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Everything posted by Bridgehouse

  1. Thats interesting - I could do fixed pickups under a guard for a clean look - not sure about moving though.. would need a lever mechanism..
  2. Crikey you weren't joking about the orange, were you? 😅
  3. You are somewhat presupposing my talent level here
  4. “You only have one a*se..” ”I’ll have none if you continue down this line after I’ve kicked you out..” etc.
  5. Clearly given the shape of the case, the guitar is a Mustang.
  6. A big thick 44mm nut size neck like the good old P bass necks encourage you to play in particular style - not too complicated
  7. But can it take off vertically if on a conveyor belt tho?
  8. Exactly. I remember reading about a guitar having it’s poly finish removed and it was weighted separately at well over 10kgs making the guitar a negative weight and thus capable of floating.
  9. I’m def. not the sensible one in our band! And much as I hate to say it, I’d have a bass head just for recording.
  10. If you are a habitual refinisher and don’t want to totally strip then do be careful of weight..
  11. I have actually thought about doing that........
  12. Yeah, I agree - but I can’t see why though. Even if just to create a cheaper entry into the “aspiration” market..
  13. Yeah yeah... I know... I know.... By simple, I mean not requiring nasa-level mechanical fabrication. I may do a ‘bucker build and then see if I can get an odd unique neck pickup made to go with it
  14. Having an older P bass, there’s been a few times I’ve thought about swapping my 74 Precision for a 74 4001 as that’s my YOB. TBH tho the extra premium I’d have to pay has put me off that prospect completely..
  15. But the b15 does what I’m describing... it’s not excessive in weight, size or chassis, it’s a classic tone and highly sought after. I find it odd that as bass players we all gravitate towards class D amps, but for modelling it’s all about those valve tones. If they are so popular for, say, Helix and so forth then why not more small valve heads for the studio?
  16. Matsumoku did quite a few unbranded guitars and basses for catalogues - you know, Sears and all that lot - so it’s highly likely it’s one of those.
  17. I bet the chassis and parts similarity is pretty high between a guitar and bass head - specially at low power. I agree to an extent about economy of scale - but it’s no where near the difference you’d think... Over in the guitar world there are guitarists aplenty with crippled backs looking on in envy at the availbility of superlight bass amps and cabs and having to shuffle around with a 40+ kg valve combo instead... If there’s enough economy of scale to make unique bass class d amps at that price point then why not valve heads? Is it because we, as players wouldn’t buy them? If a bass amp manufacturer made a sub £250 lunchbox valve head with gain, 3eq and master and a single speaker out (and nowt else) at around 20w or so - which sounded fab and gave a really nice gritty tube sound with the gain up, how many of us would think “yeah, I’ll get one for recording” ?
  18. I don’t get it. It’s a discussion about strings - it’s not a traditionally earth shattering life changing gasp-out-loud “he said what??!!” topic.. Yet you’ve piped up twice with a passive aggressive tone which suggests you are really narked about it. I don’t understand. I thought the recommendation for half wounds was odd given the OP’s brief - but within 1.5 seconds I’d moved on. Now you’ve gone and made me pipe up!!
  19. Whoah! Some pretty far out stuff there.. more research needed! Not sure it meets the “simple” brief tho 😂
  20. @Happy Jack yes.. but.. you’ve not addressed the original point tho Ignore looks. Ignore weight. Ignore practicality. Ignore anything boutique or custom. Ignore gigging and using outside a studio. Why have the major manufacturers of amps made lots and lots of lunchbox style simple and cheap valve amps for guitar but not for bass? Is it because bass players don’t want them, or because it’s percieved to not be a sound we want or some other reason? I would say that classic sound is just as desirable for bass as it is for guitar - if it isn’t why are there so many amps, preamps and DI’s advertised with that “classic tone” being emulated?
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