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Everything posted by DirkThrust

  1. This is a bargain. I played through a 4x10 Transporter a couple of weeks a go and it sounded awesome. Really clean and punchy. This is even better. If I wasn't such a lazy 40 something I'd have it myself.
  2. I always found Cantdosleepy and Paul, the very entertaining but they haven't been on here for a long time. Edit: and it's a pity maxrossell doesn't post here anymore. He seemed to have a very passionate and well informed opinion on everything.
  3. Agree with most of the above, you definitely need your own amp. I've never been in a band that had a PA man enough for me to put the bass through. As for the transport situation, I've spent countless hours in the car picking up younger band members who didn't have transport and I never really minded doing it. If you're playing pub rock the chances are you're going to be in a band with people older than you who will have transport and will be happy to drive you. Just have a look around at what's available. They can only say no, and rejection is character building
  4. [quote name='mrhectic' post='818251' date='Apr 25 2010, 06:03 PM']However, is it safe to power a 600 watt cab with a 575 head?? :S[/quote] Absolutely. I wouldn't take too much notice of power ratings. If it starts to fart out then turn down a bit.
  5. [quote name='mrhectic' post='818126' date='Apr 25 2010, 03:42 PM']yeah i was thinking about that. I currently have an ashdown abm 500 evo II. I dont think that is powerful enough to power it? the ashdown is 575rms i think[/quote] I agree MB cabs need some juice to wake them up. I used to power a MB 1x15 and 2x10 together (either Road Ready or Diesel, I forget which) with an ABM500 and it sounded absolutely gargantuan, so don't write off the Ashdown just yet
  6. It is indeed in my possession. I don't get a lot of time to read so I should be finished in a week or so. Who's next?
  7. [quote name='Doddy' post='816574' date='Apr 23 2010, 07:06 PM']I think the term 'genius' is used to frequently as a substitute for 'good'. Michael Jackson was a top class entertainer-but was he a musical genius? I don't think so. The same with Queen. I know guys who can sit and transcribe big band charts for every instrument from memory alone. To me that is more of a genius than someone who writes songs-the musical knowledge and understanding to be able to do that is far greater than what is needed to write a song. In my opinion of course.[/quote] I agree. It's a word that is very overused, usually when someone is gushing admiration for their idol. Tha actual number of true geniuses in popular music is very small.
  8. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='816566' date='Apr 23 2010, 07:02 PM']Hendrix absolutely.[/quote] But not Jaco?
  9. Players who had the vision to totally redefine an instrument like JP and Jimi Hendrix
  10. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='813166' date='Apr 20 2010, 10:20 PM'][size=3][font="Book Antiqua"][b]I never got so much of a thank you message neither in a pm or here. [/b][/font][/size][/quote] Hmm... Bad manners and taking the piss are fairly normal on here IME
  11. I'm seriously considering that ABM500. I sold mine in a brainstorm and have regretted it ever since. The best sounding amp on planet earth. It's certainly seen some action though it says it's been refurbished. Do you know what that actually involves Pete?
  12. My first bass was a Gibson Ripper bought for £180 from Telecoms (now Nevada) in Portsmouth around about 1980/81. Amp was a Sessionette combo which was IIRC a 100w 1x15. Can't remember what happened to either and I certainly don't reminisce fondly about them.
  13. [quote name='rainus5' post='808343' date='Apr 16 2010, 01:03 PM']My cab is 4 ohms.[/quote] Ah Unfortunately that means if you you added another cab it would create a minimum load for the amp of less than 4 ohms and the magic smoke would escape from your amp. Unless you want to replace your present cab with one rated at 8 ohms you are stuck with the single cab. Edit I'm assuming that the SVT450 will not run at less than 4 ohms. Some Ampegs will. Maybe someone will correct me on that
  14. [quote name='rainus5' post='808294' date='Apr 16 2010, 12:31 PM']Hi everyone. I'm newon this forum, and looking for some advice.... I'm currently using an Ampeg SVT450H head with a SVT410HLF cab. It's perfectly adequate for most of the smaller gigs, but now and again we play some slightly bigger places and I push it to the limits. It would be really good if I could have another cabinet which I could add-in for the bigger gigs, to move some more air... However I have no idea if this is possible as I know very little about matching up impedances, power ratings etc. The cabinet has 2 speakons, but does this mean I can add another cab? And if so, what can I add? Grateful for any advice you guys can provide. Thanks in advance....[/quote] The Speakons are in Parallel so you can connect your head to one and the other cab to the other. Assuming that your current cab is 8 ohms and the minimum load for the SVT is 4 ohms then you can add any cab providing it's 8 ohms. If you like the sound you get at the moment then add another the same. A lot of people would add a 15 under it but it won't necesarily go any lower than your 4x10 and the end result may sound considerably different to the sound you get now. Only you can decide if you like it or not
  15. I don't know why people don't like them. Maybe it's the yellow drivers. I played a gig with two other bands a few weeks ago and we were expected to use the supplied backline which was an LM2 and STD104HF. It sounded very good to me. Really clear and punchy.
