witterth' post='644844' date='Nov 3 2009, 11:17 PM']when I played "love games" on the released version for polydor... Mark King was sick that day....no its true.....I did .....really....[/quote] He turned up in the studio next door to me not long ago. Believe it or not, there was NO slap!
  19. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='644846' date='Nov 3 2009, 11:21 PM']Z list performers I have supported/ played with/ refused/ been on holiday with. Magnum, Pato Banton, Belinda Carlisle, Showadywady, Neds Atomic Dustbin, The Wonderstuff, The Wildhearts, Phil Jupitus and The Blockheads, PowerBelly, Dennis from Musical Youth, Spocks Beard and Alan Towers. I think.[/quote] I loved the Wildhearts!
  20. AM1

    Flea Bass

    No seriously, take a look at some of his non-RHCP vids, he's an excellent bass player and always progressing, you can see the progression along the way! Take a look at some of the Stevie Wonder stuff, mature playing. His passion for the instrument is amazing. PS take a look at some of his other basses!!!
  21. Bonjour! Stunning bass! But I'd say she's only worth about £100. I'll give you £150 though. Just kidding. Good luck with the sale...beautiful bass. Regards AM
  22. [quote name='Linus27' post='617489' date='Oct 5 2009, 01:49 PM']I love the really hot sweaty gigs where the sweat is pouring off you into your eyes and you can hardly see but you just don't care. You have so much energy and you never wan't it to stop. They are the best gigs ever.[/quote] That's what it's all about!!
  23. [quote name='urb' post='621523' date='Oct 9 2009, 11:46 AM']Here's a chord based solo piece I wrote, I use variations on some of the commonly used triple stops, i.e. root, third, seventh, but I also like to use some barred chords which give a slightly more ambiguous quality to their sound, these are sort of 6ths and 13ths, but I've given it all a twist with the variation on Wooten's open, hammer, pluck thing, hope you like it: Cheers Mike[/quote] Mate, that is *superb* - I especially like the "percussive" section starting 1.40 and then the ascending and descending sequence at 3.00. Got any more?!
  24. Bass - make like a catfish and hang out on the bottom
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