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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. [quote name='bartelby' post='1030691' date='Nov 20 2010, 06:22 PM']I think we all worked that out thanks... [/quote] Sorry, I've been talking to a lot of guitarists recently.
  2. The old relic: The obligatory cracked finish and a good sprinkling of dust when this was taken. The DiMarzio bridge pickup has since been replaced with a black Wizard.
  3. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='1029848' date='Nov 19 2010, 08:08 PM']Does this count!? I've only put this on so I can have an excuse to look at this thread again. There really is something about a white bass.[/quote] What? No [size=5][b]negative[/b][/size] comments? This is what it really looks like: Time for the black basses thread.
  4. 'The Colour of Spring' Talk Talk. Here's the opening track.
  5. Does this count!? I've only put this on so I can have an excuse to look at this thread again. There really is something about a white bass.
  6. Would love to be there. Let us know how it goes Nigel.
  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1029403' date='Nov 19 2010, 02:40 PM']"Look children, it's Widow Tw***y!" Well, that's completely f***ed my plans for a Panto thread.[/quote] Oh no it hasn't.
  8. [size=7]TIM[/size]ber! [attachment=64355:TIMBER....jpg]
  9. [quote name='DanOwens' post='1027968' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:40 PM']Hi Simon (sorry for the hijack). I've been developing my understanding of elitism in performance and subverting the supply/demand aspects of music recording. As such I'm employing a transient, dynamic process to the distance-listening experience that I see music recording as. I've developed a vocal-only system whereby the performance is only heard by one listener at a time and once the performance has been completed, it is destroyed (in truth, it was never truly recorded except by the listener's own consciousness). My signal path is this: Voice > cup > string > cup > ear. What is the best string to use in this setup? Dan [/quote] The gold thread removed from the turn-ups of a merchant banker's trousers. I just can't use anything else now.
  10. [quote name='51m0n' post='1027895' date='Nov 18 2010, 01:26 PM']Crikey, I'm on fire today aren't I [/quote] Oh well, while we are about it have another boost from me - it's got to the point where I'm starting to actually look out for your posts... always good value whether I agree or not.
  11. Cheers, guys - thanks for the comments. Slight update - brought the neck pickup in towards the bridge a tad - it will be rare that I ever use the neck pickup on it's own, and they should blend a tad better for my tastes when both are working together now. Robbie has sketched the neck out as well. How are you finding your magnificent beast Shep?
  12. Well I've bitten the bank manager and asked Robbie to caress the following into life: 34" fretless 5, Marseer design with the cut-out recess for the bridge tailpiece rather than the fishtail. ETS bridge and tailpiece Ash body with satin poly finish Finger ramp between the pickups Nice thin fast bolt-on neck with ebony fingerboard Embedded luminous side position markers - not LEDs 3 band active Glockenklang eq Two Christoph Dolf Dual Coil pickups All hardware to be black against a light coloured finish, and very minimalist in looks. Here's a sketch of the body as supplied by Robbie - with a six string bridge which I've only just noticed . (Edit for observancy)
  13. I only cottoned onto this thread recently - pennance is due... As the first real bassline I (almost) learned was 'Heart of the Sunrise', I have a natural affinity to things Yes and Chris Squire. I have to say that your bass is a monumental triumph of gargantuan proportions Nigel. Just superb.
  14. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1021746' date='Nov 12 2010, 05:48 PM']A friend and I are both interested in the hole - can we have half each?[/quote] Strange... I put some board over the hole in the fence as it has started raining. As soon as I'd put the last nail in I noticed that the hole had disappeared. I'm sure I didn't remove it or put it down anywhere. If it doesn't turn up soon I'll have to report it stolen. So sorry guys it's only the 15 left. Split left/right or top/bottom? It would be nice to keep it all together as it came as a whole in the first place.
