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Everything posted by DirkThrust

  1. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1006946' date='Oct 31 2010, 06:54 AM']I'm sure I'm not the only one to think this but I [b]still[/b] miss Bassist![/quote] Yeah me too. I really liked that mag
  2. How are you going to be getting your gear around? Do you need lightweight gear that you can take on the bus or do you have access to transport and how strong do you feel? If you don't require it to be lightweight it'll vastly increase the range of of gear available to you and bring down the cost significantly.
  3. I used to have this exact same setup. It's a monster sounding rig and would give most modern boutique gear a close run for it's money. At £350 it's a real bargain.
  4. Wecome to BC. I'm sure you will be equally as surprised how things have improved in the amp market if you ever need to upgrade your rig. The range and quality and value for money of bass rigs is a far cry fron even 10 years ago.
  5. And another I think that qualifies as a rig of doom. Or DOOM Welcome to BC
  6. I suspect that even the small 5 watt output would be enough to fry the input of a standard amp
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='986214' date='Oct 12 2010, 08:43 PM']Well, it's small world[/quote] My Dad taught at Eastney Modern School with one of the Shulman brothers in the 1970s before they became big and then a few years later, probably early eighties, my brother used to go out with Adele, the daughter of one of them.
  8. Ah yes, but it's got incredible intonation. I wonder if he knows what intonation means.
  9. DirkThrust


    Kev bought my LM3. Smooth transaction, no bull or messing around and jolly friendly chap in spite of the fact that I was 45mins late for our meeting
  10. Deep Purple MK3 but if I joined them they'd probably be crap because I'd be replacing the most talented member of the band.
  11. I would do a search on Talkbass for posts by KJung relating to Schroeder as he has extensive experience with them. They're still something of a rarity over here. The amps he always recommends to partner the 115+L are Markbass, which he describes as an ideal match due to the voicing of the amp and the EQ points. I imagine the 112+L has a similar voicing to the 115+L
  12. +1000 What a great song. It never fails to send shivers down my spine [quote name='Clarky' post='978257' date='Oct 5 2010, 01:00 PM']Blood on the Rooftops is beautiful Hackett-led song that they would never be able to replicate again[/quote]
  13. [quote name='lonestar' post='978253' date='Oct 5 2010, 12:56 PM']Thanks for sharing this. What a great rhythm section. For me Steve Hackett leaving was the final nail in Genesis' coffin[/quote] I agree. I think Hackett was a greater loss creatively than Gabriel. You can definitely hear how Tony Banks becomes the dominant influence on ATTWT but it's still a very good record. There are half a dozen cracking songs on there and listen to the fretless playing on Undertow. A great example of how a bassline can make a song. Phil Collins takes a lot of undeserved flak for the decline of Genesis. Trespass and the rest of their unreleased material from around the same time sounds all quite bland and uninspired to my ears, with the exception of The Knife and White Mountain. The classic Genesis lineup was born when Hackett and Collins joined. Selling England by the Pound was a quantum leap forward after Trespass. Listen to what Genesis produced post Gabriel compared to what Gabriel himself produced after leaving the band and I think it's obvious who the main creative influences were.
  14. Gaf bought my Berg AE210. Very nice chap and easy to deal with.
  15. [quote name='Bassdude BE' post='974387' date='Oct 1 2010, 05:59 PM']is the Berg sold already? otherwise i'll take it! [/quote] PMed
  16. Same bass an'all. It certainly does sound good. I'm not replacing it with anything. I'm sorry to say that I'm giving up playing live, at least for a while. I've just become so uninspired by the band scene around here and I've got a lot of other stuff on, and at the moment I just can't dredge up the motivation to carry on with it. If I could find a band playing music that I could get more enthusiastic about, like something a bit funky or even some decent originals then I may feel differently but everyone seems to be playing the same old guitar driven pap and I find it all rather tedious.
  17. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='968023' date='Sep 25 2010, 10:32 PM']his smugness[/quote] Hehehe. Can't argue with that :brow:
  18. [quote name='skej21' post='967863' date='Sep 25 2010, 06:36 PM']There is absolutely NO way that Cliff Burton should be ahead of Jaco[/quote] Agree totally from a bass players POV, but these polls are always just a popularity contest at the point in time of the poll, and JP played in a genre that never really entered the consciousness of the wider record buying and poll voting public.
  19. What a great looking rig. Much better than the normal nondescript boxes, and I love the look of those chromed Ashdowns
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