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Everything posted by martthebass

  1. It was Rich, we wasn't too sure how it would go down (you know how punters can be with stuff they haven't heard before) but it was well received.
  2. Not sure Chris, I think the Fallout is essentially an L1000 in different clothing. I don't usually use it in single coil config (I find it a bit weedy compared to series/OMG).
  3. The XMas song our drummer wrote a couple of years back, Glam Fever, has been recorded by 70s band Hello. Not sure he’ll be able to retire just yet though.
  4. Giving me some food for thought there Chris, I'm looking at modding my Mikey Way Mustang next year as it could do with a bit of a liven up. The stock humbucker is ok but I'd like something a bit hotter - more like the MFD in my G&L Fallout. I tend to use these 2 basses on gigs and I much prefer the added punch and definition of the MFD over the stock pup in the Mustang.
  5. Last gig in Huddersfield for this year, the rest of December are all local gigs for us in the Sheffield area. A small pub in on the outskirts of Huddersfield, was a fun gig, compact and bijou so to speak and plenty of dancing from the punters. We had a chance to do the drummers XMas song and amazingly the crowd were singing along with the chorus halfway in which he was well chuffed about.
  6. Merry XMas Everybody and Mud's Lonely this XMas for us. We're also doing a song written by our drummer that has been recorded by 70s band Hello called Glam Christmas Fever that was released last month. Not sure how it'll go down as it hasn't had airplay on the major stations (shame as it's very catchy) but we'll enjoy it anyhow. We did do Wombling Mery XMas last year - not going back there.....
  7. Love that Dave. I agree it'd be nice to bash through on punching 8s rather than getting my head around Jim's melodic progressions.
  8. Do a 'punked up' version of Merry XMas Everybody Dave, you know it makes sense lol.
  9. Gave my JMJ Mustang it's first run outdoors since I changed flats for rounds. I was unsure it was a good move based on 'headphone' playing but I was well impressed with the punch and growl I got on stage. Really does continue to surprise me how great this lil' blue monster is.
  10. It is, even with the mod I’m tempted. Wrong time of the year though and I don’t fancy selling/trading one of the existing herd to finance.
  11. Gig in Marsden, nearly ‘moors country’ last night. Didn’t look too promising at first with only 8 punters in at 8:30 so we delayed going on until 9:30. Placed filled up to capacity before we went on and two great spots were had and enjoyed. Did the first Christmas song of the season, the full Christmas show starts in earnest next week at one of our favourite little pubs in Huddersfield.
  12. To be honest I consider them a bit chalk and cheese. If I’m looking for ‘that’ vintage vibe the JMJ nails it perfectly. The Fallout hits a more modern sound and has a bit more flexibility. It’s great to have both, if I could only have one I’d struggle to choose tbh.
  13. I've been pretty impressed with the neck on the Fallout, I thought it would be a bit wide (based on G&Ls I've had in the past) but I'd say it's somewhere between the JMJ Mustang and my 1.5" nut Mustang (Mikey way). Pretty comfortable overall. Tonewise, it is a high output job, it's not that far off my US Sterling in series mode. The OMG can be a bit much but I find it adds a bit of depth at lower volumes, normally on a gig though I'd be pretty much 90% on the parallel setting. The single coil is a bit weedy to my ears but I'd expect that - never been a fan of Jazz type basses and I never run my Sterling single coil for the same reason. The US ones are nicely made, easily up with US EBMM but I've never owned a Tribute so I can't comment there. I've still got a hankering for a US Shortscale Ray but I can't really justify another shorty; if a Starry Night version came up though I might just crumble.
  14. Cracking basses these. My Fallout Launch edition will be getting a good workout at the weekend. Comes in handy at gigs where I need a bit more control over the sound (and the Mustangs struggle to cut through) and flicking between parallel and OMG gives a nice contrast in the set list.
  15. Just had toneets gig in Leeds cancelled, the heavy rain has brought the roof in on the venue and taken the electrics out. Looks like doritos and Netflix then.
  16. Some consider them superior to a 'proper' Rick. I'd love to try one.
  17. I think we’re just doing ‘the Slade one’ and lonely this Christmas. But our drummer wrote a Christmas song back in 2019 and what with the pandemic and what not it got sidelined. He offered it up to 70s glam band Hello who have recorded it and put it out as a single - check YouTube ‘glam fever - Hello’. We will work out an arrangement and do this song in December also.
  18. Another gig on the outskirts of Huddersfield last night, we really are world famous in Huddersfield. A nice cricket club, had a great night, lots of dancing, great compliments and happy punters. It was also a small landmark for me being my 200th gig with this band....ironic in a way as I went in as a dap for 8 gigs and just never left. Now as it’s that time of the year it’s time to learn the Christmas songs 🎅
  19. I was looking forward to seeing it in Blue Peter (see what I did there....), but I do like a blue bass.
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