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Everything posted by scrumpymike

  1. The TC Electronic stuff seems pretty good by all accounts. Speaking of heavy old lumps, my first TE 300 replaced a TE AH500 (2 x 250W amps with stereo capability). That was a MONSTER with cool UV lighting, and I never thought I'd ever sell it!! Only got the 300 as cover when the 500 went in for overhaul but just fell in love with the sound and sold the big'un - certainly don't miss hauling it around.
  2. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1450084111' post='2929314'] Ok fair enough - I didn't think he did irony but clearly I'm mistaken [/quote] Irony is part of the genetic makeup of yer average Liverpudlian. Lennon had more than his fair share of it!
  3. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1449726528' post='2926279'] £100 collected. Great inexpensive prezzie. [/quote] You're right there!
  4. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1449257961' post='2922084'] What do you guys think he does well? [/quote] In response to the OP: 1) Co-writing Beatles songs; 2) Singing Beatles songs; 3) Playing bass on Beatles songs. In response to Blue: I'm about the same age as you and can at least match your enthusiasm for Macca (OK, he's my Number 1 Bass Hero!!) - but that has a lot to do with being high on teenage hormones at the time the Beatles were 'happening'. As you said yourself, Blue: "You had to be there!", so should we be surprised that those who weren't there when we were are into different things? In response to everybody else: Great thread, interesting views, and amazing just how well Beatle- and Macca-mania have stood the test of time. Last but not least, here's my thought for the day: How big an influence was George on Paul's bass playing (that's Martin not Harrison btw ).
  5. It's breaking my heart seeing this fine bass languishing here 'For Sale/Unwanted'. Anyone who buys this will have a very good bass indeed at a bargain price but the link shows a couple of mod's that would turn a great instrument into an amazing one for not a lot more money. Although I'm personally happy with the OE neck humbucker, I'm planning on doing this on mine to get that bit more versatility. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3oaZ8_Bhgo"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3oaZ8_Bhgo[/url]
  6. Just to close this loop, I held out and was recently lucky enough to find on this forum a nice used example of the TE 300SMC I already have. So now I've got 2 of the best and I'm a happy bass bunny!! Glad I listened to the guys on here who said that's what I should do
  7. You'd be right there Bigwan!! It really blew me away when I first tried it - and still does.
  8. [quote name='Johnny1977' timestamp='1449499756' post='2924075'] Is it in light blue? Is it short scale bass? [/quote] Yep, that's the one. Pelham Blue was the only colour that the bass came in.
  9. I'm not into the slap style of playing but, when I was looking round for stuff about the Gibson Les Paul Junior DC before I bought one, I found a great demo of one by Scott Whitley and, if I remember right, it included some slapping. Just Google the bass and it should come up. Btw, if you like it, there's a minter currently on sale on this forum at a very reasonable (for US-built Gibbo) £450 - no, it's not mine!! Cheers, Mike PS If you can't find it I'll try and post a link.
  10. OK guys, you've shown me yours - so here's mine! [url="http://[URL=http://s1149.photobucket.com/user/scrumpymike/media/007_zpsapwoedu4.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o598/scrumpymike/007_zpsapwoedu4.jpg[/IMG][/URL]"]http://[URL=http://s1149.photobucket.com/user/scrumpymike/media/007_zpsapwoedu4.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o598/scrumpymike/007_zpsapwoedu4.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/url] Left to right: [u]Gibson Les Paul Junior DC[/u] Very good at doing what Gibson basses do and better balanced on the strap than an SG - I've got a set of Jazz Flats for it but not got round to fitting them yet; [u]Hofner Contemporary Club[/u] Acquired pretty much out of curiosity (and because it looks so COOL in cherry red) as part of a trade, and I absolutely LOVE IT! - especially for long rehearsals, when the light weight (6 1/2 lbs) is a bonus; [u]Fender Rascal[/u] This is a fabulous piece of kit with a wide range of sounds from the 3 lipstick pups readily accessible thanks to the neat switching system - this is one hugely capable and very under-rated bass that behaves more like a standard scale than any I've tried. As you can see, quirky/different stuff is what I like the best
  11. Hey Wylie, our OP friend is fixed up now but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to endorse your views on the excellent middle-of-the-range Club. Got mine as part of a trade and I absolutely love it. Nice and light too. Here it is with my other 2 shorties. [url="http://[URL=http://s1149.photobucket.com/user/scrumpymike/media/007_zpsapwoedu4.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o598/scrumpymike/007_zpsapwoedu4.jpg[/IMG][/URL]"]http://[URL=http://s1149.photobucket.com/user/scrumpymike/media/007_zpsapwoedu4.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o598/scrumpymike/007_zpsapwoedu4.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/url]
  12. "Fancying being a bass slapping geriatric." Join the club!!
  13. If you want a distinctive-looking, top-quality short-scale, then check out the Gibson Les Paul Junior DC for sale on this forum at £450. They are superb, I've got one (paid well over £800 new for mine) and I can highly recommend them. They were a one-off special in Gibson's funky Pelham Blue 'custom' finish.
  14. [quote name='three' timestamp='1448706422' post='2917508'] Genuinely very surprised this is still here - a giveaway price [/quote] Agreed - a fabulous bass at a great price! I prefer it to my SG Reissue (now gone) thanks to its slightly better strap balance. In every other way it's at least as good as the SG. The look is obviously subjective but personally I love it. Paid over £800 for mine, no regrets (except not getting Will's for £450!!).
  15. I've been tempted - that would be the ultimate treat for me too.
  16. Not in the market myself but that is GORGEOUS and will make someone very happy!!
  17. Sorry Pete, didn't answer your questions. Not sure where the Contemporary Club is made except that I know it's not Germany (I think the top-of-the-range model from The Fatherland costs around £1200) and I presume it's not China either, as that's where the cheapie Ignition version comes from. To my ears the bottom E sounds more than tight enough with the OE rounds still fitted, although that distinctive short-scale thud is still there.
  18. Pete, got Jessica hippo in the shot as she was included in the deal - honest! My wife loves 'em and had already seen and named this one at GC Music & Collectables in Taunton)! Did the Hofner + hippo trade for my Ebony SG re-issue with Glen. As the man said while we were shaking hands on it, "I've never done a deal with a hippo before" (hope it wasn't me he was talking about). Rich - couldn't agree more mate, just my personal preference plus the sad fact that the SG wasn't selling on the forum.
  19. Hi Pete, ended up with a Hofner Club CTE in cherry red - it looks gorgeous, plays great and, if the shop-window that Macca looked in had been displaying one of these instead of the violin shape, would now be a legend! Seem to remember BW with a similar looking Framus at one time. [url="http://[URL=http://s1149.photobucket.com/user/scrumpymike/media/001_zpspqt4j7pb.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o598/scrumpymike/001_zpspqt4j7pb.jpg[/IMG][/URL]"]http://[URL=http://s1149.photobucket.com/user/scrumpymike/media/001_zpspqt4j7pb.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o598/scrumpymike/001_zpspqt4j7pb.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/url] Hastily grabbed pic doesn't really capture the excellence of that cherry-red finish.
  20. Visited Stephen and tried one a while back. Nice guy, very good bass but I decided to go for something more compact (more in the Wyman style??) in the end.
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