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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1500454330' post='3337815'] Yes he is a member here - a very polite and humble man too [/quote] Thanks G99. That being so, I would like to say thanks also to Constantine for doing all those video clips. It helps to see someone else using an instrument that is under consideration for purchase. Cheers chap! Keep up the good work.
  2. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1500054867' post='3335418'] Something I plan to do in my 60's if I can still play reasonably well - would love to just have an old school 50's type Fender P strung with flats playing stuff by the likes of Little Richard, Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran, Fats Domino etc.. Some really great 50's R&R bands on the circuit in the Sth East - The Kingcats, Greggi G, Vintage, The Jets, and The Roosters are all working regularly doing jive nights [/quote] I am hearing about 50s and 60s bands a lot in the last year. A resurgence? Or was it always so?
  3. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1500400462' post='3337499'] Guitarist from our Blues based Rock band comes back from holiday and announces to me that he's forming a function band and would i be interested. He wants to keep the current band together as well but now wants to make a few quid at doing the function thing. (he has a good background in Function style bands) Same drummer and keys player but 2 new singers male and female with a history in function bands too. Current singer wouldn't manage the function band range of songs and our 2nd guitarist is mainly interested in Blues. So i've now gone from saying i wouldn't or couldn't play in 2 bands at same time to having 2 bands on the go. Nothing beats a challenge. Just goes to show there are always new openings and challenges to keep up with. Even at my ripe old age of 57. Dave [/quote] Being in two bands at the same time is not the worst thing to grumble about. Better than being idle. Good luck with the venture. It'll be an education.
  4. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1468917419' post='3094223'] I bit the bullet and purchased the sheet music online, it was only a couple of quid, and there are definitely no changes in the Rattle & Hum version.. [/quote] Good man! I had every confidence in you.
  5. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1468917601' post='3094226'] I will probably end up changing along with the key if thats what they want, anything to keep the guitarists happy. [/quote] I'm sorry to say but that sounds lame. You might as well put an sub-octave pedal on the guitarist's feed, step on it and walk out!
  6. [quote name='jaccjazz' timestamp='1500169290' post='3336048'] Don't argue with this guy: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtIgfHAY08M"]https://www.youtube....h?v=gtIgfHAY08M[/url] [/quote] Mr Isslamow doesn't always get it right either but like JaccJazz suggests, I ain't about to start an argument with him. Heeheehee. Is Constantine a member of BC? He has a lot of clips out there. I remember him from the time I was looking for clips of my Steiny being played before I put my money down. He seems to have unlimited access to basses of all sorts. I think of him as being in music sales and noodling to the cam during quiet periods at the shop. If I could be ar5ed, I'd follow up. Sorry, slight derailment. As you were.
  7. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1468876673' post='3094032'] I know this is one of the simpler bass lines out there, but can anyone tell me how it really goes? I hear it staying on bottom EE D E (octave) when the chords shift to A, and after watching Paul Wolfe's tutorial on his How To Play Bass channel, and one or two other versions on YouTube, they seem to confirm this, but when we played it for the first time tonight at rehearsal, everyone to a man said I was playing it wrong, BTW, I'm quite happy to shift to A if that's what they want. So how do you guys play it? [/quote] PaulWarning's tip might help here. Play a clean recording of the track at a higher speed without pitch correction and the bass will stand out a bit more. If it works all you need do is play it back for the band like that and it should save a lot of unnecessary discussion. They have you there to play bass, it's your call.
  8. [quote name='super al' timestamp='1500417734' post='3337686'] Out of 4400 respondents not one played blues covers? Or was it not an option? Feel like I've spent half my bass playing life playing the blues only to be pushed into the 'classic rock' genre. [/quote] Heeheehee. Isn't being marginalised like that just fuel for playing The Blues though? Folk who are largely content just can't carry it off!
  9. Plus one on Blues being covered by the "Classic Rock" category. What about Blues nights though? It's a bit vague. I think this highlights the flaw with attempting to categorise music. It's a reasonable attempt to keep it simple at the end of it all though.
  10. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1500371423' post='3337217'] Some surprising results so far in the 'pick our next three songs' poll. Probably not surprising that Young Americans is favourite, but I really did think Breaking Glass would do better than it has. Also, Sister Midnight in second place? Given that Bowie only performed it on the Reality Tour, I didn't think it would be that popular. This is why I don't gamble [/quote] Young Americans. Do you have female backing vocals with that?
