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Everything posted by PauBass

  1. We are playing the Horsham Park this Saturday, 8th of August. It's the final of the Battle Of The Bands and, as 2012 winners, we have been invited to play a headline show whilst the judges make the decision on this years winner. We'll be on stage at 20.45...if you are around, come, check as out and say hello! [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/1420565074915234/"]https://www.facebook...20565074915234/[/url]
  2. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm really excited about this! [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm in a band called [/font][/color][b]Killing Vegas[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] and, as of last night, "Illuminations", our new EP, is out for everyone to listen.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm very pleased with it, considering it was recorded in our practice room and all mixed and mastered by ourselves.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'd really appreciate if you could check it out in SoundCloud and let me know what you think...thanks![/font][/color] https://soundcloud.com/killingvegasuk/sets/illuminations
  3. I'm really excited about this! I'm in a band called [b]Killing Vegas[/b] and, as of last night, "Illuminations", our new EP, is out for everyone to listen. I'm very pleased with it, considering it was recorded in our practice room and all mixed and mastered by ourselves. I'd really appreciate if you could check it out and let me know what you think...Thanks! (click on the image below ) [url="https://soundcloud.com/killingvegasuk/sets/illuminations"][/url]
  4. Wow, stunning basses you have there! After having bought mine and seeing how good they are, no wonder you have ordered a second one Congratulations, enjoy it!
  5. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1435674910' post='2811291'] I bet it's that same thing I referred to earlier, about many lightweight amps not being able to deliver full power for long enough. So you get the attack of the note at full loudness but you don't get the WEIGHT of the note because the amp has run out of power by the time that comes through. Do you want to borrow our prototype power stage and see how it compares to the DB750's using the DB750 preamp to drive it? [/quote] I'd love to Alex!....I'll get in touch by PM asap. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1435690812' post='2811549'] I know what you mean when you say "there's something missing". I thought so to initially but I think it maybe that one's 'focus' is distracted away from the lower frequencies to all the harmonics which are now more prevalent. I can still get my 'old school' sound with some drastic eq-ing. Attack is there as is sustain. Definitely crisper, not a soft sound. [/quote] Yes, I can also get the tone out of the amps I have owned/tried, as I said lots of volume, they are incredible powerful for such small amps, but once on the mix is when I find the lack of note weight, not just me, my band mates also thought so. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1435703955' post='2811755'] Well the 220 Watt Ashdown Rootmaster is an AB but the higher powered unit is Class D. Both AlexClaber and Passinwind are right. It is all about the power supply and whether the amp/power supply are designed for pro use. The ICEPower module used in the TH500 is really designed for home hifi/home cinema use and is not really suited for use as a bass amp. The one used by Pasdinwind in his latest modular amp is a whole different beast, That said a lot of people love the TH500 so what do I know. A lot of class A/B amps and Class D use chip amps designed for the consumer market and suffer from marketing hype. Power output quoted at 10% distortion, A good Class D or Class AB or Class G or H will sound good if the content is good. And remember that most valve amps of any power is Class AB although it is usually called push pull. Now I am fascinated by Barefaced brining pit an amp. Do you have any more info Alex? [/quote] So, it's seems there's more to it than psychology then.
  6. Thanks for all the comments! It really is a great bass, top quality all around, I'm glad I went with it, this is by far the most comfortable and best 5 strings bass I have ever played! ...and that's been a few I'm very picky when it comes to balance, neck dimensions, action, sound... and this bass has it all! Even with the downsized jazz body, it balances perfectly and the bass is not too heavy for a 5 string. My favourite feature has to be neck, it is so easy to play, the asymmetric neck is a nice feature, it really helps and makes playing effortless, nice low action with no fret buzz, the birdseye fingerboard is beautiful and the bass stays in tune forever. With regards to the tone, its a beautiful sounding instrument, a bit more aggressive and bright than traditional jazz basses, it has plenty of bite and attack, main reason for me buying this bass... but it can be tamed down and get your old school P and Jazz bass sounds with no problems, the notes ring evenly all across the strings and neck and really it shines on any music style. ...So, as you can see, a very happy new Mike Lull owner here!
  7. ...and finally some pics! ....phone quality but you get the idea [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/Mike%20Lull%20-%20Bryan%20Beller/0EC5A0AF-3725-4EC2-9F28-762800233BD7_zpslzyeq9cs.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/Mike%20Lull%20-%20Bryan%20Beller/A5288F62-CD70-434E-BAF3-7C07B55BFBBB_zpsfvkijmxb.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/Mike%20Lull%20-%20Bryan%20Beller/B47393A5-A9D7-4781-AA4B-CAC1F0424728_zpswmecsdmn.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/Mike%20Lull%20-%20Bryan%20Beller/DFE54F90-38C6-469A-80B6-5F74CC1DE7A0_zpswtv1gdza.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/Mike%20Lull%20-%20Bryan%20Beller/8426101c-d986-4e50-a2ec-15e46cf0be5a_zpsppknhwwx.jpg.html"][/url]
  8. I'm beginning to agree with all of you that say that Class D amps lack something. I hadn't noticed much with my function/wedding band but since we are back with our loud rock band I do have noticed. As much as I like all the Class D amps I have tried, and the one I have at the moment , more an more I'm having the feeling that, specially in our loud rock band, my bass sounds thinner. Yes, there's plenty of volume but I'm finding there's a lack of heft, the note weight is not there and this shows clearly on the band mix, I have lost my place a bit no matter how loud I turn up. We always record rehearsals when we are writing new songs, the difference from when I was using my DB750 to the recordings with Class D amps, confirm it for me, there's something missing, and I'm not talking volume.
