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Everything posted by ProfJames

  1. I have an Ibanez EHS fanfret .... so easy to play! Envious of your Dingwall, enjoy it......
  2. Had to ni out for another Shuker (and a BB1100s.....but for a pal) from @Booga13......what a top guy and what a collection of basses...........tried to invite myself to breakfast or brunch but never worked! Top man, great guy to buy from and his new reliced Limelight hand made looks stunning. Got Shuker GAS............been playing my headless Shuker and thinking about this RD style one since December, I have the backbone of an invertibrate.......the tone clarity and response from this is immense, very very pleased...........difficulty uploading a photo so just search for SHuker RD syle on here.........
  3. Should nip out this weekend to pick up another lockdown purchase. Photos when transaction is done (my own ones this time not Flat Eric's!) ................. anyone else crept in with a bass or two recently? April 12th is deadline I believe?
  4. Genesis.....doing Land of the Sliippermen (or some tosh...woeful racket).........New Order...complete poodle's plop in my opinion, loved Joy Division but New Order sounded worful...done it twice! Adam and the Ants....he was whizzed I reckon or something and was always an arrogant twonk when I worked on his videos....
  5. I have one too, love it. Really enjoy your pages, excellent reviews, been looking each time I bought a bass. What do you think of the Steinberger Synapse? Won't steal your photos again, sorry .....will send money!
  6. ...............yes it is. I have never been happier with a bass...........sound is phenomenal, tone, treble and deep bottom end. Pushes me to play better.....
  7. Sorry but can't resist posting my Shuker graphite headless....................pride of the herd.................great thread, some good points made and educational for me...........
  8. With the money he's earning I doubt he'll be shopping in ASDA..................
  9. Yes, I nicked your photo as the one's on the dealer sit ein the USA were not downloadable!! Read your website reviews before I bought a couple of T40's as well. Excellent reviews, spot on. Just put mine in to have a set up and it is working very well indeed, seems easier if anything. Have you reviewed teh Magnum MkII....?
  10. If I don't like them I will give to the girlfriend as an orange polo...........
  11. Had my right wrist broken in Aus playing rugby league, it was at 90 degrees to my forearm. Three ops later, wrist fused, titanium pins out, metal plate out, carpal tunnel problems but can still pluck...........18 years ago
  12. The Proclaimers introduced me to "havering", sorry to hear the reason why you are sellin, cracking looking bass in stunning condition.........glwts
  13. You never know where I may end up!!! Will promise to put it in my car if I ever get the chance to come down your way, stay safe!
  14. I would love to try the Washburn in addition to a Status and Steinberger. Poole is not that far!!! Bought an old Merc from SW Car Auctions in Poole a few years back, great place and loads of great motors. A Merc 500SEL, 1982. Loved it!! I bought the Axstar and BX! becai=use of the write ups I reviewed over the last three/four years. Also they are pretty rare, inexpansive really but still rare. I try to wait for prestine condition versions to become available.........if I have the patience!
  15. You are more than welcome to try out any of mine. Also have an Ovation Magnum MkII in my small collection which is definitely one for sitting down!
  16. If it was in the UK I would be travelling to see you now!! Great basses.........not seen black before, glwts
  17. @RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE it is versatile, easy to play, fast neck and responsive! It is not to be played sitting down but it is so light that is not a problem. Would place it above the Ibanez Axstar and the Kramer Duke but then the Duke is really the '80s epitome of sound...and not to be altered. It won't alow it. My Shuker is the one that I really need to experiment with but not had time due to work. I am extremely pleased with all four of my headless basses and at the moment the BX1 is the "go to" as the Axstar needs setting up due to string height. Full recommend the BX1 as I would the other three! The Shuker is a one off I believe but there is the brother of my Duke still for sale on Reverb, blcak one. There is also a BX1 for sale on Reverb, from the USA but it has been heavily used. Not any Axstars available unless yuo want to ship from Japan I think.
  18. Whatever you enjoy, like get's you through the day is fine by me. We are all different and that what is so refreshing. The way one person hears something is compltely different to another person. I enjoy the search and am pretty sure will never be happy.........but I am happy with tat and the searching!!!
  19. Could never tell the difference between the Taiwan or Jap built, both quality
  20. I love my Ibanez fan fret......so easy to play......that's nice
  21. How many basses did you buy before you found it? Glad you have by the way........
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