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  17. I would say that the Barefaced is by far the better of those two cabs you mention. The Mini15 is quite a good little cab with a tight punchy sound but would struggle on it's own at gig volume. I used to use one with a mini48 and it works well as one of a pair. There's an interesting review here. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=358077&highlight=shootout"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.p...hlight=shootout[/url] I've got the Midget's big brother the Compact which is more than adequate on it's own for gigging even with quite loud bands although we don't play huge venues. I'd think the Midget would be adequate for gigging from what I've heard but I haven't used one myself.
  18. [quote name='4 Strings' post='797720' date='Apr 6 2010, 04:25 PM']Relicing is to put lice back where they were, for example, in my barnet. If a verb is to be made from the noun shouldn't it be relicking[/quote] Yes. As in mimic and mimicking. I don't want lice in my bass
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  20. Don't let your current situation discourage you. I've gone through periods like that when nothing seemed to go right and the only other musicians I could find were crap or arseholes or just timewasters. That's the nature of the beast unfortunately. Keep checking all the sites like Partysounds and Musofinder and your local freeads. You probably will have to audition with people you don't know which can be a bit nerve racking at first but even that gets easier
  21. I wouldn't stress about it too much. As long as it sounds good then it doesn't matter what colour the drivers are. It's a competitive business and manufacturers are always trying to cut costs, especially at the budget end of the market. If Ashdown could save 50p per driver by buying black ones instead of blue ones they would have and I would expect that somewhere it'll say the spec can change at the company's discretion.
  22. A budget of £400 isn't going to buy much in the way of a lightweight rig and I don't think changing out the drivers is going to make an appreciable difference if the combo is over 100lbs and something that heavy is going to have a very limited resale value. I would rackmount the head and spend your budget on a lightweight cab. There's a couple of stonking neo 4x10s in the for sale section now - Epifani UL410 and a Markbass 4x10. IIRC those DBS heads were supposed to be really good sounding so definitely worth hanging on to it.
  23. [quote name='GRAHAM SG1' post='787661' date='Mar 27 2010, 09:29 AM']Hello all you bassists out there I have just joined this site and think its very good . I have recently bought a Marshall MB 4210 and am disappointed with its volume level, I played my first band rehearsal with it last night, we are a 3 piece rock/blues covers band, the guitarist uses a 30 Watt valve amp and the drummer is nearly 60 years old, so we are not a really loud band, I had all volumes on the amp up to maximum and the amp was only about the same level as the other two, this gives me no extra headroom should I need it, for a 300 Watt amp it is not very powerful, is this right for this amp or could there be a fault with it, either way its going back for a refund and I will have to look for something more suitable . I must say that the amps actual tones are very good, its just the lack of power that bothers me . My bass is a Gibson SG faded so I dont think the guitar is lacking in power. Has anyone on here experienced a similar problem with this amp and what would you recommend I replace it with, I have thought About the Ashdown MAG 300 2x10 combo . Thanks in anticipation [/quote] I think the first thing to do would be to check that the amp is not faulty in any way. Can you take it back to the shop and compare it to another one? I haven't used that particular amp but all the reports I've seen suggest that the Marshall MB series are pretty good budget amps. If everything is Ok with it then I don't think that swapping it for another budget amp will gain you much. The MAG is probably a better combo but ultimately it is still a similar power and config to your Marshall and won't be appreciably louder. It could be that a 2x10 combo is just not man enough for your band. For more volume add more speaker area. Either a 2x10 or 1x15 extension cab. If you like the sound of the Marshall and just want more of it then get a Marshell 2x10 cab which will probably give more volume and punch than the 1x15
  24. Unless Polish Kilos are different from UK Kilos then 4.3 of them are actually 9.5lbs
  25. [quote name='mikeselfinflicted' post='787198' date='Mar 26 2010, 05:02 PM']i'm starting to think it might be a case of shi**y cabs and a bad eq not bad to my ears but in a full band situation so tweaking must commence I'm getting a Tech 21 landmark 300 in a week or so and in hopefully a month or 2 an Aguilar gs4x12 if that doesn't work i'll just disconnect a couple of their valves!!!!! just hope the tech21 sounds good thru the ashdowns till i can get the gs4x12 any opinions on the tech21??[/quote] It seems to me that you may just end up paying out a lot of money and not really gain a lot by doing this. While the Ashdown MAGs are budget cabs and not known for their mid presence the MAG600 is a decent enough head and I can't see that swapping one 600w head for another will be much of an improvement. I think yo should be looking at the speakers first What is going to get you heard against those Boogies is more pronounced mids rather than just absolute volume. The voicing of the cabs is going to be critical and the ultimate mid-hump monster is the Schroeder 1210 or 1212. I would look for one of these used. It'll cost you £300-400 and if it's no improvement you can get your money back by selling in on. They're 4 ohms so you'll get the full 575w out of your MAG. It may not be the perfect solution but it could give you some idea of the direction you need to go in. Alternatively the Barefaced Big One as already mentioned has a dedicated mid driver and properly designed crossover so will be much stronger in the mids than your Ashdowns. EDIT: Just re-read your last post and you are getting a 300watt head!! This will be a step back IMO
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