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Everything posted by javi_bassist

  1. I agree with him. Maybe because of my experience. Since I started playing bass (14 years ago) my cab has been mic'ed twice. And, the idea behind IRs is really cool, in a live situation, I just prefer the DI of my amp. Now that I use my HX stomp, I have tried many different cab simulations and IRs and I don't really like them.
  2. I've been getting some ideas from this preset to modify mine and now the Stubio Tube Pre is possibly one of my favourite preamps. Very clean with some warm. I am trying to mimic my Markbass Little Mark Tube and I am using an, EQ block the Studio Tube Pre and a LPF to mimic the VLE. Not 100% there, but I'm pretty happy with the result.
  3. In my case, I have already upgraded the preamp with a Delano. And I also included a passive tone. The bass itself is pretty amazing and comfortable. I think that with some investment it's a beast
  4. I got a pair of Delano pickups for my BB605. I tend to prefer the 605 to the 735. Both are really good, but the BB605 feels better in my hands. It feels even better than basses that I have that cost a lot more.
  5. The Epi Jack Casady and the Markbass Little Mark Tube are definitely a match ❤️

    1. BillyBass


      Lovely looking basses them...any photos of your matching pair?

    2. javi_bassist


      Nope, but I will make one haha. I am using the Markbass plugged to my computer. No cab. And the Epi is one of my favourite basses. It sounds too good.

  6. IN: Markbass Little Mark Tube Short Scale Marchis Yamaha BB605 Delano pickups (for the BB605) Radial Engineering SB2 DI EBS Multicomp Ashdown RM 112T OUT: A lot of pedals
  7. I'd never owned a short scale, but I've always wanted one. One night, after a rehearsal, a friend of mine told me that the bass player of his band had moved to another country and that he gave him this bass because the bass player didn't want it. I told him that I liked it and that if he didn't want it, I'd buy it from him. He gave it to me and told me that it was mine if I wanted it. I don't know the brand. I have to change the jack plug and give a good adjustment, but so far, I really like it. With both pickups on, it sounds pretty bad (IMO). But using just one of them sounds really really good. I love it.
  8. Hi all! So, after 3 years with my beloved Ashdown RM500, I wanted something different. Not that I dislike the Ashdown, but I've been having some issues with it lately, so I needed something because I'm gigging a lot and I need the amp. While the Ashdown is being fixed, I bought this: Markbass Little Mark Tube. I had some other options, but this head had everything I was looking for: -Quality DI -Mute function (I find it crazy how many amps doesn't have a mute function) -Portable -I also like the Line Level and the possibility to plug my synth in the other input. So, how does it sound? Much better than I expected. I couldn't properly try it before trying, but this thing sounds pretty awesome. The valve warms the sound and makes it fatter in a very musical way. I really like it. In the Eq is where I have to experiment more. The EQ in the Ashdown is just really really good and I have to get used to the EQ of the Markbass. The VLE though, It adds this LPF in the DI and it's a function that I like to have. Overall, I'm really happy with it.
  9. I've just purchased a Markbass Little Mark Tube and I'm too exciting about it 😁

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lozz196


      Nice little amps, I really like mine

    3. BillyBass


      So Javi, lets have a review then.

    4. javi_bassist


      I don't have it yet. It is supposed to be delivered today

  10. Hello guys, I had been gigging hard my RM500. However, in my last gigs, the sound guys are telling me that the DI from the head has some noise. They can hide it, but it's there. They also ask me if it has a ground lift switch (I don't know why Ashdown doesn't include it). Do you people have any noise coming from the DI? I have to admit that no one had told me that before the pandemic and I don't listen to any noise when I try it at home.
  11. Hello guys, The other day I bought a new EBS Multicomp. The pedal is great. But then, I realized that, some years ago, EBS was one of the best amp companies in the world. Very respected and everything they did was top of their class. Their amps were like the grail. But now, they seem "quiet", old fashioned and they don't have many new products. I know the market is always changing and the pandemic may have hurt them. What do you guys think?
  12. The other day I was talking to a bass player in Instagram because of the amazing tone he had. He was using the B7K v2 I think. The tone was clean with just some overdrive and it sounded really big. I looked for videos in youtube but Darkglass seems associated with a lot of distortion. Even some youtubers claiming that they were going to try clean ended up with a lot of overdrive. I guess I will have to try it myself
  13. The cheap TC line has many good pedals. I have used the flanger and was really cool. The Mooer Ensemble Queen sounded really good, even though the Ampeg Liquifier sounded better IMO.
  14. Hello guys! I have a question. I am considering this amp or the Terror Bass. I'm not sure about this one since it doesn't have input gain and I have basses with a lot of output and some with very low output. How do you guys see the amp with different basses? (I don't switch basses during a show, but I'm concerned that my jazz bass doesn't have enough output or that my other bass could clip the amp).
  15. Even though I had been setting it properly for the last 3 years, this all started because I read the manual. In the manual (at least the RM500 manual) says that you should use the VU meter to set the signal. It doesn't say anything about the clipping light. Thinking about someone who is starting and gets his/her first amp, it is a mistake. They should take care more about this things. I've always been an Ashdown fan. I've played a lot of amps, and I always come back to Ashdown. I love the sound of my RM500 and when I go ampless, I always use my OriginAL preamp. However, I think Ashdown has always failed when it comes to little details, like the VU meter in the RM500. There is a thread about someone who has bought an ABM 600 and the push buttons are reversed. In my OriginAL preamp, not all of the buttons are the same size when pushed out. These things do not affect the good sound all these devices produce, but IMO they give the wrong impression that Ashdown is not a top-serious company (and it is).
  16. I've been talking to Ashdown the last couple of days. Apparently the amp is fine, but the VU is reading low. I could send it back to the dealer to be checked. However, since I'd have to send it to Germany, I think I will just keep it. Checking some reviews on Youtube I saw that, in none of the heads, the needle in the VU moves past 10, which is the same as mine. I guess it's a common thing and we all set it this way. The amp still sounds good. I have to say that it's a little bit annoying to have the VU meter and it being useless. But after three years using it this way, I got used to its sound.
  17. Angels and Airwaves- Lifeforms Biffy Clyro - The myth of the happily ever after Morgan - the river and the stone
  18. Yes! I have it in the loop. Then, I have an IR in a parallel path, splitting the signal of the AL, one going without any more effects and one with an IR. It sounds really good.
  19. I've been trying my Original with my HX Stomp lately. What I found is that with the valve on, it has some high end that I don't like very much. However, combined with a cab simulation or IR, it sounds pretty amazing. Just the clean channel sounds pretty good too. Really underrated pedal. And prices are going down.
  20. A little bit bass (between 12-1), a little bit of low-mid cut (11) and a little bit of mid (12-1). Comp at 9 (today, it's usually off) and drive at 7-8. Nothing extreme I think. But I have tried with no Drive, no eq and no comp and it's the same.
  21. It is very low. However, increasing the input it makes the amp to clip (and the rid light shows)
  22. After 3 years with my RM500 Evo, I'm still not sure how to properly set the Input gain. I usually add gain until the red light appears. Then I take some off. It clips a little bit from time to time, more often when I play the 5th string. The VU meter doesn't move away from the 10, but I just have to ignore it I guess. How do you guys set your RM?
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