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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. This is the best way IMO, I've done a few PA shares where members leave and want buying out which can be a PITA. At the moment we have the big items owned by different members, only the XR18 is group bought between 5 of us so an easy buyout if someone leaves.
  2. I had one of these, very nice little boxes that make everything sound good! I think they were around £40 when I got mine though so prices have gone crazy, Maybe the Behringer version would be useful? https://www.thomann.de/gb/behringer_mic300_tube_ultragain.htm
  3. Hohner Dean Gibson Ozark Warwick Squier Warwick again OLP Zoot Cort Warwick again Hohner again Vintage Westfield Aria x 3 Ibanez Cort again x 2 Shine Sire Ibanez again x 2
  4. You can find the two models listed on eBay here btw: http://www.wolfguitars3.com/ https://image.ec21.com/company/w/wo/wol/wolf3/upimg/2012PDF_35.jpg https://image.ec21.com/company/w/wo/wol/wolf3/upimg/2012PDF_44.jpg
  5. Zombie thread revival! Mazeti are from KHL Guitars I think, a Korean OEM however they have outsourced production outside of Korea. The Mazeti branded instruments used to be all over eBay but it seems like there's a seller who still has some (possibly NOS) and is offering them at inflated prices. They were always budget but decent IIRC, nice woods but the market is crowded at that price point and depreciation will be considerable. KHL were also sold under the HK brand here for a while and also Wolf in the USA.
  6. Just had a look on FB, there was a very pretty 32" customer cancellation Boudica which was sold off for £1.6k recently, absolute steal. Seems to be catching up on orders at the moment so not taking on new builds for a bit.
  7. As an aside there's some interesting Wal style pickup development on the Iceni FB page.
  8. A lot of people still associated Flea with Musicman though even though he was only really pictured with his Modulus live basses during their heyday, if they had done a Stingray sig and later produced cheaper OLP and USA SUB versions in the mid to late 2000s they'd have sold a ton, especially the OLP. Modulus being an small operation won't have helped them either. A pal of mine bought one of the USA SUBs when they came out purely based being a Flea/RHCP even though he only listened to them from BSSM onwards.
  9. Don't worry it got me as well when I first got mine!
  10. We're quite lucky in that two of our band members are workmates and have the use of their work transit vans whenever they like so essentially we run a van at no cost and don't even have to worry about storing it. The vans are replaced every 3 years, must admit after a lifetime of using knackered old vans it felt weird shutting the rear door on them and it feeling/sounding like a car rather than that familiar clank. Had to open and shut it a few times to make sure! I have a Fiat Qubo which is basically like a downsized Berlingo VTR/XTR and has adaptable seating, can turn it into a van in seconds.
  11. Have to drive myself to gigs now seeing as none of our drummers live near me anymore, selfish of them really. I do quite like not drinking though as I get to keep all my gig money! Could cycle to rehearsal as I just take a single lightweight bass and a tiny amp head, the rooms we use usually have decent enough provided cabs.
  12. The Boudica is a killer shape, used to crop up relatively regularly on here when I first joined but they're seldom seen now. There was a neat downsized version with Wal style pickups (in house design I thnk) in the builds section recently.
  13. Been watching this as a candidate for a headless conversion, glue up job on the crack looks awful though.
  14. Had far less issues with AliExpress than I've had with eBay and I buy from both regularly. A lot of sellers are using the Cai Niao premium service now as well (unless you're buying very low value items) which takes around a week.
  15. Are you using general Toneprints or the amp specific versions? Only the amp ones work with their heads, make sure they're in the 'TonePrint Bass Amp' section with the white knob icon.
  16. TGI Extreme in stock for £45 here: https://kendallguitarshop.co.uk/products/tgi-extreme-bass-guitar-gig-bag Ibanez Powerpad are cheap and have an internal length of 1240mm, can get them in loads of colours: https://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_ibb541_br_powerpad_gigbag.htm
  17. Is it the gripping mechanism on your Hercules stands that's breaking? There's a few videos online which detail how to fix them. I have one of the older Hercules stands which seems to be much more durable, had it knocking on 15 years now and still works as new. One of the arms stopped working but it was easy enough to fix this in a few minutes, been fine since.
  18. Bass direct has the TGI lengths listed, assume they're the internal measurements: https://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/TGI_Gig_bag.html The Extreme is £50 if you want something cheap but good.
  19. Just measured my Gator Pro Go Deluxe, looks like it can house 122cm and more with the lower cushion removed. Also measured my Gator Pro Go X (same as the Transit I think) which can just about do 122cm again with the lower cushion still in place. There's a removable bit of padding around the headstock area if you need more space.
  20. For some reason I find the machine heads on this extremely visually appealing. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/3GEAAOSwVDNkkWEc/s-l1600.jpg
  21. All the 6x10 and 8x10 cabs I've seen for sale don't fetch much and take an age to shift, bargains compared to the new price for sure but that's the hit you take when you buy a massive heavy cab that very few people can be bothered to transport. Great to leave in a rehearsal room though.
  22. My old genuine Fender copy made of old bits and bobs, nice MIJ neck. It did actually say Fender on the headstock though so doesn't belong here. Actually gigged a fair bit with this, sold it last year.
  23. Not an SX, slightly differen't shape. Definitely seen it before just can't remember where. That red Jazz is definitely a Sire body though. This is basically the sort of thing MDP would be turning out if he could control himself around a chisel.
  24. Sold listing prices seem to be between £20 and £35, I was given one many moons ago, like you said good fun but long since superceeded by Zoom's more recent offerings.
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