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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Had to check the TE speaker jack plug. Its the way the TE is assembled makes checking the socket impossible Anyways, reading was 5.9 ohms Checking the site above, looks like they're four 8 ohm drivers wired series/parallel
  2. Hmm...yes i think you're right. You saying i need to check the output jack socket so that i;m getting summed output ? Just checking - my leccy talent is somewhat lacking They could be original speakers, but still could have been messed with. According to the Eminence webby, if the TE 10's were all 8 ohm, 4 can only be wired for 8 ohm or 2 ohm. If they're 16 ohm, 4 can be wired for 16 ohm or 4 ohm If they're 32 ohm, 4 can be wired for 8 ohm
  3. hey, now that's something i didnt think of Time for a test - cheers Mark EDIT Its a 4 x10 with original TE drivers. They're fine
  4. Update ! Fuses arrived, replaced speaker fuse and combo back up and running fine. Again, added 2nd TE cab and the combo instantly sound like the speakers had all blown, farting badly, next to zero volume. Extension cab not much better. Fuse did not blow this time Extension cab ( i may have already said this ) was tested through another amp, using the same cable and it was fine. So it seems that the TE combo does not like a 2nd cab added, despite its ability to run two 8 ohm cabs ?? Any more ideas ??
  5. [i]*sticks head under mattress to check for hiding composers*[/i]
  6. Weird Elgar is toast http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/bank-accounts/7397202/Elgar-20-note-no-longer-legal-tender.html
  7. Mine's even tamer to be fair. Joined band where the guitarist had formed them, and from that day, it was deemed that it was HIS band. I joined them at some point, by which they'd all been together for a fair while, so i was an outsider but i knew the ryhthm git many years ago. We'd done a few gigs, but lead git who's band it was ( remember ? ) was not that good and he played one particular song wrong. and badly, and i had the audacity to point it out a few times. I did it again at our last rehearsal, but this time lead git , who's band it was ( remember ? ) threw his dummy and kicked off like a schoolboy that had been robbed of his lunch money Rehearsal folded, i got kicked ( and happy about it because i would have gone that evening ayway ) Everybody else said, ' well it's HIS band ' but agreed with me out of his earshot. You gotta love gitwrists. They are a planet unto themselves
  8. Mike Masse . on the right. Occasionally has Sterling Cottam ( on the left here ) accompanying, and sometimes Jeff Hall on bass Only covers, but dammit he's good. So are the other guys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9iVG4kg0sg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_U9-JU-aNo&list=RDG9iVG4kg0sg&index=35 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEpINdKRyrE&list=RDG9iVG4kg0sg&index=30
  9. Maybe this is more useful https://www.78rpmcommunity.com/beta/articles/8/valuing-78rpms
  10. Oh, by the way Lefty, check here http://www.vinylrecordfair.com/vinyl-record-values/#gsc.tab=0
  11. [b]K E R C H I N G ! ! ! ![/b] http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/music-lover-buys-old-vinyl-7753322
  12. I also use both anchored thumb and floating thumb
  13. fleabag


    So - the Grooving Postman sounds like a plan
  14. My middle finger is at least 10mm longer than forefinger , maybe a bit more, but i still mainly use forefinger and middle, only occasionally using ring finger, but only if its an easy shot What i do is mainly play E and A with forefinger and middle respectively, if both strings are required quickly between each other, and the same if i have to move to A and D, then D and G May not work for everyone but it works for me
  15. fleabag


    Close - have half a cigar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL3pP29N-Wc
  16. fleabag


    [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1493554846' post='3289070'] Quite. The box ticked on the card says 'Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed', too. The postage seemed a bit steep, but I didn't seem to have the option of cheaper postage. [/quote] I looked at Status for strings as i'm after some too, but according to their website, they ship strings free of charge to the UK How come you got charged for special delivery ? The annoying thing about Status's website, for strings anways, is that the price you see is + VAT. It doesn't say that till you add some packets to the shopping cart. Still, i guess free postage offsets the cost in a way
  17. Oh, even with a simple Jazz Bass i still use a schematic
  18. fleabag


    [quote name='beely' timestamp='1493579776' post='3289238'] I see these sort of posts from time-to-time and, as a postie myself, thought I would respond and, hopefully, put a few misconceptions to rest. Perhaps the biggest of these misconceptions is that sometimes the postie will not try too hard to deliver a parcel as it is “too much work/can’t be bothered/doesn’t have time/is a twat”. Let me run this past you. Actually delivering an item involves:- [indent=1]Knocking on door or ringing bell[/indent] [indent=1]Waiting for householder to answer[/indent] [indent=1]Scanning item and getting signature if required[/indent] [indent=1]Handing item over to householder[/indent] [indent=1]Not delivering an item involves:-[/indent] [indent=1]Knocking on door or ringing bell[/indent] [indent=1]Waiting for householder to answer[/indent] [indent=1]Scanning item[/indent] [indent=1]Knocking on door or ringing bell[/indent] [indent=1]Waiting for householder to answer[/indent] [indent=1]Filling out P739 card[/indent] [indent=1]Re-scan item as “Not delivered”[/indent] [indent=1]Carrying said item for the rest of that particular loop or taking it back to the van[/indent] [indent=1]Applying “P739 left” sticker to item[/indent] [indent=1]Unloading item on return to office[/indent] [indent=1]Returning item to callers office for filing/storage[/indent] I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions. This post had all the potential to turn into a mega-rant but hey, Guinness calls. [/quote] The one thing missing is sometimes they dont ring. I've been home waiting for deliveries , ( yes plural cos it's happened more than once ) and wondered where they got to, only to think the postie never turned up Next day, check letterbox ( i live in a block so make a once a day visit to the ground floor ) and find they simply stuck a card and in and hot footed it
  19. I fully admit some electronics baffle the knickers off me. I can wire up a simple jazz bass, where its vol vol tone, but after that, its over to the techs The joy of slapping in an East U-Retro deluxe, like wot i did in a previous bass ( now removed and fitted in my ESP fretless) is that you merely have to connect pup wires to screw terminals, and attach bridge earth. Thats my level
  20. I use mine with active and passive. Did the XVIVE people say they shouldnt be used with active basses ? Also, you probably wont get 5 hours continuous. Up to 4 is more realistic
  21. The amp tech refurbed all that pigeon poo and re-did the mauled tracks, sorted the 4 switches and did a full service and PAT test. Amp's now a beaut
  22. Very true, and yes you pay for that, but they're great in an emergancy I'm fortunate that i have 2 other rigs i can fall back so there's no urgency on my part, and decided on the cheap Ebay fuses
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