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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. I agree with @ead, having just become the owner of an ACG I can safely say @skelf makes the best basses I’ve ever played. If you have the funds go for it, the man can build pretty much anything.
  2. You know what? I’m bloody well going to contact Samsara and ask them if I can run their social media presence, shocking!
  3. Handsworth Revolution by Steel Pulse kicked off my love of reggae, closely followed by Forces of Victory and Bass Culture by Linton Kwesi Johnson. I still search high and low for reggae to top those but to no avail, I don’t suppose that’s a surprise really as I discovered those albums during formative years and it’s difficult to find new stuff to beat the things you got into in your youth. Doesn’t stop me trying though! Recent discoveries in the genre have been Samsara, Laika Come Home, and the aptly named Secret Dub Life of the Flying Lizards, who knew?
  4. Just watching a prog about Two-Tone, such great songs...
  5. Not to dismiss @skelf’s entire output ever since but I am beginning to agree with a couple of people on this thread in that I think I have ended up as the owner of the most beautiful ACG ever made!
  6. Thanks to this thread... ...I now have pictures of my bass being built, at least I think all these are my Harlot? I’m sure @skelf will put me right if they aren’t!
  7. You, Sir, have made me curious about the tiny little Guitar Shop, I shall be visiting tomorrow.
  8. I was going to offer the same but then TE, ooffttttt.
  9. Just for future reference this pdf produced by the chap who looks after my basses is useful... http://www.guitartechnicalservices.co.uk/acatalog/Bass_Guitar_Restring.pdf
  10. I just couldn’t get on with a 34” fretless, to the point that I was giving up the idea of playing fretless at all, until I tried and subsequently purchased a RA Mouse, so much easier for me.
  11. ...also on the latest Late Junction a track from Richard Dawson’s superb album 2020...
  12. Just listening to Radio 3s brilliant Late Junction programme. First track was a bass player I hadn’t heard before Junius Paul with a track called Sprouts from the album Ism...
  13. Duh, sorry, I meant round cores as opposed to hex cores, not roundwounds!
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