  11. Try it out [i]properly[/i] before you buy if you can. By that I mean strap-up, amp-up and try to hide your big red face as you pick out grooves and runs that won't embarrass you too much in front of the shop staff and customers in general when you bugger them up. I had a Squier fretless Jazz many years ago. It was the eighties and I don't know what flavour of Squier it was but I grew to hate it. In the shop I thought it was fine but I was intimidated by all of the Saturday morning slappers and tyre kickers in the busy Dublin music shop. As a consequence I did no more than admire the sunburst finish and imagine how cool it would make me look. I was typically shallow in my youthful approach. I didn't put it through its paces until I got it home. I tried it out at band practice. Over a couple of sessions I confirmed my fears that it was a bad choice on my part. It went back on a trade in for my Vantage within the month! These days you can change your mind and you wont lose on the deal as someone mentioned above. With good dealers you can usually change your mind after a cooling off period and return the goods undamaged. It's still a ball-ache to do that though.
  12. Welcome Paul. I love Ilkeston. It's a grand old town. I like the duck pond at Straws Bridge too. We visit frequently. It's good to hear from another late starter. There are a lot of us about. I speak as a middle-aged fogey. May I recommend a publication for all of those who follow in Dad's (wink) footsteps? [attachment=249321:YoungFogey.png]
  13. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1500193801' post='3336090'] So... two new possible threads... 1 Tipping 2 Show us your Nikes (Nikes on the sofa?) I don't mind tipping if it's in the culture. We always tip in cash, none of this adding to the credit card payment nonsense. [/quote] [attachment=249188:SidJames.png] I'm all for a show us your knickers thread... oh wait... A topic about tipping is a cracking idea, plus one! I've always wondered about the passing 'round of the beer mug to collect tips after a gig too. It was common place at rock nights in pubs 30 years ago. Does it still go on?
  14. Disappointing news. Get well soon Norman, we'd hate to see you deprived of a long and happy retirement with your family. Best wishes for a full recovery.
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500133628' post='3335844'] Good point, and thanks for the education. I understand the difference. For example I know tipping is frowned upon by you guys and we applaud it. Although,last Saturday after our gig a guy came up to me personally and handed me a 20 dollar bill and told me to keep quiet about it. It felt weird, I gave the 20 to our band leader to add to the nights tips. Blue [/quote] As long as it doesn't make you feel "dirty" heeheehee. I think tipping actually [i]is[/i] expected more in the UK these days. We tend to now anyway. There was a lot of controversy over tip sharing recently and in some cases the employer taking all of the tips under a tip sharing scheme but not passing it all on! Employers here are expected to pay the minimum wage. That's not a lot for workers with young families. Tips are significant because the minimum wage is all that the employer is obliged to pay if so inclined. For commercial reasons, a lot are so inclined and a tip is expected in more places than ever before. I have no problem with tipping given that withholding the tip is a useful play when you encounter glaringly bad service. I don't speak for everyone though. Also this is the service industry but for some reason Musicians are treated differently. Good on you for sharing. It's the best way to retain one's integrity.
  16. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500132081' post='3335829'] I get that, I guess. Blue [/quote] The British SUL Handbook says that it is vulgar to mention income or related matters like owning a textile mill or an iron foundry up t'north or one's position as the resident bass player for a major recording label even [i]if[/i] one has been formally introduced to everyone by the hostess. There has always been a "thing" that Brits and Yanks see differently. Your culture is proud of its successful entrepreneurs but in ours we tend to build 'em up just to knock them down for their success and wealth later on. Do not confuse any of this with the British gentry system. That's a whole different life! Ho hum. SUL = Stiff Upper Lip.
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1500119250' post='3335729'] I feel it only my duty to warn anyone from the south heading north or at least out into the sticks over the summer to bring some cash with them, unless you stumble across a Harvester or Wetherspoons etc I strongly suggest you bring some folding cash along! On the plus side a pint will taste better and cost half as much so it's not all bad news [/quote] Aw Pete! Now those pesky Lahndahgnaws are going to be able to survive out here longer because of your wisdom. Wind your neck in mate. Heeheehee
  18. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1500116659' post='3335715'] I need to learn 24 new songs in 7 days for a gig. Got them on CD last night. Wish me luck. [/quote] Like they used to say in the eighties' aerobic exercise videos... "Go for the burn!" Good luck. Let us know how it goes? Disclaimer; Despite the implication, the author does not admit to watching Jane Fondle VHS tapes for any purpose other than research.
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500108570' post='3335642'] [url="https://youtu.be/x7df8E4lvPs"]https://youtu.be/x7df8E4lvPs[/url] Blue [/quote] My mistake. I misunderstood completely. Hahahahaha! Seriously though, @ OP, if you'd like to play-along to your favourite tunes but at a slower speed I'd suggest a good media player like VLC. It is free and less cluttered with fluff than some others. By default the speed change does not alter the pitch. It can be set to alter pitch proportional to speed just like analogue tape would if you want however. Handy if you're practicing BVs for your Pinky and Perky tribute band. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBG2Fpg1x-Q[/media]
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500107855' post='3335634'] No more than others bring up they're not in it for the money. Blue [/quote] A fair point, well made.
