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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='plankspanker11' timestamp='1360371554' post='1969668'] I've tried.................3 times!!! It doesn't appear???? [/quote] I think you'll find it's in the 'Basses For Sale' section now
  2. What about.............. Tentative or If I Decide To Sell or maybe................. Not sure i want to let this beauty go, but...
  3. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1360357303' post='1969421'] From about '87-'91 so not an original. [/quote] So what? Ringo wasn't an original either. Total respect to you Sir!!!
  4. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1360356194' post='1969394'] Reread my post...[size=2]cough cough![/size] [b][size=2]the quoted text in bold[/size][/b] [size=2]cough cough![/size] I'm not going to spell it out any clearer... I'm too embarrassed [/quote] Massive megamungus respect is due dude!!!!!
  5. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1360356195' post='1969395'] Got one in my shop today, a black one. It's sodding gorgeous in the flesh, and I'm having one. [/quote] Nice one! I pick up my Candy Apple Red one next week.
  6. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1360350626' post='1969229'] At 31:27 he demonstrates the sound he was after when he was very young . Guess what it sounds like ! [/quote] He says a symphony orchestra, 20 violins and french horns. Am i missing something?
  7. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1360352668' post='1969277'] No#2 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNCx7LDv7Ng&NR=1&feature=endscreen[/media] God, just realise I was a big soft-sh*te as a little boy. [/quote] Great song. No one should be embarrassed with this. I wish i'd have written it.
  8. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1360352471' post='1969274'] No shame, just being 10 years old and feeling glorious. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYfIFWhyznA[/media] No# 1 [/quote] Great song. No need for embarrassment at all..............next!
  9. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1360350860' post='1969234'] Corrected - It seems to be an attitude fairly unique to this country. It's as if bands here have a 'Use by' date. Not sure what you mean, but you should try being in the band. [/quote] What band? You've lost me.
  10. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1360344278' post='1969095'] I used to think that Gerry & The Pacemakers were far better than The Beatles and that Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas version of Do You Want To Know A Secret was superior to the Fab Fours and that Freddie & The Dreamers could wipe the floor with The Kinks. When i reached the age of eleven i realised that these three groups were maybe not as good as i once thought they were. [/quote] I take that all back. I've just played my Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas LP and they WERE better that The Beatles.
  11. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1360347969' post='1969160'] That one is a massive red flag to me. It suggests that the seller may well change their mind once you've agreed a deal. Either sell, or don't. [/quote] Absolutey. I totally disregard any ad like that.
  12. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1360345555' post='1969115'] Because you're not supposed to rock the boat! You will be mercilessly pilloried for your unusual opinions! [/quote] Ooops, sorry!!!
  13. She has........she is.......she was..........she did..........she's never.........she hasn't...........It's a BASS!!!
  14. I used to think that Gerry & The Pacemakers were far better than The Beatles and that Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas version of Do You Want To Know A Secret was superior to the Fab Fours and that Freddie & The Dreamers could wipe the floor with The Kinks. When i reached the age of eleven i realised that these three groups were maybe not as good as i once thought they were.
  15. I think it all depends on how you are actually going to cause embarrassment to yourself. If you are embarrassed by just by sitting in your bedroom listening to The Rubettes then that's a problem but probably not as much as causing embarrassment to yourself by walking into your local pub and shouting out that you love The Nolans.
  16. Why on earth would anyone be embarrassed to say they like a band? What a strange old world we live in.
  17. Here are the string sizes: Pawn Shop Bass VI: 024, 034, 044, 056, 072, 084 Original Fender VI: 025, 035, 045, 055, 075, 095 These are just what i've found on the net so they may vary. For what i've read on the net it seems that the Schecter Hellcat VI is truer to the original Bass VI sound than the Pawn Shop Bass VI. I'm picking my Pawn Shop Bass VI next week. I'm buying one simply because i think it will be good fun for the money.
  18. This is never far away from my cd player............... http://youtu.be/ryGN3_MkZFs
  19. I prefer the feeler posts ................'not sure if i want to sell this but'..........???????
  20. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1360289461' post='1968258'] I think that Zawinul's synths were alright for the most part until around 'Mr Gone'-I think that album was a little to synth heavy anyway. I don't know if I'd say it was cheesy though.I think it got better again around 'Domino Theory'. The thing with using technology is that there will nearly always be a point where it sounds 'dated'.Be it synth sounds or Simmons drums or whatever. To me though,I've never really found it a problem-it's just where things were at the time,and many modern pieces of equipment still try to replicate these sounds. [/quote] I remember in a review of Mr Gone on it's release the reviewer asked whether Mr Gone was referring to Wayne Shorter as there was less of him and much more synths on it. As you say it's more to do with the synths sounding 'dated' rather than cheesy. For anyone around when these albums were released they were anything but cheesy. These were cutting edge at the time.
  21. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1360283366' post='1968215'] There are many things that I love about Weather Report from the Jaco era ... but Zawinuls [b][color=#FFA500]cheesy[/color][/b] synths are not one of them. Don't get me wrong. As a composer and player, I think the man was truly brilliant, but lets face it ... he had a penchant for the smelly stuff. Aye, a prolific purveyor of the stilton-esque, was Joseph. The times and technology cant be blamed for this. Herbie, for example, was sounding infinately classier in those days. Oh, if the music could be reborn I'd love to hear that Weather Report/ Jaco combo, those pieces, those arrangements with the synth parts reconsidered. Less over-bearing, more sympathetic. Rinse out the gross pads, the invasive and torturous plastic lead sounds. So much of Jacos precious playing is lost in this mess of fromage. [/quote] I asked a question on BC last month re: Zawinul's synth sound on the track Forlorn where it is at time totally off kilter. I've just read 'In A Silent Way: A Portrait Of Joe Zawinul' by Brian Glasser. All those synth sounds were just the way Zawinul was. He was always programming and reprogramming his synths. I've never thought of them as cheesy though. I was really into jazz as those Weather Report LPs were being released in the 70s and 80s and they didn't seem (or were thought to be) cheesy at the time. As for Herbie, Future Shock and Rock It (which i both liked at the time) sound a whole lot more cheesy now.
  22. Gino Vannelli (no laughing at the back please...) Brother To Brother from 1978 with Jimmy Haslip on Bass (skip to 4.35 for the bass solo if you're not a fan of Gino!) http://youtu.be/eVm6hL0cynA
  23. I finally got a 1990s MIK Squier Stratocaster. It's plywood, cheap and is just the job!
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