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Everything posted by Quilly

  1. Can’t beat KT88/6550s for ruggedness . Is your amp still 280w though? normally a quartet of these valves run at about 200w....still heaps of power for a valve head
  2. I'm sure if you really wanted the stingray sound you could just use an EQ pedal or install an onboard preamp. https://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/East_Preamps_MMSR.html
  3. Honey burst, a definite deal breaker for me.
  4. https://www.thomann.de/ie/harley_benton_mb_4_sbk_deluxe_series.htm?o=2&search=1605460386 these are the best looking faux stingrays I’ve seen for this price . I wonder what they’re like 🧐
  5. Would probably cost a few quid in valves and service , I’d go for the CTM300 B stock that they have in Ashdown...is it’s still there ?
  6. I actually messaged the guy about that amp. Its really tasty. I had the Carsbro 50Top for a while and it sounded great with bass. Plenty of low end. I can imagine this is a fantastic sounding amp.
  7. I've had 2 class D heads die on me, an Orange TB500 and a TC250BH...but I'm not the only one it seems. Is there a weakness with class D heads or something. ?
  8. I suppose strictly speaking that Trace I had wasn’t class D but an AB .
  9. I bought one of those Harley Benton '51 type P basses there last year for €109. Apart from a rough fret finish I couldn't fault the bass at all. It has a great fat neck and sounded great. I actually sold it on shortly afterwards...the only reason I got rid of it was I just liked playing my other basses more and I didn't really like the position of that pickup. It was too far forward for my liking and I didn't feel comfortable resting my thumb on the exposed bobbin. Great basses though if you can live with that quirk.
  10. I had an Orange TB and I really liked it but one if the best amps i ever had and wished I had never sold it was a 300W Trace Elliot 7215SMC. I sold it for small money and I played it at loads of gigs. It never ever let me down, the only down side was the weight of the thing.
  11. I really liked the one I had..It was as loud as fook. I had some reliability issues with it though and I found the fan a little on the noisy side at low volumes. Cool amp tho.
  12. In the past I owned a Focus 2x10 and 1x15. I have to say they were a bargain and always sounded great to me. I only moved mine on because I needed something a little more suited to lower wattage valve amps.
  13. When I play someone else’s bass and the action , string height is way too high or the strings are 100years old. I think... Why? . Often they are really good basses.
  14. If you have the cash and space, I'd get a barefaced Eight10. Those things are epic. Even the Six10 or Four10 will be great. They are designed to have a vintagey tone.
  15. I thought this tread was about OCD...There's another thread called 'what puts you off'... Just sayin'
  16. Music stands on stage because your singer can’t memorise lyrics . Kills the act
  17. To look like the tough man I suppose, 🤨 the same idiots that put lit cigarettes into the space between the strings on the headstock, causing scorch marks....and then companies copying this idiocy on 'road worn' basses. Why, Oh why.
  18. When the PA owner wont throw out or repair damaged XLR, Speaker or jack leads, so when you're setting up you have to try out a few leads until you get one that works, wasting time etc.
  19. Especially when there's a little hole in the machine head to poke the string end into. Too many windings on a machine my pet peeve. more than 2.5 windings is way too many.
  20. - Really cheap misshapen gig-bags. A broken neck or headstock accident waiting to happen. -People resting their bass up against the amp so that the amp edge makes little dings on the back of the neck. (I had to get this repaired on a second hand mayones - I mean WTF are people thinking) -People resting their bass on the floor so that 1. If its a P bass the strap nut gets driven into the wood of the body, of in the case of a jazz bass the offset edge gets all scraped.
  21. Post-gig cable spaghetti in a flight-case....because we got too drunk after the gig.
  22. Oh yes...carrier supermarket shopping bags being used to transport tangled guitar leads...that old gem.
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