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Everything posted by operative451

  1. Ladytron - saw them supporting Goldfrapp at the Eden Project in 2006. Sort of a female petshop boys with kind of Vulcan barely withheld cold rage... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTTwlAT_AwU[/media] And Curve - i think they sort of got shoved into the Bands With One Word As Their Name category of shoegaze but... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay_uOANgo4M[/media]
  2. This one. Seriously. I'd been thinking of straying for a while, but when i saw this i looked at my guitar, and said sorry, i love you, but just need more... Depth... And sparkle... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19Bq0vlLCog[/media]
  3. I was going to say 'Yes sir, i can boogie'. It is joyful and i love it. Also, Aha, 'The sun always shines on TV' is just awesome...
  4. Aunty Pat, obvs. Added points for being in The Damned now... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgifFdi8eio[/media]
  5. I use a variant on this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAcxhlsDbYY[/media] With a quite scooped fuzz. Its close enough... I wouldn't be at all surprised if while he's tap dancing on stage, his bass tech runs the big muff into a sansamp and gives the FOH bod a DI, and leaves it at that...
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  7. The 'when you just admit to yourself that the funk is all you need' version... [attachment=236519:IMG_20170123_193317.jpg]
  8. Hurrah!! Glad you like it! And watching the news lately, i really wish people would stop it...
  9. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eui4JWdl7rc&t=32s[/media] We did a 'we are the world' type thing... Also here (and the 'what were we thinking blurb) [url="http://www.intermittentexplosivedisorder.co.uk/2016/12/stop-killing-people-you-twats/"]http://www.intermitt...ople-you-twats/[/url]
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  11. The pretty clearly obviously stamped on logo did pretty much rub off... I might have to make a new sticker in a suitable font...
  12. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1480287041' post='3183157'] What's the Fuzz ? and the board power supply ? [/quote] Fuzz is a joyo too - 'voodoo octave' but i tend not to use the octave part. The power supply is a daisy chain wall wart thingie...
  13. Bits arrived... I'm going to chop the scratchplate around the neck pickup, not sure about the wing things yet but they caught my eye! [attachment=232928:IMG_20161124_201219_edit.jpg]
  14. See also ukeleles, which are strung in WTAF..
  15. Just got back from travels and did this... Board ditched, just fuzz and Joyo 'California sound' Mesa boogie sansamp knock-off and into the amp. Sounded like bombs going off... I think its the power supplies actually... Batteries seem to have more teeth...
  16. Oh, those are cool! Lots of money though... I can see those maybe ending up in my jazz box at some point though! Current idea is tele bridge plate and pickup, with a les paul junior scratchplate in white, which may either cover the hole left by removing the neck pickup, or be chopped to fit the neck pickup in. I've seen some nice but not super expensive HB size P90 type thingies too.
  17. I've heard good versions of Kylie's 'Can't get you out of my head'' done by rock bands. Also if you like a bit of Gaga, 'Telephone' works really well, there's a good opportunity for some 'diddle-um diddle-um' riffing in the 'you can call all you want' bit. There's a bunch of metal covers of 'Let it go' on youtube too... Also i was just noodling with a dirty bass sound over abba's waterloo, played at half speed on youtube. Actually it sounds really sinister - maybe "I tried to hold you back but you were stronger / and now it seems my only chance is giving up the fight" had different connotations in the 70s!
  18. Hi! First time down in this bit...! So i'm away from home for work as usual, in the meantime i and my musical colleague are working on our big epic 'we are the world' type Xmas song. I have kit with me and there are wav files going into dropboxes, which is much more fun than a premier inn telly. I happened to wander into a local cash converters (in Gateshead) and there was a cheap Les Paul double type thing, in black, allegedly called a 'Thunder Supreme Voyager'. Being able to rationalise a 'well i need to record a slash-esque solo' and being on expenses so free food for the week, i thought why not, and bought it. It needed a home, it looked sad, and we all know they die if you don't play them, and looking at the frets if its been played at all it was probably in the shop..! So anyway, a google later and it seems that the only place that ever sells these is cash converters, and listed as 'B' or 'returned' stock. I'm wondering if its something else, i'm sure a bit of nail polish remover and the logo will come off. Anyone seen any of these? Here' a link to a totally different cash converters: http://webshop.cashconverters.co.uk/auction-item/1203770/thunder-supreme-voyager-electric-guitar-in-store-collection-only I may do Things to it. I like the idea of a tele pickup and bridge thingy in the er, bridge, and a P90 in the neck...
  19. Grangur PMed me about my made-over Marlin P-bass - and has supplied me with a set of proper fender pickups to complete the job! Ideal, just what i needed, as described, good price, and a chatty and friendly guy to deal with! Would deffo buy stuff from him again. Item was very securely packaged too, better than a lot of shops would! Thanks again!
  20. There shall soon be some Fender pups in the post from Mr Grangur - many thanks for all the suggestions, and i shall be getting busy with my soldering iron shortly!
  21. Thanks for all the replies! I think i'm going to go for it - it feels like a lot to spend but on the other hand i dropped about the same amount in Boots the other day, so WTH... ;D
  22. The current pups are surprisingly well made, all things considered. Wax potted and the covers are on tight! And i like the 1/4pounder idea but they're more expensive than the Ds... I think it might be a thing that happens...
  23. Hi! So i did a shabby chic reverb on my east German P-bass and in the process set it up nicely, lubed the tuners, re-strung it etc. It now plays really nicely! It's plywood though although at at least 30 years old its probably thoroughly seasoned. Somewhat irritatingly i almost like it more than the shiny new bass i bought (Stagg Stingray-oid) earlier in the year! Which brings me to the pickup. Its nasty, it's not original as the original fell apart, it was about £5 on amazon... It sounds ok i guess. Sort of honky, not much in they way of low end. I'm thinking of replacing it with this DiMarzio DP122 Model P i found on gak. Is it worth spending the money? There are cheaper upgrade pickups but... They're black! The bass is off-white with a battered white pickguard and i want it to match... This one: [sharedmedia=core:attachments:228624]
  24. I was wondering about this after seeing a meme on FB, which was obviously originally a guitar thing but got edited. I always thought volume was from the olden days for guitars where they wanted that clean 'shadows' sound. Having said that, i've got back into playing my ancient East German P-bass and my other basses have humbuckers, so turning them down a notch means i have to faff with pedals less as they're lots louder!
  25. Ooh, i'm first!! Ok, i had this thing in my head, an alternate universe where Surf music had bass as the lead instrument. And i did this: https://soundcloud.com/operative451/surf
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