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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360444375' post='1970671'] Meanwhile, whoever you like as a bassplayer was influenced by Paul. How ironic. [/quote] ...or maybe not.
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1360443589' post='1970653'] How can anyone sensibly claim that anyone or anything as globally popular as The Beatles are over-rated? Over-rated against what? Their own personal dislike? To claim that something is over-rated because of a personal dislike is clearly nonsense. Dislike The Beatles, Microsoft, Tesco [enter own hobby-horse here] by all means, but don't make yourself look stupid by saying they are over rated. [/quote] I think one poster in this thread said they thought the Beatles were overrated. Most posts have been about what (if any) influence or how much influence they had over music.
  3. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1360435720' post='1970490'] I'll leave the first and last of the genres you chose to mention as I could list a number of examples to the contrary, but are you honestly going to try and claim that 'Tomorrow Never Knows' had no influence on electronic music? Have you ever even heard 'Tomorrow Never Knows' before? Once again I think there are more than a few people on here trying to claim knowledge over subjects of which they have none. [/quote] Yes and yes. I heard all of Revolver the week it was released so yes i am familiar with the song. I think the Beatles were a massive influence on a lot of people and groups but fail to see that Tomorrow Never Knows had much influence on electronic music. Surely it's the other way around.
  4. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1360436018' post='1970501'] Yes. [/quote]
  5. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1360435564' post='1970486'] Tut, tut, you're guessing, never pays to guess. Although I do hear that Mozart is massively influential in both the reggae and the roots/americana scenes [/quote] I don't think it's that much of a guess to think that as many people have listened to Mozart as The Beatles. Music by Mozart is around us all the time.........and his music has been around a lot longer.
  6. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1360435564' post='1970486'] Tut, tut, you're guessing, never pays to guess. Although I do hear that Mozart is massively influential in both the reggae and the roots/americana scenes [/quote] Are you just guessing that?
  7. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1360435412' post='1970476'] Oooooh... you cut me to the quick! [/quote] I'm serious Steve. Although i do realise that The Fab Four were massively influential to pop music and for Woolworths shifting all those Top Twenty guitars in the 60s
  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1360434927' post='1970465'] However, his audience has been tiny compared to the audience of The Beatles. [/quote] I would have thought that Mozart has been listened to by as many people as the Beatles.
  9. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1360434808' post='1970464'] Whether you like The Beatles or not, the simple fact is that Lennon & McCartney wrote songs covered by more artists than any other writers. Songs that have been covered by artists in: Jazz, Rock, Folk, Classical, Pop, Country, Reggae... in fact, you name the genre, and you can bet a 'superstar' of that genre will have done a Beatles song. There's no law that says that you have to like The Beatles, but... [size=5]over-rated?... my ar*e![/size] [/quote] Give me The Rubettes any day
  10. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360433623' post='1970427'] ???That makes no sesne. Are you being obtuse on purpose? [/quote] No not deliberately. This has been a fun topic. It shows how passionate about music we all feel and we're never always going to agree. The Mozart thing was just thrown in because he really was a genius. I don't think anyone can compare with his genius and the influence he had on music.
  11. I'm not a great fan of the Fab Four despite joining the screaming hoards (i wasn't screaming by the way) that used to swamp Twickenham Film Studios when they were filming there in the 60s. Also saw Ringo filming in the Turk's Head in Twickers and still having a collection all those 60s bubble gums cards. Despite all this.........This Is How They Always Sound....................To Me http://youtu.be/trNOw9XMV8s
  12. Just to prove that it wasn't only jazz musicians who wanted to cover one of the Fab Fours songs............................... http://youtu.be/1yJajJ_B5R4
  13. Amaze your family and friends on how The Fab Four influenced our four legged friends........................... http://youtu.be/gfsLB9Dnv1A
  14. This proves beyond doubt that The Moody Blues also changed and influenced all forms of music............................... http://youtu.be/rHdWiKNkmd8
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1360431754' post='1970369'] It may well have shifted a few more LPs, I wouldn't dispute that at all, but your claim has changed from the first post quoted above to the second post quoted above. [/quote] I can't see how it's changed at all.
  16. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360431265' post='1970356'] And there are jazz musicians who don't even take Albert Ayler seriously, but okay, I'll play. [/quote] Okay. i'll play as well. There were some musicians, journalists and fans that didn't take Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Eric Dolphy, Ornette Coleman, Archie Shepp, Miles Davis and Max Roach seriously so not sure what being taken seriously actually means.
  17. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360431265' post='1970356'] First off, classical music is a music of the past so how can they "influence" that? [/quote] Treat yourself to a Mozart cd then you may see my point.
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1360430681' post='1970347'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vRI2jlXkHI[/media] [/quote] I could list a thousand Beatles songs recorded by Jazz artists. Most of these were simply musicians recording pop songs of the day. Something Jazz musicians had done long before even Be Bop and putting their slant on it. Jazz musicians recording Beatles songs didn't change music. It may have shifted a few more LPs that''s all.
  19. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360430250' post='1970335'] I asked who you thought was more influential to modern music -- which person, player, band, composer -- like that. [/quote] If there was only one choice it would be Mozart. No other person has influenced music more.
  20. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360427470' post='1970223'] I know a lot of great jazz musicians who say they were influenced by the Beatles. They changed music -- not just rock and pop. Rock and pop were nothing at all like what they did prior to their hitting the scene. [/quote] If i'd have heard Ornette Coleman or Albert Ayler playing a Beatles medley in the 1960s i might agree with you. They changed Pop music but certainly didn't change Jazz, Electronic or Classical music.
  21. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1360429093' post='1970288'] The Beatles listened to a lot of stuff by bands no-one was really listening to, and brought those sounds to the masses. [/quote] Could you post a few examples?
  22. I think this Fretless/Fretted bass thing only became really noticeable when Jaco became popular and everyone noticed (and it was often mentioned in reviews etc) that he played a Fretless bass. Before that i remember Bass players with a few popular groups played Fretless and no one ever mentioned it.
  23. If you want cheesy synths.................. http://youtu.be/7rWJmvFIIoQ
  24. [quote name='fireblademalc' timestamp='1359992440' post='1963111'] Worst bass I ever owned was a 1964 Hofner Violin Bass, complete sh*te. [/quote] Never played one but i've hated these since i was a nipper and McCartney played one with the Fab Four. Other groups had lovely chunky Burns Bisons and double cutaway semi-acoustics and Megan from the Applejacks was the height of cool with a Fender Jazz Bass but there was Macca with that oversized violin.
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