  21. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1500102593' post='3335586'] Ah yes. Rhythm stick isn't a personal goal, it's a requirement for the dep gig! Help! [/quote] I understand your anxiety. Especially when you say a band should have most pop tunes up and running in 15 to 20 minutes or so... Break legs my friend, it's a worthy challenge, that tune.
  22. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1500019363' post='3335122'] The vast majority of my work is cash in hand. I declare all of it- so it is all liable to tax. Paying cash in hand doesn't mean that it exists outside of the standard system, it just relies on the honesty of the person receiving it [/quote] It needed saying. Thanks for standing up for those of us who believe in paying our way in life. Tax avoidance is a separate issue.
  23. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1500041779' post='3335318'] ...We also talk about developing big ears. [/quote] [attachment=249090:BigEars.png] I resemble that remark! [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1500041779' post='3335318'] That's listening to lots of different types of music and being able to hear where tunes are going. I.e. Knowing what and where the chord changes are going to be. There are people who are open to music and new ideas and there are people who have very closed minds. Really what I'm saying is that Pro's and more experienced musicians have a massive tool kit and make it look easy, and to some extent it does become extremely easy. There is still the occasional tune that requires a lot of work. Hit me with your Rhythm stick is a tune I have to learn. I've always shied away from learning it. I'm expecting it to take a while (maybe an hour or two?) to transpose and get the right feel. But now I have reason and an excuse to learn it. That's one reason why changing bands often is quite an important driver for me. [/quote] You are right. I had a very limited selection of music that I wanted to play until I started to be less self indulgent in what I listened to. I started to broaden my taste as a consequence just by getting out of a rut of my own making. Rhythm Stick? I know it. I can crawl through it with a degree of accuracy and sometimes feeling but I can't yet nail it. I like to have a good old go at it at it for exercise and then leave it for a while. Every time I come back to it it seems to benefit from the interval where I play anything [i]but[/i] Rhythm Stick. I'll never be another Norman Watt Roy but I will get topside of that tune one day. It's good to have goals. Oh, and by the way, I actually do resemble Big Ears these days. When I copied the image above I realised that I was the butt of that quip more than anyone else. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500072111' post='3335522'] I'm lucky that I'm gigging every weekend. However, the thing with experience is, what type of experience. I just wish my experience was more diverse. It's like how many times can you read the same book. I know, I'm lucky I have gigs. I was looking at Bass Players Wanted on Millwaukee Rocks last night. The page was empty, not one ad had been placed. Blue [/quote] Next opportunity you get, book a busman's holiday for a fortnight playing Open Mic nights and jams over here my friend. That'll be different enough for you. It may help you with your perspective on things. Seriously. It'd be a good old laugh if nothing else. I'd even lend you a guitar and combo if you wanted. There must be other multi instrumentalist members in the East Midlands who'd get involved in a pop-up band for the duration...? As I only play bass, I'd be happy to roadie and be involved as required elsewhere like BVs or something. Just an idea.
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1499988802' post='3335044'] ...Seriously, am I the only bass chatter that us in this for the money. And why does it seem like not being in it for the money is some sort of badge of honor? Blue [/quote] I have only been here for a little over a year but I think you are perhaps the only BCer who likes to bring up the fact that you are in it for the money quite so much. There are many more here who don't feel they have to. I am still wondering why you felt your band should not be doing gigs like the support spot for Frampton at your last festival. I mean, you said; [i]"No boost of any kind. I didn't think we were very good. As a matter of fact I don't think we should be playing those types if gigs." (sic)[/i] Do you think the punters noticed? I am puzzled by the statement because I'd have thought, even for a one off, it's a feather in your cap as a bassist. I can understand if you feel your band should be headlining. That's natural ambition. Otherwise I fail to see why you said what you said unless it is that you don't like playing festivals and you only happened to mention it after playing the last one...? Treat this as rhetoric if you want. I wont probe any further as this is clearly a personal issue you have about the gig.
  25. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1499988529' post='3335043'] ...It will be tough for young guys in bands with guys that have the ability but are just plain lazy. I'm sure a few of you have been through that. Very frustrating. Blue [/quote] I am not claiming to be a young man but I have had that very experience in the last couple of years for myself. I had a session with a guitar playing keyboardist who sang. We jammed in his kitchen and he insisted on me piggybacking on his Fender combo because it had a larger cone than my combo! He started to patronise me a bit when I offered resistance to the notion and I let it slide but he said a few more things that made me think [i]he's capable of better than what I'm hearing[/i]. I managed not to loose my temper with him but my patience ran out after about 45 minutes of pure bull-feathers and fluff about how great his MIDI skills are. Prat. I hope he finds success on his own level though. He wasn't a nasty person, just a bit half-ars3d.
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