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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. Thanks Grumpyguts I'm learning a bit from this too. @zbd1960 - On a fiver with standard tuning, what length are the waves when you hit your low B please? TIA
  2. "Some girls are bigger than others" and "Girlfriend in a coma, oh no". They made me smile but generally I enjoy the band more than Morrissey himself so I never collected Smiths stuff.
  3. A worthy pilgrimage my friend. I hope it is everything you expect and more.
  4. Welcome Lownote, If you are looking for bass lessons or indeed life lessons - you've come to the wrooooooooooong place. Heeheehee. Enjoy
  5. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1466334594' post='3074980'] And the bass player from Bombskare, what a player! [/quote] Yeah man. She's a cracker.
  6. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1465775849' post='3070938'] But then should I stay with them. I really am in too minds. Can't sleep. [/quote] I think that has to be regarded as an occupational hazard if music is your occupation (paid or unpaid). Me? I'd make every effort to honour the band's commitments but make no further ones. It's honest, up-front and if it is taken badly, your mates are not quite up to scratch in terms of mutual respect. Good luck either way but if you have the time maybe an overlapping commitment may work for all concerned, just until you decide where you want to lay your hat, be it an ass-hat or flat-cap or any other choice in headgear.
  7. I thought that mini series was quality programming. Thank you BBC. More like that please to counterbalance your Top Gear embarrassment. Anyone remember what it was like with Noel Edmonds in it?
  8. Thinking in terms of a compact two or three piece band for the near future, I would like to jam with someone who can provide percussion out of a box, so to speak or a compact syn-drum rig. Dad rock, funk, blues etc. I have lots of time on my hands just now and would like to put it to good use. Would have to be local to Derby or Spondon though. If you do bass and percussion I'd love to work with you to bring myself on. A secondary benefit might be to pick up a taste for beat boxes myself. My Roland TR606 was okay up to a point but I don't like it much because it wont save.
  9. I am probably a better armpit player than a bassist but neither the brasswind section nor the woodwind section appreciate my prowess so bassist it is.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1466168652' post='3073826'] That may of course be gross misrepresentation and tantamount to a terminological inexactitude, but that's what I say nevertheless. [/quote] That's easy for you to say. Meh!
  11. I suppose the promoter will have something to say about it at some point...? I'd be interested in the follow-up. I can't honestly say how I'd react having not done that sort of thing yet. I am quite sure it was a reasoned decision on the part of the drummer and yourself but have you any regrets about leaving part of the band to cover the gig?
  12. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' timestamp='1465632401' post='3069736'] Strings are also a key element, any advice on strings to give the closes sound would be good - I use Elixir at the moment which I know are not the brightest of strings but they are good to my fingers. [/quote] Have you tried super wound bass strings yet, also known as piano wound? They have just the core wire going over the saddles and the windings start on the pick-up side so they give a nicely defined ring. They're not as available as they were in the eighties though. I think mine were Rotosound. If you can't get them Newtone might make some for you.
  13. Welcome MisterT. I also have a Roland TR606.
  14. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1464465970' post='3059692'] Im old, and that qualifies ALL of my opinions. I was there at his conception. I was paid to be there. Its my job. [/quote] Hahahahaha. I just can't think who that reminds me of.
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