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Everything posted by ProfJames

  1. PM'd for a sounc clip...........cannot find one anywhere............
  2. I have one of these, bought off this site that Neil Murray commissioned........great bass...glwts
  3. Would love to hear this being played please...........
  4. Peerless in South Korea I think, make wonderful basses and have done for Epiphone, et al for years
  5. If you want it fast these are the boys....................................
  6. I like your style @Monkey Steve..........priorities and wishlists merge, lovely bass............
  7. Just got mine last weekend. Had to see what all teh fuss was about. Was fortunate to purchase from a farmer in Wales, don't ask the price........... way under the market rate with a MM case, all case candy, he bought fro new. Transpires he wants to buy a big motorbike and I was in the right place at the right time. 2016 build, could not be happier than when I bought it...........but.....now I have been playing it, wonderful fat tones and it is quickly becoming a favourite. Big words from me as I have two Shukers, two Sandbergs, Magnum...etc. Things are good at the moment and I have been fortunate but now I see/hear what all the fuss is about.
  8. Fanned fret is so easy to play I have found................. here is a similar D Roc............https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/200416358790025--dingwall-d-roc-4-string-matte-blue-to-purple-pau-ferro-fingerbo?gclid=Cj0KCQjwo-aCBhC-ARIsAAkNQitPzKIHvqTCkS3VBLQ7ta8DmrVqltPIZ6eJJotob2yuQU8SN7q1q8QaAg_lEALw_wcB
  9. This deserves a bump..................superb basses
  10. Absolutely stunning..............GLWTS...............that colour is superb ..........
  11. Think it was the Birdsnest before the Moonlight as well........... Phil Lynott used it as a local..........
  12. Adam Ant lived in Hughbury..........went to one of his parties..........will tell more when we meet!!! Also used to be involved in videos mainly out of teh Star Studios in St John's Wood.............loads more stories there!!!
  13. Yes! Gascony Avenue just heading towards Abbey Road. Know the Railway very well, Decca Records just around the corner. Saw Joy Division there to name just one band!
  14. Great days, used to live just off West End Lane back in those days, not old enough to get in the pubs, played football at the Sobell in Islington and Primrose Hill............halcyon days.........then discovered rugby and liked that more! Not seen Barso for years. His brother is a geologist........two great laugh!!
  15. I still know Mike Barson....key board player and hs brother Ben - and when they were called North London Invaders I was one of their two "roadies" in a small Hnda van. Indeed, the songs are very well crafted, even the covers, they did a whole lot of learning as they went along and embraced the moment with everything they did, and still do! A lot WAS made up on the fly, ven down to the videos...............
  16. Connect to him on Linkedin.........he puts out posts that you can comment on. They are a travesty and shirk responsibility all the time. Abysmal company.............good luck
  17. Just back from a little mountain farm in Risca, outside Newport where I got this stunning Stingray......not given it a full go yet but it is in A1, condtion 2016 build, Musicman OHSC, all the candy. Great couple who I bought it from, good to meet genuine nice people, not a Basschat purchase! Need to see what all the fuss is about with them.....any tips? Been waiting a while for the right one, think I found it aesthetically......see if I get on with it.....
  18. Will PM you later............it's a beauty and you are not far from me...........oh bloody!!
  19. Just pulling the trigger on a Stingray!!! If it is still here in a few weeks................stunning
  20. Nice mask of you on the radiator @kodiakblair.....!!
  21. You lucky bugger!!! Got a bathrom have you?
  22. That does look like a Dyna bass! They are just as well made as the T40, excellent USA construction.......had a few of them in my time.......but not as many as @kodiakblair...............
  23. Is this a rogue utility company trail?? All GAS safe???
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