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Marc S

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Everything posted by Marc S

  1. Hello bobunit, Welcome to the forum and like everyone else, I'm really sorry to hear about that scam I hope you can sort something Did you use a credit card to pay for it? If so, I'm sure your credit card company would sort it and refund you That's certainly the case here in the UK, as far as I'm aware Never used Craigslist before, so I've no experience of them I've bought quite a bit of Second-hand gear from people on this very forum and I've made some great purchases, and been extremely happy to deal with everyone Of course, that's more difficult for you being in the US but I hope everyone you meet on here can help in some way.... Please let us know how you get on, and good luck Cheers Marc
  2. Also, yes stick basses can sound & feel more like a big fretless, but you could also consider something like one of these... They do have a small acoustic chamber, so there should be some resonance which if you use a decent pickup, should sound much more like your DB http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/electric-double-bass-/121379275826?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c42c4c432
  3. I know what you mean I'm a bit younger than yourself, but I get plenty of aches & pains! As you say, it's getting it in & out of the car is difficult enough I'm in a 3 storey house, and getting my DB up & down several flights of stairs was bad enough I luckily saw one of these for sale on here - and bought it right away You don't see many of them in the UK I had previously seen one being played at Cambridge Folk Fest and thought it looked neat It's a David Gage "Czech Ease" bass The body is quite a bit smaller than the usual Db, but it's still a 3/4 scale I find it easier to cart about - mind you, the case is pretty heavy, at least it's on wheels http://www.davidgage.com/store/index.php?cPath=26 I'm glad I bought mine Anyhow, you can also buy folding double basses or as others have said, try a 1/2 size There's one in a local shop, and it really does look smaller + easier to lug around Let us know what you decide anyway
  4. Marc S


