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Everything posted by NickD

  1. Obviously the standard get-out phrase is 'Hmmm, depends on the gig'. .... Or just 'get out!'
  2. I wish he'd stop playing over Bernaaard... He's just messing up the groove!
  3. 🤣 Barry Palladino.... I'm sure I've witnessed his slick vocal stylings on the South Yorkshire Working Men's Club circuit!
  4. I don't really critique... It's music, whether I like it or not often has little to do with how 'good' it is. I suppose the criteria I use is, can I see a connection to the image, and which do I like better than the rest.
  5. Hope you're on the up soon... Take care of yourself!
  6. NIce one... Congratulations! That was the toughest vote in a long while.
  7. Pretty much.... but I'm pretty certain they weren't there from the very beginning, they joined and then the founder members left. Obviously it could be argued that Heart, as it's known, is the Wilson sisters.
  8. Unrelated to the topic in hand, there was (and probably still is) an interesting blog post on Fish's website, maybe 10 years old, about the costs of touring (generally, not a Brexit related thing), costs, who takes what, ways he's found to keep it viable, and how many times he's had to remortgage his home to keep at it, etc. It was a really good read. Related to the topic, my MP is the culture secretary, a typical party line yes man... I shall of course lean on him, but I know from previous dealings with him that I may as well try to nail water to the ceiling.
  9. I've got both, trust me, it doesn't guarantee success!🤣
  10. Oooh, that Sub looks lovely in the satin brahn with the maple!
  11. That took ages to get together... Ah, that's definitely my number 1 vote... Nope, that's definitely my number 1 vote... Nope, that one's even better... Wait... What?... Great job everyone!💪😎
  12. From a purely scientific standpoint, this is a clear demonstration that the motion of playing handheld percussion instruments has much less of an agitation effect on silicone than it would on human tissue. From a musical standpoint... ewwww!
  13. And Derek Smalls is probably still there!
  14. Sweet.... That's set me up for the day!😎
  15. That T-Shirt is just straight up counterfeit.
  16. Nope, but you could pick it up for 50 quid!
  17. Both Billy Sheehan and Tony Franklin put up tributes this morning, and I understand Billy and Tim were friends.
  18. Awesome... so it's not just us mere mortals!🤣 Welcome!
  19. I've always been fond of this one... https://youtu.be/uF0DP82dcIA
  20. Make sure you're a pain in the ar5e! I had a pretty high value go missing in March (different courier), and after a lot of chasing it miraculously appeared and was delivered intact, 7 weeks after it was collected from me. Keeps records of everything and be polite but persistent... Here's hoping for the best!
  21. Some great riffs in there,!
  22. That's what a bass consultant does! (Probably)
  23. I was indeed referring to Swinton, South Yorkshire. Based on my limited experience, Swinton, Manchester, rather than being 'the land of the Gods' is more 'the land of folks drinking meths at 11am, then getting a bit stabby later on'. (By limited experience, I mean playing at Yates Wine Lodge there in a Glam Rock Cabaret type band in about 1996... To be fair, the fact we were in the environs of a Yates may have dictated the type of locals I encountered).
  24. If that were actually true, it wouldn't be a forbidden subject.
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