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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Forgot to add, that if both pickup Vols are off, the third vol ( tone pot ) doesnt do anything at all. It only does this volume off on both pickups thing when either or both pickups are on
  2. Hmm... well much to my surprise, i got volume out of the bass upon first connection to me amp. Plenty volume. Weirdly, instead of Vol Vol Tone, i have Vol Vol Vol. The Neck and Bridge pups vols work fine, independantly and both on. But no matter which of the pickups is on, or both, the tone control turns them both off, like another vol control. Now,..i followed Stewmacs guide to the letter Black+White twisted together and taped off (this is Series i presume ), Green + bare to ground, Red as hot. Any ideas peepsies ? Surely Stewmac isnt wrong ?
  3. Jeeeeez .. I got as far as Here She Goes Again in post 1, and the rest is Egyptian hieroglyphics. You clever peep ! Sounds ultra cool and ultra complicated to a buffoon
  4. There's nothing in this pointless section. It can all go in Off Topic or some other area

    1. SpondonBassed


      It's not been the same since we lost The Gourmet of Wigan - @Les's Guide to Post Gig nosh.

    2. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      In all fairness, I have just a single status.

      It's a gorgeous Streamline 5.


      And that was an update.


    3. prowla


      Good point...

  5. Whatever all that means hopefully, is now he's decided to use the spare headphone out channel on the headphone amp, and not coming off the desk direct, means that it will end the debacle
  6. Just get a Philips screwdriver witha suitably size head, heat it up on the shaft 1" before the tip, and bend it to 90 degrees. Instant tool. Ooer
  7. I honestly couldn't tell ya because when he's made his mind up that something will work, it will work. 8 times out of 10 it doesnt, but suggestions from others just fall on stoney ground. He's one of those people that rarely ask questions if he doesnt know, like me on here. He just ploughs on and does his own thing. Dont get me wrong though, he's a good lad - enthusiastic about music, rehearses when he's ill, and a generous peep to his mates. He's just so stubborn about tech stuff. I dont care about asking when i dont know stuff, although you get lectures from BRX We'll find out in a couple of weeks, cos him and mrs stubborn are off to Cornwall in a few days for 2 weeks.
  8. Stubborn just called me and said that 2trk phono in pic above is switchable between Input and Output, and isn't just Input only. Uh ? Anyways, he doesnt want to use the pair of XLR Main outs or Mono XLR out, cos it does something to something else on the desk .... blah blah. Zzzzzzz Apparently, he's now going try the spare channel on the headphone amp. There's 5 of us and so we only use 5 channels, leaving channel 6 spare. Just a single 1/4 jack to mininjack cable. Lemon Squeezy
  9. Looking at the PDF manual, the Main Outs are only XLR, so my cable is useless. What i need is XLR x 2 or XLR x 1 into mini jack ? Is that right ?
  10. Yes, that sounds like an option. I may put that to him , and i already have that 2 x 1/4" jacks into 3.5mm jack, but he's a stubborn know it all, so he wouldnt use my cable, telling me he needs phonos .. I dont know desks, and he's the only one that runs it, so we're stuck with what he does, mostly Richard head 😀
  11. Aha, so are they for playing music over PA rather than recording ? Makes sense.
  12. This is what he's currently using for the Tascam recorder
  13. The Tascam DR07x doesnt have 2 mono 1/4" jack inputs, just a stereo mini jack in. I agree entirely that the problem is user error on the mixer, not the Tascam re the input peaking on the recorder. The headphones socket is already in use for the 6 channel headphone amp we're using for everyone's headphones. So we'd need to connect the Tascam to some other output.
  14. Our rhyth git is the band's mixer owner and operator, and although he thinks he knows how to run it, he struggles most of the time. So what he's trying to do is connect a Tascam portable recorder to the mixer ( Soundcraft LX7ii 24 Ch ) to record a rehearsal. Problem one is the output he's using on the mixer is overloading the Tascam. He cannot turn the input gain down enough on the Tascam to stop it peaking. Problem two is that none of the reverb on vocals is being recorded. On the desk there are record out phono sockets, which is what he's using to the Tascam. Is there a better way ? I thought Aux sends would be better ( it was suggestion, i dont know about such stuff ) but he reckons Aux sends only give a dry signal, so wont use them. PS we have a 6 channel headphone amp connected so we all practice under headphones
  15. No, none at all. There was a paper wiring diag. in the box but it was simply a copy of the one i posted, and Barts 2nd diag , the WD one with Black/White twisted together. That one is the same as the Stewmac one, except Stewmac described them for dummies. Look at the WD diag...it uses the outside lug of the 2 Vols as hots, and JB's use the middle lug of both Vols as hots Still see no reason why both pickups were sent with greens/reds twisted together. The cant possibly know how someone is going to wire them up.
  16. I'm right - found this from Strings Direct. Advert for Sunbeams and spec says no silk https://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/strings-c1/string-sets-c865/bass-guitar-c34/dr-strings-sunbeams-nickel-wound-45-100-bass-guitar-strings-4-string-long-scale-p945
  17. I dont know, things could have changed at the DR strings factory, but the only DR strings that have silk wraps were the flats. Sunbeams should not have a wrap, and have brass ball ends
  18. I had Gen 1 Xvives and they lasted 2 years till the battery wouldnt charge up anymore. Sneakily, the manufacturer didnt design them with replaceable batteries so in the bin they went. W@nkers Think i paid around £115 for the pair. Not very economical is an understatement. I decided never to buy anything similar. So i plumped for Line 6 Relay G75, which has been utterly faultless. Yes, it's bulkier by some margin, but it least it wont be in the bin 2 years on. In fact we're already past that
  19. I have a fretless with Rosewood and a fretless with Richlite. Unfortunately, both are at assembly stage, so i'll post when both are playable
  20. https://www.stewmac.com/video-and-ideas/online-resources/learn-about-guitar-pickups-and-electronics-and-wiring/wdkent-armstrong-humbucking-pickups/
  21. Stewmac had the best diagram for KA 4 conductor pickups, and it's now soldered up
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