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Everything posted by DirkThrust

  1. These don't need a lot of introduction. The Berg is a great cab, very clear and modern sounding. I've used this on it's own for practise and small gigs and it's more than loud enough or stack it with a second one for the ultimate rig of doom. Cover included. It's in immaculate nick with no chips or dents. It's rated at 500watts, 8 ohms and weighs only 40lbs. £475 The Markbass is less than a year old. Pretty much the same as the LM2 but has an improved limiter and a very useful level control for the DI out and jolly snazzy yellow knobs. Immaculate condition. Complete with original box, GigSkinz bag that has lots of useful compartments for leads and other bits and bobs, mains lead and heavy duty Speakon to Speakon cable. £425. Collection preferred but I can meet halfway within reason
  2. SOLD!!!!.....To the Doc. (He's not really a Doctor Y'know)
  3. So is it finished yet? These sound very interesting
  4. I bought this new within the last year. It's had very little use and is in new condition. It's boxed with an external PSU and a good quality patch cable. It's got a whole load of effects and and a stage tuner but the most useful feature and what I bought it for is the drum machine. It's not programmable but has enough different beats and rhythms to provide endless inspiration for home noodling.
  5. [quote name='Dr Pocket' post='943121' date='Sep 2 2010, 10:46 AM'][font="Tahoma"]Hello Andy, Just read your post & set list, which looks great, I've probably played about half of those no's to date. I'm currently in a Local (portsmouth, waterlooville) covers band that is fast winding down , so I'm looking for a new project. Please drop me a reply, Dr Pocket.[font="Tahoma"][/font][/font][/quote] PMed
  6. Our next gig is 1st October at the Colonial Bar
  7. Band's called The Dodgy Jammers. No age preference really just not too young, the drummer and guit/singer are in their 40s. The lead guitarist is the youngest at 27
  8. I'm giving up playing for a while so I need a permanent replacement for me. The setlist is below. We're gradually adding to it with the same sort of material. It's Drums/backing vox, bass, lead, Rhythm/Vox and is a great band. Everyone gets along, there are no egos and they are all natural musicians, although the lead guit did wheel in a 4x12 at practise yesterday but I'll forgive him once. I've told them I'm leaving so they may be looking elsewhere. We're only gigging about once a month at the mo but that's mainly because we don't have a demo. We mostly get gigs when someone sees us and offers us one so we're not really putting any effort into promotion until we record a demo of some sort. Most of these songs are fairly simple but you'll need to play to a good standard. Locking in tight with the drummer and solid playing are preferable to noodling and fretboard w***ery so no slappers please. Ever Fallen in Love - Buzzcocks That’s Entertainment - The Jam Saturday’s Kids - The Jam Tubestation – The Jam Heatwave – The Jam Town Called Malice – The Jam Local Boy – Stereophonics Innocent – Stereophonics Dakota – Stereophonics Sex on Fire – KOL Saying out for the summer – Dodgy Changingman – Weller You do something to me – Weller Sunflower - Weller The Day We Caught The Train – OCS Rock and Roll Star – Oasis Some Might Say – Oasis Don’t Look back – Oasis All or Nothing – Small Faces Lazy Sunday – Small Faces Chocolate – Snow Patrol Whistle For The Choir – Fratellis Teenage Kicks – Undertones Can’t Explain – The Who Substitute – The Who The Seeker – The Who Valerie – Zutons/Crackhouse
  9. [quote name='iconic' post='931180' date='Aug 20 2010, 06:00 PM']ohh dear I thought I had these Sterlings sorted, thinking Sterlings were lower cost Musicmans? Sub, SR14 then Ray34....but these ones on Fleabay says its a US one? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Musicman-Sterling-Bass-USA-Black-Case-Candy-/170528998105?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Musicman-Sterling-Ba...ents_Guitars_CV[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MUSICMAN-STERLING-BASS-/320578363472?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MUSICMAN-STERLING-BA...ents_Guitars_CV[/url][/quote] That's a Musicman Sterling. The Ray34 ia Sterling [u]by[/u] Musicman. Not at all confusing hehehe. Sounds like the brainchild of the Big Plonker
  10. [quote name='The Admiral' date='Aug 15 2010, 09:54 AM' post='925367'] I don't use eBay at all to sell expensive stuff - but I was just about to list a Concept 2 Rower, which should go for about £750 - £800, when I thought I would check the fees. /quote] Pretty much the same here. I only use Gumtree or Freeads ( or whatever they're called now) Although you don't get the same instant exposure as ebay the ad stays in the listings for longer so someone searching for that particular item will find it. The last few high value items I've sold have all sold via Gumtree for the asking price and have been collected without attracting the tyrekickers that seem to inhabit ebay.
