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Everything posted by Bridgehouse

  1. Dunno - I’m in Lincs so will need to have a look. I’m more than happy to arrange with anyone who would want to try it for a meet up tho..
  2. Time to use internet fu to see what I can find...
  3. You know what - I fancy doing an SG body with a mudbucker split P combo now...
  4. Me too mate! Lovely pickup - can’t wait to give it a try later on. It’s an East harness as well so high quality tone and volume pots.
  5. Noted @The Guitar Weasel Found some screws and some foam with a couple of springs. Fitted just perfectly. Popped on the back cover and so that leaves just the string tree (still in the post!) to fit. I will set it up and set Pickup height later on this evening and give an initial report. I have a plan for sound samples but you might have to be a touch more patient with this.. Doesn’t look too shabby huh?
  6. I must have some somewhere and some screws - I’ve not looked yet but something will pop up in one of the many drawers
  7. Pickup has arrived.. hopefully I will get some time over the weekend to fit it! I need to sort out some mounting hardware - I’m low on foam/rubber slugs - but that won’t be difficult!
  8. I’ll update the build thread with progress shots then come back here with results
  9. ^ What he said I’m pleased too - it arrived this morning so more to follow!! (Haven’t had chance to even unwrap it yet) Glad you’ve joined up over here too @The Guitar Weasel - your pickup knowledge will be most welcome!
  10. Sorry, I don’t have an answer to that - my flippant-ish comment was merely a direct reply to the idea (or not) of how you comment on dislikes. The problem with saying why you don’t like particular music or songs is waaaaaay to difficult tho - cos it’s a subjective art form. I hate some Jazz. Dunno why. I could try and describe what I don’t like but it always ends up sounding similar to “it’s dischordant non melodic claptrap that... look, it just doesn’t make me feel fuzzy inside,ok?” I could say “it doesn’t sound nice to my ears” but that’s not that different to “it’s rubbish” as it’s all just subjective
  11. The black ones are usually tapewounds - similar gauge and tension.
  12. Screws are part of that 50’s look tho - specially as they were the days before double sided tape 😜
  13. To be fair, it would be a bit hypocritical of him to praise or hype up stuff he didn’t like..
  14. Was indeed eBay! It’s an electrosocket type as opposed to a traditional tele style cup - I don’t like the rubbish fitting method on the tele cups. The one I got was available in chrome, black or gold..
  15. Nah. I don’t like shoreline gold either And on that bombshell!
  16. I’ve just tried a set of fender flats for the first time - I have basses with la Bellas, Thomastiks, and quite a few Chromes on (my preference) - the Fenders are pretty much as good as the others - I have a preference for the feel of the Chromes - but otherwise they are just as good
  17. The bare knuckle hand wound flat poles are very very good - but you might find them a bit pricey.. The Jess Loureiro one is also good - and the split coil is hum cancelling: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F183311274438
  18. Even something like a Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder can make a big difference - what sort of sound do you like? Vintage, modern, high gain, punchy?
  19. Meh. Another average build there Andy Tee hee 😜
  20. 3 hour extended improv bass solo performance in modal Ab dim 9?
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