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Everything posted by NancyJohnson

  1. I've had a pair of newer Honda CRVs and it's amazing how much you can get in there...certainly enough space for my rig, a bass, five piece drum kit and three people.
  2. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1483980693' post='3211668'] Pardon????? Try harder at what? Your opinion is you like Noel, and thats fine with me. [/quote] I'm still struggling as to how applying a boldface format to a post response and using the idiom [i]Pot calling kettle...[/i]has any actual context given my original reply (however, if I'd said, 'God, that Noel Gallagher is a total cock,' you could have cheekily responded, 'Pot, kettle, black.'). My usage of [i]Try harder, eh?[/i] supports this. I don't particularly care for Oasis or High Flying Birds, but I love Noel Gallagher as an orator and find him hugely entertaining.
  3. Bump. I'm really after a swap to a rosewood board more than anything else.
  4. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1483885902' post='3210826'] Pot calling kettle there If I am not mistaken. [/quote] Hmmm? I think you'll find that the expression, 'don't get your panties in a twist' is, when used in context, similar to saying 'don't worry' or 'calm down' and doesn't refer to name-calling in the slightest. You'll remember also that I didn't refer to the aforementioned Mr Gallagher as a knob either. Try harder, eh?
  5. I like Noel and that clip made me laugh out loud primarily because it's succinct, well timed and delivered with humour. I don't really get why people resort to name-calling just because his opinion differs to yours. Why should he skirt around in an answer for fear of isolating or upsetting anyone? Some people love sprouts, loads don't. Christ on a bike, what a dull place the world would be if everyone just conformed and everybody liked the same thing. Don't get your panties in a twist kids.
  6. [quote name='BabyHands' timestamp='1483705514' post='3209370'] so the fretless side is like an extra neck right next to it? [/quote] One neck, part fretless. Or part fretted. Whatever way you look at it.
  7. Have to say I'm not really a fan of Ibanez basses, but the new SRAS7 has piqued my interest. It's just a bit mental; three fretless strings (for some reason factory tuned at A/D/G), four fretted (E/A/D/G). The fretless side is piezo only. If it was me designing this, with a neck that wide, I'd go the whole hog; tighter string spacing and have it as two E/A/D/G setups.
  8. I love that Blue actually takes the time to reply to pretty much every response to his threads. Too many times someone starts a discussion and then just leaves it to fester, ne'er to return. Class!
  9. Just checked Amazon... £102. Blimey. I mean, how bad can these actually be?? Surely no worse than the crazed pursuit of those Sue Ryder basses from a few years back. To be honest, I've played some munters in my time, but these have tended to be other peoples basses (all of which could be rectified by a 30 minute set up) and a few of these were US Fenders.
  10. I know this thread is a few months old, but I really like the overall design...ok, it's Fenderish, very cheap and I really like the look of the headstock and what they've done with the scratchplate. Prices up to 190 notes now.
  11. I'll just add to this that Mick Karn died six years ago today. f*** cancer. P
  12. My main band has undergone a few upheavals in the last year and while I'd stress that losing our guitarist (to another project) was just plain sad and awful, even he's admitted the new guy is a far better fit. From the experience perspective, we've all been doing it for decades; the new drummer and guitarist both have what qualifies as experience but for one reason or another neither had played in about a year. With both guys, I spoke to them at length on the phone and circulated audio ahead of the first get together, but if either of these guys had been asshats, it would have been apparent during the first conversation and they wouldn't have been invited along. I'd rather play with guys who want this to be fun rather than virtuoso fret-w***ers. Obviously with the prevalence of social media, it is quite routine to do some online checking to support any credentials - just a few minutes ago I read a Facebook entry on a musicians wanted page where some guy said he's played 'over a thousand gigs in the last ten years'. Clicking on his photos showed up loads of photos of trees and his dog, but not one of the guy playing with anything other than a football. What does that say?
  13. I'd listen to some EARLY Japan stuff; they were a lot more rocky/punky/funky at the start, although their material smoothed out with each album. Mick Karn's lines are fluid and still quite amazing to my ears; the way he weaved his playing into, it has to be said, some fairly formulaic tracks, makes the Adolescent Sex, Obscure Alternatives and Quiet Life albums inherently listenable 30 years after they were originally released. I'd also recommend the Polytown album Karn did with David Torn and Terry Bozzio. While it's difficult to find a CD of it, it is up on Spotify.
  14. I've had three; Bongo, DJ5 and a Streamer. The Bongo played best by a country mile, I adored the design, balance, feel and string spacing but tonally it was a mess and if I could have converted it to passive somehow, I would have. Tonally I'd say the DJ5 edged it.
  15. I have a maple neck on my Mustang and I'm looking for the same but with a rosewood board. Anyone?
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  17. If someone would but my Hartke stuff I'd be over this like a tramp on chips.
  18. I'll have to admit to being fairly GAS-free at the moment; I really couldn't be happier with my set up, but hey, in a few days it'll be 2017, so let's see. #1 - I've promised myself that each time I change strings, they'll be to Elixir Nanowebs. #2 - A series one Hamer Cruise Bass this side of the pond (anyone?); they come up on eBay periodically, but to import, I can't justify the expense. #3 - If I can shift my Hartke stuff, a Barefaced Super Twin or Big Twin II. [Edit] #4 - At my wife's suggestion, an EUB.
  19. I'll have to admit I'm not really hankering for anything either. 2017 we'll see what happens, eh?
  20. I have a mate whose TB500 went the same way and I think he'd just given up with it and it was heading to landfill. Quick message sent.
  21. Paul Schuster has said it's (currently) strung with a custom made set of La Bella strings. No intelligence the gauges.
  22. [quote name='SpcMnk' timestamp='1481978780' post='3196715'] With a bigger scale the distance between the frets increases so you would need really big hands to become friends with that one.. [/quote] Arm length would be more of a factor I suspect, however as I said earlier, I could feasibly rob two or three inches by moving the bridge further back on my JAXT4m so the additional length would only be c.3" beyond the nut. There's a scale length calculator over on the Stewmac site to support measurements. [url="https://www.stewmac.com/FretCalculator.html"]https://www.stewmac.com/FretCalculator.html[/url] Just type in the scale length and number of frets. Interestingly (and if you have a Fender Precision close to hand), the nut (open tuning) would be at a position equivalent to dead centre that of the D-string machine head capstan. The fifth fret on the 40" scale (so an E) would be roughly at the equivalent position of the 2nd fret (F#) on the Precision.
  23. I did a search and all there were were a few hokey live photos of him playing a Jazz Bass shaped bass with a MM pickup on it. It could have been silver or pink. That's how good those pics were.
  24. I think for me the issue is purely down to the visual aesthetics. Longer scale, bigger body. I've got a JAXT4 which has a Thunderbird shaped body, albeit 20% bigger...you could easily(!) steal two or three inches at the bridge end, just by setting the bridge further back, which would only mean adding four to six inches to neck length. It's an interesting concept...sadly it would probably cost an arm and a leg.
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