    Yes, I'd say rest a while And really rest it - no playing for a few days Also, although some people would recommend not taking painkillers I'd say, take a rest and take something anti-inflammatory, like Ibuprophen That should help ease any inflammation - but make sure you rest the finger Another possibility of course is that it could be an arthritic condition You don't state your age - but although arthritis is more common as you get older you can also develop it at an earlier stage So rest, ibuprophen, more rest then see your GP if it continues Good luck, and let us know how you get on EDIT: After resting, try playing more with the pick, for now....
  5. Yes, squash balls are hollow I'm not sure quite how well they would work in this instance but if you know anyone who plays squash, these are free - they burst from time to time, after much useage.... So it's worth a try anyway..... I have heard tales of Hi-fi enthusiasts, cutting them in half, and using them upside-down as turntable feet, Yes, some people do still use turntables..... apparently
  6. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1404740532' post='2495239'] I got laughed at by the drummer, who's kit, sans carpeting, still did less damage to the stage than my bass. i get overly spirited and move from one bit of the stage to the other, so I'd have to kick the bit of plywood ahead of me Douglas, but nice idea. Walking stick end rubber may be thicker, if not, my dog has abandoned a large rubber ball in garden, I may drill it and see what happens... Thanks all. [/quote] How about cutting a hole in an old squash ball? Would this work? Worth a try maybe.....
  7. Looks really simple and useful A great idea indeed Thanks for the link
  8. Interesting this The parts all seem to be American I spoke to someone in a guitar shop over the weekend, The guy was considered something of an expert on Fender matters He reckoned that some USA parts were actually made in Mexico anyway.... The pickups seem fine on this bass Glad I went for it now A good bass for that money IMO PS. SWMBO hasn't found it yet
  9. Wish you were a bit closer, so I could come & try it out I'd really like one of these - much cheaper than the Markbass 208 or the Phil Jones - are they good, compared to those amps? Don't suppose you're ever in South Wales? lol GLWTS
  10. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1404398787' post='2492303'] It's funny, and maybe my ears aren't as discerning as others' - but I have always reckoned that a J neck pickup can do a very good approximation of a P bass. [/quote] I was going to say that in my last response I honestly think the J bass can get a near P bass sound But to my ear, it's just more flexible and adjustable.... One of my amps is a Markbass 102P The VPF & VPL filters on there can help get more of a P sound I think if you took the Jazz neck & put it on something else, you may not get the balance quite the same Of course, it could be an experiment that pays off But for me, I know what you mean re the Jazz being incredible There's just something about the playability of the neck It's just the right depth, taper at the nut end, and broad enough at the base end of the neck to really dig my fingers in between those strings... the balance and feel of the body is superb, and the bass is not overly heavy I love my Jazz - I've played lots of different basses, and still own several but the Jazz always feels the best to play - even if I need one of the others to get the sound I want If I were you, I'd keep the bass as it is, and any mods would be to the electrics / pickups Leave the bass itself alone, as you like it so much You may never quite get that feeling with another bass....... As before, let us know what you decide, and how you get on and good luck with it
  11. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1404397471' post='2492290'] Keep an eye on the other items for sale section here. Buy replacement pickups used and if they don't suit you, sell them again. [/quote] A good idea! I would definitely keep the Jazz though... I'm a convert to Jazz basses I've got a Mex Roadworn, and the neck is just right for me I love it to bits If you replace the bass, I'm sure you'll regret not having that neck shape and profile you obviously like Don't forget to let us know what you opt for, and how you get on BTW. I love the sound from my Jazz pickups But I guess each model has it's own differences etc
  12. That's what I like about this forum Everyone is just so helpful, informative & friendly Or is that just bass players in general?
  13. 30,000 IS a lot I didn't think there were that many bass players out there Well done BC
  14. Me again! I meant to say, keep your eye on the for sale section in the Double Bass & EUB bit of the forum Some people try out strings on here, and don't get on with them so they sell them, usually for a reasonable amount I've got some spare, hardly used strings for my DB for less than half the new cost PS. On my EUB I got some S/H Nylon Wrap strings too You might want to look at those I think Rotosound do a set..... Don't forget to let us know how you get on with the bass / strings etc
  15. Hi Jas, Welcome to the DB team indeed Your wife is to be cherished as much as your bass What a wonderful woman she must be I bought my Boosey & Hawkes from the equally lovely Sarah of this very forum Since then I have upgraded to a David Gage, also bought from a very nice fellow BC'er I've lost count of what I've spent since joining Basschat My wife Dawn didn't buy either of my DB's but she loves having a bass in our lounge When I'm out rehearsing or gigging, she says the corner of the room looks empty lol A year or so back, I was in your position I migrated from bass guitar (which I still love & play) but the choice of strings is a whole new can of worms! With bass guitar, it's generally round-wounds or flat But with DB the choice is mind-blowing, IMHO I started off with some dreadful strings on an EUB I think these were the £20 Thomann cheapies But don't go down that route..... The 1st strings I bought were Innovation Silver Slaps and I found the nylon material much easier on my fingers than the previous steel strings They are broader gauge, but softer on the fingers As Sarah says, you can go on Daf Lewis's Innovation stings trial but I wasn't patient enough for that Also, somewhere on here, Daf has posted a useful string guide which is worth a look These days, I've converted to Spirocore Weichs, courtesy of Greg - as they came on my new bass I think it was worth persisting with these, for me anyway.... if you find the left hand "drags" a bit on the strings - maybe try applying some "Fret fast" for a while until you get used to the strings? Here is my first proper DB, my lovely laminate Boosey & Hawkes Atria, which Sarah sold me .... and I still haven't fully decided whether to sell ....I really shouldn't have so many basses in the house, but Dawn is getting used to me now Good luck with your playing but most of all - have fun with your DB I've never looked back
  16. Chiliwailer and Foxx, thanks again guys I've asked him to put it aside for me, and he's agreed I don't really "need" this bass but I always find it's good to play several different basses and I do like the look of this one - especially for the money plays quite nicely too Great to hear your positive comments and experiences with your bass Foxx That's just the sort of background info I was looking for Cheers again all
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404218925' post='2490408'] I keep several gig bags and hard cases round the house... some may be empty, some not... who knows? [/quote] Ah, I use the same tricks..... I'm sure she knows though I could of course hide a few basses behind some of the clothes she never wears!
  18. I wasn't so much concerned with the neck being a "different" profile, but wanted to make sure they weren't made of lesser quality materials etc I know I should go for it ...... just gotta sneak it past the wife now Cheers again for all your help / suggestions guys
  19. Thanks for that Hutton, I tried the bass briefly, and was quite impressed with it The guy wants around £350 for it and I just thought a USA Jazz for that money seemed a great offer It's just about mint condition too.... He just changed the pickguard, and played about with the bass at home.... I wanted to be sure the components etc were of good quality I still find it odd that the neck is a different / slightly chunkier shape from every other Jazz I've played Thanks again anyway
  20. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1404205848' post='2490184'] There you go - Fender 1990 'American Traditional' Jazz Bass. [/quote] Thanks for that Hutton Is that your bass? How do you find it, in terms of quality? The one I'm thinking of getting seems fine, and good value for the money I really wanted to know what peoples thoughts were on these basses and how they found quality of components / build / sound etc Does look like a nice Jazz... Cheers again
  21. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1404137566' post='2489602'] No this is one of the new ones Marc... Unbelievably light PS you look familiar. Were you sitting next to me at Joe Bonamassa? :-) [/quote] Haven't tried one of the newer series Although heavy, my old Rumble 100 had a great sound Loud too. So if the new ones are lighter and sound just as good - perfect No, I wasn't at Joe Bonamassa Perhaps I've got one of those "familiar faces"?
  22. I've not played one of these basses, and everyone I know who has rates them really highly Wish you were nearer - just so I could give it a whirl... Cracking colour on this one too Have a free bump and GLWTS
  23. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1404140773' post='2489660'] [b]American Traditional Jazz Bass!![/b] That was bigging the sh*t out of me The pickguard and control plate have been changed on the one in the eBay link. They should be a one piece. Fender using up old bodies and pickguards.... If yours is one, it'll say it on the end of the headstock in small writing. [/quote] Thanks for that Chiliwailer, This bass does indeed say "American Traditional" in small typeface on the end of the headstock Also, the original scratchplate WAS indeed a one-piece The guy showed it to me He had replaced it with a more fetching 2 piece, in rather nice tort Anyone know of how well these basses were built, or the quality of components?? It seems a fair bass for the money I'm tempted to go for it, and maybe get my local luthier to re-profile the neck to more of the traditional Jazz shape.... I do like the profile of Jazz bass necks Cheers again for your help folks
  24. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1403993683' post='2488451'] Might bring my new fender rumble 100 and my warwick corvette active :-) [/quote] Had a Rumble 100 once Nice combo - just a tad heavy for my ageing bod..... Looking forward to the wide range of gear folk are bringing
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404135571' post='2489572'] I've not played any from that time, so until someone turns up who knows what they're talking about, it might be worth doing a search over on Talkbass - there's bound to be a plethora of opinions there. [/quote] Ah, I thought BC was the forum where people were in the know Hope someone has experience of one of these basses from this era As I'd said, it seems a quality build Just the neck profile being a tad chunkier.... Odd that Fender should change the neck profile of a Jazz I've played quite a few (I own one) and they seem pretty consistent... Re the date - I'll ask the guy again He is known as a decent bloke, and pretty honest as far as I'm aware..... Cheers all
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