  15. [quote name='E sharp' post='1021822' date='Nov 12 2010, 07:03 PM']I'm in no doubt that Alex and Bill know more about this that I will ever get my head around , but Stevie surely has a point . If 4x10 cabs are wrong , then why do people keep buying them . If it sounds crap , then we wouldn't use them , even if the badge says Berg,Epi or whatever .[/quote] I don't think it's a question of 4x10s being wrong, so much as other alternatives being potentially better, if applied correctly. The crucial practical question is: How much better, and in which areas? Enough to matter? Matter to whom? A vertical array of 2 2x10s would give an more even lateral spread of sound, without interference peaks and troughs as you traverse across the width of the playing area. The audience may be affected, but you might not notice up on stage. The audience may not notice or care though of course, but for certain types of music they may. Your fellow band members may appreciate the better dispersion of sound as well, but if they can already hear you clearly enough - where's the problem? People keep buying 4x10s because they are a compromise that is probably good enough most of the time. I'd be interested in doing some listening tests with a couple of 2x10s just to see what differences we could be talking about here. Sounds like a job for a future Bass Bash.
  16. If you kept your Jack Sh*t, you could pair it with a hole I'm hoping to shift. It's currently in the ground at the moment, but I could get it removed and parcelled up without too much trouble. It's a 15" hole and sounds immense. I also have a 12" hole - currently stored in a fence for safe keeping - small and ideal for gigging. Worth consideration surely?
  17. 70s – Chris Squire 80s – Mick Karn 90s on – Eberhard Weber None to any massive degree, but they're there if you look very very closely.
  18. That's just jogged my memory... I used to have an SAI 2x15, this will be around 1977-78. It had a square cut-out aperture on the front, revealing the internal rockwool padding and was rather heavy but didn't go particularly deep in terms of frequency response. It was driven by a Sound City 120 and went pretty loud though. I'd bought it for £30 from a superbly gifted bass player called Paddy Brannigan who I met at university. Wonder what happened to him......
  19. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1015754' date='Nov 7 2010, 09:29 PM']Flawed question, as it attempts to corner the person answering with a prescriptive notion that only one answer is valid. Speaking honestly and from the heart Pete, if you really want answers to matters musical then you need to be asking yourself why you would ask a question that is fundamentally inappropriate to art. The obvious extrapolation from the evidence within the question is not that you really seek to have it answered, but that you seek confirmation that your own position on the subject is the correct one, and the only one worthy of consideration. You will rarely find anything revelationary or revealing when you limit the potential outcomes of the quest for information with such strict parameters.[/quote] Erudition, brevity and understanding on a stick.
  20. Robbie's work just exudes that elusive combination of soul and meticulous craftsmanship. You have all the attention to detail and precision you could want but it's anything but clinical or sterile. Utterly exquisite. Need a copywriter Robbie? Cheap rates...
  21. [quote name='XPAULUSX' post='1009568' date='Nov 2 2010, 01:18 PM'][url="http://professional.celestion.com/bass/orange/index.asp"]http://professional.celestion.com/bass/orange/index.asp[/url] Whats the difference between the orange label and the green label?[/quote] The orange label use light neodymium magnets, the green label ones use the older and heavier ferrite magnets, and are twice the weight. There are also subtle technical differences, the main one being that the orange look a bit more more efficient.
  22. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1009302' date='Nov 2 2010, 09:11 AM']Sweet. Looking forward to seeing another Marseer build diary as well![/quote] Been watching this build diary with immense interest, because... there might be another before long - a Marseer 5 fretless. The fund is nearly there...
  23. That's a lot of great coverage there Dood. Well deserved too.
  24. Just about to sit down and play back a radio broadcast that Fear of Bicycles did last night. Crammed into a tiny studio - the drummer has enough room for a snare and cymbal , and I had to leave the bass rig poking in through the studio door. We were asked to do 9 five minute ditties spread over three hours. After standing for three hours with my bass around my neck my back is just a little tired today. The radio station? Vixen Radio a local radio station and it was 'The Fox's Den slot 9pm 'til 12.00 midnight. Normally, the band has a bit longer to explore, develop and expand* on improvisations, being limited to five minutes was hard work mentally, but good fun. If any of the slots are any good I might post them up on BC. *This is what is [i][b]supposed[/b][/i] to happen.
  25. Sorry. All I could think of on the spur of the moment.
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