  11. [quote name='Roob' post='927791' date='Aug 17 2010, 05:42 PM']I had this idea in my head that by shoving twice as much power into the cab it would shift more air, this is of course not the case .[/quote] Actually it does but probably not as much as you think. Is the LH500 not a single channel amp? So what you're looking at are two speaker connections in parallel, not two separate outputs. So plugging them both into one cabinet although harmless would also be pointless. They are there so you can connect two cabs to the back of your amp and get the full output because the amp would see a 4 ohm load (provided they were both 8 ohm cabs).
  12. I'm very interested in trying this too so add me to the list.
  13. [quote name='phatbass787' post='901094' date='Jul 21 2010, 05:31 PM']they're an independent english company[/quote] I'm surprised they haven't been assimilated by the Borg* collective yet * Gibson/Fender/Loud etc.
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='902377' date='Jul 22 2010, 09:26 PM']In which areas were they better built than the EB?[/quote] I only compared them to the Ray they had hanging in the shop but the finish on the Honeyburst Ray34 was more attractive then the Honeyburst on the Stingray. The grain showed through better whereas on the Stingray the finish looked quite opaque and dull and the woodgrain didn't show as well. It also played better but again that could just be down to the setup on those particular basses.
  15. [quote name='absolutpepper' post='902358' date='Jul 22 2010, 09:09 PM']and sure the body is basswood but it doesn't significantly impact on the tonal properties but it does make it a little lighter.[/quote] The body is Swamp Ash, the Ray is Ash. I haven't a clue what the difference is. I don't think it comes from a swamp
  16. [quote name='kidman007' post='902263' date='Jul 22 2010, 07:50 PM']Hi everybody! I currently have an Ibanez Soundgear bass that was $350 and I like it a lot, but I am ready to get a better bass. For a couple weeks now I have been eyeing Stingrays, they have exactly what I am looking for in a bass. I have also been eyeing the price tag and it is too extreme for me. Then I discovered the sterling, which is also made by music man for a much more reasonable price. So my question is a sterling similar enough to the real thing? Or shold i wait a (very) extended period of time and save the money for a stingray? Thanks guys![/quote] I tried a couple of these in the shop and compared them to a Stingray and sound and playability wise couldn't tell the difference. There are a few cost saving differences like they don't have the compensating nut, the battery compartment has the press on clip on the end of two wires instead of the plug in type, they come with a gigbag rather than a hardcase and are availailabe in a limited range of colours. They are not actually made by Musicman. I don't know what the exact status of them is. Designed and licensed by Musicman maybe, but built by Cort in Indonesia before having final QA in America. I found the quality of workmanship to be as good and in some ways better then the US made modesl. Not everyone would agree with me though. I've read some less then complimentay comments. Maybe their QA is not as good as it could be. Personally if I was going to spend that sort of dosh I would be patient and look for a used Stingray. If you decided you didn't like it you would at least get your money back on resale.
  17. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='870517' date='Jun 18 2010, 09:29 AM']whats the difference in the stingray, sterling, ray34 and sub????????????????[/quote] Between the Sterling Ray34 and the Stingray, not very much. It's just built using cheaper Indonesian labour but is essentially a Stingray. I compared it to a USA Stingray in the shop and couldn't tell the difference. The only obvious cost saving differences are that it doesn't have the compensating nut and the battery compartment is a cheaper version with the clip on connecter rather than the slot in jobby on the Stingray, and it comes with a gigbag rather than a hardcase. The SUB was Musicman's first attempt at a lower cost Stingray. It had a cheaper finish but again was essentially a Stingray. I guess they discontinued it because the cost saving measures didn't save that much considering it was made using expensive American labour and they struggled to make money on it. The Musicman Sterling is similar to a Stingray but with a thinner neck and more tonal options
  18. [quote name='fluffo' post='870276' date='Jun 17 2010, 10:01 PM']I got a jazz made up of all fender parts the neck is a wd licensed replacement its all reliced up and plays fantastic let me know if you fancy a swap about mark 07956 964156 [attachment=52500:13062010101.JPG] [attachment=52501:13062010100.JPG] [attachment=52502:13062010104.JPG][/quote] Replied to PM
  19. [quote name='algmusic' post='866934' date='Jun 14 2010, 12:30 PM']Where are you based.. I might just bee willing to buy?[/quote] Sorry I didn't reply to your post. I haven't visited this thread for a while. I've got a probable buyer, hopefully doing the deal at the weekend. So for the moment it's on hold.
  20. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='844946' date='May 22 2010, 11:06 AM']Hi, i might have found a buyer for my ibanez, so if it does go through can you post this to Ireland. If youll sell it.[/quote] PM'ed
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