  9. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1435355207' post='2808150'] Had a little play to test out your points: Channel B quieter - yep, it is quieter, this is so that you can add more gain on channel B to get an overdriven tone, channel B Level, and Master then allow you balance to volume to match channel A. To give you one clean and one distorted channel. Nothing to worry about. Pop when changing - yep, I hear a little bit of what you're describing, not all that noticeable though, not a big or defined Pop, but I could hear a blip in the tone, definitely something that could be as you describe. I find it a great little amp. Hope this helps. [/quote] Thanks a lot Musashimonkey! Need to run the amp properly on Monday at full band practice volume but I'm convinced it's noisier than it should be, the channel switch pops and the white noise are quite loud....I'll report back.
  10. Compression, to even out the notes a bit, and a touch of chorus, to add a bit of depth, work great!...at least for me
  11. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1435322898' post='2807688'] I'll have play later on my mb800 to look into the other areas, but for now: Grainy hum - yep, I've had two with that and am thinking it may be due to RF interference or not very clean power. I've tried a cheap power conditioner, but that didn't resolve it. On mine it's only a quiet him and not an issue with normal playing volumes. Fan running loud - nope, my fan is speed controlled and takes a while before it even kicks in, and then runs at different speeds so generally stud nice and quiet unless you're pushing it. [/quote] Thanks and I'd really appreciate if you could check your amp for the other issues mentioned. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1435323194' post='2807697'] Can't say I've noticed these issues - and the fan is quiet enough at rehearsal and gig volumes. The bloody control knobs are too close together though! I keep knocking the adjacent ones when I try to adjust anything! [/quote] The fan on mine seems to kick in at full speed, and it's quite loud, after just a couple of minutes of playing at home low volume.
  12. I need a bit of advice from you guys that own or have played any of the Gallien Krueger MB amps, specially the MB800. I have just received a GK MB800 and there's a few things I have noticed and I'm not so sure about: - [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]As soon as I turn the amp on there is a faint but noticeable background noise, kinda like a grainy white noise, not a hum. It is there always no matter what the gain, eq or master knobs are set to. Even with the mute on and no bass plugged in, it's still there. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#141414]I have tried different cables, different basses, plugging in a different room...but it's always there.[/color][/font][/color] - The fan comes on pretty much after switching the amp on and it's quite/very noisy, noisier than any other amp I've had in the past (Ampeg PF-800, TH500, DB750, SVT4....) Even on standby the fan keeps running even after having played only for 2 minutes at low volume. It's quite loud even standing on the other side of the room , about 5 metres away - [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Also when I switch channels it makes a popping sound if I am playing a note while changing the channel, but not if I'm not playing at the time.[/font][/color] - The second Channel, seems to be quite a lot quieter than Channel A. Is this how it is? As an example, right now Gain A at 12 with Master at 12 sounds the same as Gain B all the way up and Level-B at 12...is this normal? Thanks!
  13. Shocking service, I'd also be angry and annoyed! It's their loss really, it's not just you they've lost as a customer but many of us now and other people you know. Hope you get it sorted soon.
  14. [quote name='Paco Jastorius' timestamp='1435001827' post='2804650'] Nice! I'm very happy to see you here Nice recording with Killing Vegas, and nice playing! BTW, despite my nickname is Paco Jastorius, my real name is Jesus I liked the word's game. And again... hello to everybody! [/quote] I knew it was Jesus as soon as I wrote Paco
  15. Yes, I'm Pablo from Segorbe Paco!...but still living in Brighton, 12 years now! Un abrazo y estamos en contacto
  16. Hola! .... Eres Paco de Jerica por casualidad?
  17. Congratulations NancyJohnson!...Wow, just wow, that's a stunning bass!
  18. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1434738254' post='2802437'] What did you get?!!! [/quote] [quote name='IanA' timestamp='1434739125' post='2802449'] Yes do tell, pics would be nice as well when you have it! [/quote] A nice Bryan Beller! ... Will post pics as soon as possible
  19. I couldn't resist my GAS attack...Picking up my new Lull tomorrow
  20. I have PMd you but no reply so far
  21. I just got hold of an Ampeg PF-800 and paired with my SuperTwin sounds great! ...in fact I prefer it over the Aguilar TH500 I have been using for a while now.
  22. My Custom Fender Jazz Bass, it's the bass I've always wanted ...slim neck, matching headstock ad it plays and sounds really good! [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/64%20Custom%20Fender%20Jazz/19D352BD-6716-4D76-BB35-FEF9CF428E51_zpsc1hxeu88.jpg.html"][/url]
  23. Just one Comfort Strap, super quick/easy to adjust for each bass, and Schaller strap locks in all my basses...no need for any other strap
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