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Everything posted by keefbaker

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1455591057' post='2980521'] I'm going to make it to Liverpool someday one way or the other. And when I get there I'm going to kiss the ground. [/quote] Having spent quite a bit of time in Liverpool I'd advise against it. Like a lot of the creative cities in England they were creative because they were sh*tholes with nothing else to do in. However it has been gentrified a bit now so maybe you'd catch less diseases doing it. Loads of Beatles stuff there and yes, The Beatles are pretty much unquestionably both the most important band of all time and probably the most important thing in Liverpool still.
  2. I'd be happy for this to exist and if it did there should be a gigantic sticky that says, "USE A METRONOME". Honestly if I'd known how useful metronome practise was from day one my progress would have been A LOT quicker. There are even free metronome apps for your phone now, you've simply GOT to do it.
  3. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1455612024' post='2980586'] He's got a new album out & everyone's talking about him. [/quote] True. But rather than listening to his album I'm sat here listening to Spreading the Disease by Anthrax, so...
  4. Guys, I am proper stoked for you. You'll have to let me know how long it was from initial order to your door so I know what lead time I'm looking at.
  5. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1455539762' post='2979953'] But I also find him strangely entertaining. Not his music (although I do quite like Gold Digger and Stronger), just his bemusingly laughable cartoon persona. It’s like the mind of a 7 year-old boy transported into the body of a grown man. [/quote] That's EXACTLY what it's like!
  6. I'm going to bang in Dimension Hatross by Voivod and Yoshimi battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips.
  7. I've written the poor lad some saving tips. http://bumhole666.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/saving-tips-for-kayne-west.html
  8. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1455534582' post='2979869'] I've never knowingly heard his music, but doubt I'm really missing anything. [/quote] Yeesus is an "ok" album in parts, he references a lot of old industrial music in it and there's some actual ferocity but for the most part his stuff isn't my thing.
  9. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1455532861' post='2979843'] Any other arbiters of taste and fashion like to chip in? I'd like to make sure I'm not breaking any rules with my clothing and I need your approval to survive [/quote] Pull your trousers up!
  10. Harmless *IF* nobody falls for investing in his ideas. I wonder if that debt is real? If so I've got to say..... HOW IN THE HELL?!?!?!?
  11. The man is a grade-A dong in every conceivable way. Every single thing he does makes him look more and more stupid but still people buy into his crap. The human race, ladies and gentlemen, the human race.
  12. Sorry dude, but this is like those bedroom DJs/Producers who wear Ableton caps in the hope that someone will talk to them about it. Loving something is one thing, wearing it across your chest is another. Depends I suppose, if you're married/don't care about getting laid then go for your life.
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1455530916' post='2979815'] I think that's correct. For example, being a port city connected through trade to North America (and elsewhere) is a factor in the development of Liverpool's popular music through the availability of imported vinyl. [/quote] Even the accent is because of that port. A hybrid of northern English and Irish.
  14. Being from the horror that is Widnes I used to pop into Liverpool all the time to buy my CDs and look at musical instruments. I've not been there for a good 15 years but there's always been a massive presence of the Beatles in that town. Believe me, give Liverpool something that it can use to fleece tourists with and it'll snap your hand off.
  15. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1455401341' post='2978911'] But the vibe from the film is of a community of musicians ready and skilled to jam/play. I just don't see this, at least not here (rural Somerset!). [/quote] Other people will always make you better. There might be an open mic night at a pub, go down, talk to people, you might find people to jam with. Chances are if you're there itching to jam there are other people who want to too. That said, I should do this myself. Drink my own damn kool aid.
  16. Got the boomerang strap a few days back, until then I've been playing my NS NXT5 on the stand, It's completely revitalized it for me and I can run round like a nutter now. I didn't expect a simple strap to make such a difference to me!
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1455283233' post='2977765'] Spam from Soundcloud ? [/quote] Not email spam, message inbox spam. Well, I call it inbox spam, "please come on my compilation it'll only cost you £50", "hey, I can get your music on spotify and itunes, blee". I'm already working with a label, I don't need your rip off sh*te thankyou very much. But I did love it, apart from the temptation to throw half finished crap up there.
  18. I used it for a while, got sick of it, deleted my account. It was too tempting to put incomplete stuff up there and if I'm going to release something I'd rather release it fully these days. I got a lot of spam, very little of actual use.
  19. [quote name='Chownybass' timestamp='1455197968' post='2976936'] One of the benefits of being a small business is we could consider making you one to order. Come and check them out at the show, and if you like the quality, we can come to some sort of arrangement ;-) - Stephen [/quote] Will do.
  20. I really like the sound and if you had a fretless model I'd probably snap your hand off at the bass show.
  21. I think in all honesty it's all of the above. like a lot of genres that have been around that long it's fragmented into a million subgenres, some with dress codes.
  22. Muse - in the way that you can always play the "what song have they blatantly ripped off for this one" game.
  23. Steel Panther are just pants girly rock and have a pants name. They don't all have silly names, But then some bands of all genres have daft names. Orange juice, Stars of the Lid, Radiohead etc.
  24. I refuse to do any quiz that considers Steel Panther to be metal.
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