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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1415612277' post='2601876'] The successful pop collaboration between Gabrielle and East 17 for the song 'If You Ever' almost never happened. The romantic opening line, "The first time I saw your brown eyes' is the version we all know. However, as it was actually written about eyepatch-wearing Gabrielle, the original version said "The first time I saw your brown eye". Instant ban from the BBC and a slap in the face for Brian Harvey. [/quote] There's one bit that bears repeating though. [quote]a slap in the face for Brian Harvey.[/quote]This bit. Oh yes. [quote]a slap in the face for Brian Harvey.[/quote]I love the way this trips off the tongue. [quote]a slap in the face for Brian Harvey.[/quote]So satisfying.
  2. When a young Marvin Lee Aday was discussing his future music career over lunch one day with a girl he was hoping to impress, she asked what his stage name was going to be. In a bit of a panic, he glanced at the menu and said the first thing he saw. It was only when Bat Out Of Hell was about to be released that his manager finally convinced him to change his name from Garlic Mushroom.
  3. Oh dear oh dear. He's obviously never heard "measure twice, cut once". Or in his case, drill once.
  4. Sold @ £355. Somebody got a bit of a bargain I reckon. I'm starting to wish I'd had a punt.
  5. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1415396458' post='2600028'] There's usually one up on eBay. I wouldn't have it if you paid me, personally. [/quote] +1 Each to their own, I guess.
  6. Much obliged squire enquiry now submitted.
  7. I have a very lovely [url="http://www.brightonguitars.co.uk/image/cache/data/products/tanglewood/TGRB-CE-700x700.jpg"]Tanglewood acoustic bass guitar[/url], but I find it a bit challenging to play as there's nowhere to anchor my thumb. I'd like to get hold of a small, discrete thumbrest but searches for such an item are coming to nought. The sort of thing I have in mind is as per Jonas Hellborg's Wechter (see pic below), but made of rosewood to match the back/sides/f'board of my bass. As I said, the smaller the better really, no more than about 20-25mm long. The idea would be to attach with double-sided carpet tape or the like, rather than screw or glue. Does anyone know of such an item available anywhere, or failing that of a UK luthier who would be able/willing to knock up something suitable for a reasonable cost? Doesn't have to be local, just a good artisan who won't take 6 months to deliver.
  8. Well I like it. I'd never get to use it in my current bands though. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1960s-Fenderbird-Replica-Bass-Guitar-John-Entwistle-Heavy-Relic-/191393310676?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c8fee27d4#ht_2152wt_1174"]Nicely done tribute[/url]
  9. Well I like it. I'd never get to use it in my current bands though. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1960s-Fenderbird-Replica-Bass-Guitar-John-Entwistle-Heavy-Relic-/191393310676?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c8fee27d4#ht_2152wt_1174"]Nicely done tribute[/url]
  10. I haven't made a model aeroplane for donkey's ages. In fact one of the last ones I did was a Matchbox Spitfire Mk.24, the 1:32 scale one. Really took my time over it and the results were, if I say so myself, bloody good. The level of detail on that big Griffon engine was superb. It's now long gone unfortunately, but I could quite fancy building another. In fact I see there's one on fleaBay for a tenner... and some upgrade bits too... hmmm...
  11. Kinda wish I hadn't said anything now.
  12. You can call it a transfer if you want. I call it a decal, and have done so since my very first clumsily-glued-together Spitfire. If it's good enough for Airfix, it's good enough for me Back on topic for a second -- I'll have a quick rummage at home later, I might still have a 70s P [b]decal[/b] lurking somewhere. Can't promise anything.
  13. Interesting concept. I hate Coronation Street, but I can't say I've never gone out of my way to watch another episode just to remind myself how much I despise it. Perhaps I should?
  14. George Michael's MTV Unplugged gig on youtube. I'd forgotten how completely brilliant this set is. Great arrangements, the band is as tight as a gnat's chuff and the vocals are sublime. Wonderful, wonderful stuff. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75x6mMwzjk8[/media]
  15. Given that the programme was specifically about slapping, did you seriously expect to enjoy it?
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1415275671' post='2598636'] Don Van Vilet can get away with it because he's from the US. Most of us on here aren't. [/quote] Decal is an abbreviation of [i]decalcomania[/i], which is the English version of the French word [i]décalcomanie.[/i] Refers to a technique invented by the French engraver Simon François Ravenet in a process he called "décalquer" ('to copy by tracing'). So it's about as American as boeuf bourguignon
  17. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1415275017' post='2598614'] Did we? I missed that. What did they say, good things I hope? [/quote] It was the bit where Mitch Benn was acknowledging that slap bass isn't everybody's cuppa -- so our 'mention' was one quote from an 'isn't-slap-terrible' thread somewhere on the site, opining that "the only things that should be slapped are politicians and newborn babies' arses". So now the Radio 4 audience knows that we are miserable negative gits too
  18. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1415274517' post='2598601'] Mark King? don't think I'll bother just my onion of course but he's my least favourite bass player [/quote] There's plenty of other stuff. It's not all King by any stretch. Yolanda Charles is featuring quite heavily too, and there are other things -- some great Larry Graham, some dreadful Primus, etc etc.
  19. An admirable cause, but... [quote name='poster thingy'] CHRIS EVANS JOHNNY VEGAS LIAM GALLAGHER [/quote] ...? If any of them are allowed within 50ft of a mic, it will be a travesty.
  20. For anyone who has an active bass that lives under the bed, a quick plea... Please for God's sake [b]take the battery out[/b]
  21. Sell the 55 and live with a P that sounds great but isn't the right colour. Or sell the 64 and live with a P that also sounds great and IS the right colour, but doesn't have the exact tone you want. Bear in mind that 99% of your band's punters (and your band probably) wouldn't spot the difference in tone between the two anyway.
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1414788978' post='2593425'] What do you want? Some old crooning bastard like Paul Rogers (sic) on it or summat? Not digging it is cool but saying it's crap because you can't understand it is unclassy. [/quote] Not digging Paul Rodgers is cool, but saying he's a 'crooning bastard' just because he's been round the block a couple of times is unclassy.
  23. [quote name='Bassjon' timestamp='1414840080' post='2593803'] Dug from Kings X! I have NO idea how he gets that tone. I'm not interested in copying his rig but if anyone knows how his EQ's are set I'd be interested to know. I imagine its the classic 'scooped' sound but what gives him that grit? [/quote] I'd imagine his use of 12-string basses might be a contributory factor
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