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Everything posted by LewisK1975

  1. Sometimes in my old covers band it was the really repetitive ones which caught me out. Quick roll eyes at the drummer, 'Haha!, the repetition got you!'
  2. It's a different Andy Edwards, he is/was the vocalist/guitarist of Welsh prog band EZRA. Thanks for the kind words. Yep, we spotted the incorrect apostrophe when we visited the label HQ to see the CD's - too late then unfortunately. Hopefully it'll be corrected if further pressings are done..no need for apologies..
  3. Here's an old pic (at least 5 years ago) - the only one I've still got is the blonde '78 Precision..
  4. Indeed Kev, and it's Magenta's Rob Reed who runs our label. And the gent that is @mattbass6 on here was/is behind The Reasoning & was also a Magenta member..
  5. Lots in the pipeline ead, I'll keep this updated as confirmations come in. Thanks mate!
  6. Thanks Osiris & Mrs Osiris! The idea for the band was a modern approach to Prog, whilst still maintaining an old-school vibe, so it makes sense that it appeals to more than just pure progsters...Thanks again for the kind words!
  7. That's very kind of you ead! Cheers mate!
  8. Thanks Dave! And correct on the influences, We're all big Rush fans... Very kind words Osiris, than you very much. And yes, it's only CD that's been done at the moment.. Fret not ead, the official release date is tomorrow, Dave must have some lightning quick posties round his way...
  9. I'd be tempted to remove the lid and have a quick gander inside to see if anything's obviously damaged / loosened / dislodged. YMMV!
  10. Why not ask Mark Gooday (Ashdown owner/MD, formerly TE bigwig) if he's got any idea's where you might get something?, or maybe he'll have another suggestion to achieve what you're trying to do...He's on Facebook or easily contactable via Ashdown too..
  11. Great video @Bill some super-tight riffage there! Love it! Fingers for me! I kinda like the additional 'air' in the notes when using the pick, but for that bass, fingers just sound so 'right'! Great post!
  12. Thanks for all the kind words chaps! There's now also a preview video for the album on Youtube too, hope you all enjoy!
  13. Weird that - Let me know if you've still got a problem though, and I'll let them know.
  14. Hey Dave - Thanks!, I'll check the FB page as I'm sure we had posted on there about the Pre-order. The album is out on 28th March and can be pre-ordered now directly from the label at www.whiteknightrecords.co.uk Cheers!
  15. That's mad they've (fender) allowed that to happen. Surely the whole point of a 'Line level' signal is just that - it stays at the same (line) level!!!
  16. I believe this is being worked on as we speak!
  17. One I've never been able to count is Rusty Cage by Soundgarden. The verse sections are in 4/4 apparently, but I'm damned if I can count it and find the '1'....
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