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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Could be GK, and have ordered some new slow blow glass jobs of the correct rating. We'll see !!
  2. The Trace Elliot combo will take another 8 ohm cab, and the additional cab, also Trace Elliot, has been checked as 8 ohms, also the internal wiring was checked, and also run through a different amp, and so cab is not guilty
  3. Disco never sucked is correct. But i do love the new Techno / Disco amalgamation, apparently called Tesco
  4. Hi, thanks mate but they're both specifically about blowing the amp fuses. My amp fuse is fine, it's only the speaker fuse that blew when adding the second cab
  5. Got a Trace Elliot GP11 Mkv combo 4x10 and got a second cab , TE 1152 1x15 wedge , and soon as i plugged it in, lost all sound. The second cab never uttered a sound. Unplugged the cab, and now no sound from the combo either. There are 2 fuses on the rear , amp and speaker. Amp light was still on but checked this fuse anyway, but it was fine. Checked the speaker fuse and it had blown. Checked the cable first, but no problems there. Checked the internal 1x15 cab wiring, and didnt seem to be any problems there either. What could possibly have blown the speaker protection fuse in the TE head ?
  6. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1493315492' post='3287457'] fleabag Peavey UK got closed back in 2014 [/quote] Thanks K - didnt know that
  7. Not everyone's a giggling eejit though. As Spec said, he seems shy. Thats not a crime
  8. I might be a bit behind the times but i thought Peavey owned TE, and isn't there a Peavey manufacturing plant near Northampton or Corby ?
  9. PS and that wasn't all. Apparently, many tracks on one of the circuit boards had been cut or bypassed and made a difficult job even more so Its surprising that it actually worked at all before taking it to the tech
  10. Just got one of my amps back from my local tech wizz kid, and he was so shocked at what he found inside he took a photo and printed it off for me It had obviously been to the local butcher, who managed to make the insides look worse than a chimp doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench He fixed all problems, but 8 hours of work @ £20 p.h. and 4 expensive switches (£10 each ) the bill was a bit sickening. Still - its working like a demon now Heyho, thats life
  11. Yup, with Meisner on bass. Cant think why they did a Needle Time with Tim, then show a different guy playing bass at the end Still, an interesting chap. Seems quite serious
  12. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1493117294' post='3285700'] I hope the git who complained has an infestation of fleas. [/quote] I'll see what i can do
  13. Likewise - sold Alain a pedal No fuss no foul. A scholar and a gent
  14. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1493057164' post='3285272'] Soo good to see someone mention dread zep. I had the good fortune to work for them on a uk tour in the early 90's. Lovely lovely people and boy, did tortelvis know how to work a crowd!! [/quote] Ah yes, Greg Tortell. Mad as a bucket of slippers Have some more, DWMB. Get yer teeth into this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAM1MKi7bNU
  15. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1493037588' post='3285023'] Reggae? Do much reggae? [media]http://youtu.be/CZHWy6W00oM[/media] [/quote] Good choice ! I've had their first CD Un-Led-Ed for a couple of decades now. Weird mob , but brilliantly entertaining
  16. Ouch ! Your opinion on what's sh*t has no bearing on anything. How do ya like them apples ! ( as Matt Damon once said )
  17. Moroccan Roll , Unorthodox Behaviour and Masques are asboloot killers
  18. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1492969200' post='3284490'] What's the difference between the Thumpinator and Micro Thumpinator? Considering adding one of these to my live setup [/quote] I'd say just a couple of inches ( matron )
  19. Nah, we can't hang that one on ya, bud. Fairs fair
  20. We throw the crowd a curve ball after playing some sh*t rock covers by kicking in The Riverboat song Turns heads, does that number
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