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Everything posted by FinnDave

  1. Well, I first picked up a bass in 1974 as well, and did live in London many years ago but have never been to music college or Truro...but I found my current band on 'Join My Band'. Since then I have had several offers, some of them concerning other bands, from people who seem to have heard of me somehow. Try open mics etc, they're usually populated by musos looking for bands.
  2. I'm not to get drawn into further posts on this subject, but my resistance is low.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428844159' post='2745114'] Aw, that's me out then. I have to be lying in my coffin before midnight. [/quote] Best not then. If you use a toad caught before midnight, you are certain to end up sprawled cross the drummer's kit. Again.
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428843109' post='2745089'] Maybe we should swap recipes? [/quote] Sure, first you'll need a toad caught at midnight under a full moon.... (I did wonder if my surgeon was completely up to speed on the latest developments in modern medicine)
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428842509' post='2745073'] Finally, you've cracked it! [/quote] Yes, but only I know the secret blend of painkillers, alcohol, and painful surgical equipment that can help you achieve bass nirvana ;0
  6. I played Jazz basses for several years when I first started, go my first proper P bass about 1982/3, USA made, white, maple neck...I thought it was great and that I was just as cool as cool could be with my real Fender. Sold it to raise money towards our first house about 1985/6 Nothing much has changed, I still play both types of bass, current Precisions are a white/rosewood/tort 2013 US Standard and a Squier VM (also white) now wearing a fretless Jazz neck.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428839163' post='2745019'] Thank the LORD! And such a bargain, too! I'll buy twelve! [/quote] £300 plus P&P...a bargain!
  8. On the rare occasions that someone compliments my playing I simply thank them and say it is nice to be appreciated. It doesn't embarrass me (not a lot does) but it does give me a little boost at the end of the gig.
  9. I played an early evening gig last Sunday a week after a major operation. I was so out of it on various painkillers that I wasn't really aware that I was playing, just listening to the band. Our drummer said afterwards it was the best I've ever played! I do remember hearing some bass runs and fill and thinking 'I wish I could play like that'.
  10. Agree 100% with Krysh above. I started playing in the mid seventies and as far as I can remember the first time I touched a bass it was to jam with friends. I knew nothing at all about how to play, but kept doing the things that sounded right. Over the years I have picked up enough about key sigs, scales, chord structures etc to be able to guess right pretty much all the time, and my ears guide my fingers, not my brain. I wouldn't even describe myself as self taught, everything I do comes from years of 'pointless' jamming and listening to bass players on records. I'm still playing the same style and seem to be getting away with it. If it wasn't for those endless jams in the 70s, I wouldn't be playing anything today.
  11. What do people for fun if they don't jam? I genuinely do not understand. Do people learn bass parts by rote and then simply reproduce them? Again, what pleasure is there in that???
  12. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1428493610' post='2741741'] Thomann now seem to be sending a Uk mains kettle lead with orders , free of charge.. [/quote] There you are, then. Order a kettle lead from Thomann and they'll send you two.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428497949' post='2741815'] Same here. But I'm not in the least bit bothered about box-ticking or target-achieving - nor do I have 'goals' or ever think about where I'm going to be in five years' time or any of that piddling crap. [/quote] Me nether, whenever people publish lists of names of 'bass greats' I rarely recognize any of them. I just play what I play and if people like it, great. If they don't, then tough.
  14. Another victim of my spring clean, I need to sell one of my two ABM 500 Evo II heads. Come and try them and take your pick, they seem identical to me. Lots of power, great sound, valve in preamp and made in England, what more could anyone want. One I have owned for a coupe of years during which time it has been my main gigging amplifier, initially through an Ashdown 410 but since Sept 2013 I have been using a Barefaced Super Twin. Both amplifiers are in good condition, I grab one or the other without checking which is which when taking them out, though this year I have been using a DI box simply because my health has dictated a lighter kit. Whichever amp you choose will come with an Ashdown soft cover included in the £250.00 asking price. I live near Witney in Oxfordshire and cannot currently drive, but if you're interested, bring a bass and try one, or both. [attachment=188874:1-2015-04-08 12.30.29.jpg] [attachment=188875:1-2015-04-08 12.31.43.jpg]
  15. Reluctantly need to clear some space so although I bought this only a few months ago, as it is the only bass I rarely play, it has to go. Bought from a member here, played 2 or 3 times in my brief ownership. Lovely sounding bass, from basic thump through Precision to unexpectedly growly, just by turning the impedance selector switch. Includes a new, hard to find Epiphone fitted hard case. Bass is in excellent condition. The back of the neck has been de-glossed by a previous owner. Anyone interested in the bass is welcome to come and try it here, near Witney in Oxfordshire. I have the substantial box the case came in, so the bass can be couriered at buyer's cost. Looking for £450 firm including the case. [attachment=192844:1-DSC_0012 (2).JPG] [attachment=192845:1-DSC_0014 (2).JPG] [attachment=192846:1-DSC_0016 (2).JPG] 'marks' on the back are reflections of the clouds, the back is flawless. [attachment=192849:1-DSC_0021 (2).JPG] [attachment=192848:1-DSC_0020 (2).JPG] [attachment=192847:1-DSC_0017 (2).JPG] [attachment=192843:1-DSC_0009 (2).JPG]
  16. I've been playing for 40 years and still don't know if I'm doing it right.
  17. The bass under consideration is a 2004/5 Crafted in Japan version. Very close to saying yes on this, just need to find space!
  18. It strikes me that this singer would have to have some real nerve to have taken your kit downstairs and then come back to say goodbye if he was intending to make off with. I suspect he is guilty of negligence rather than theft. I am sorry for the loss of your gear, but a bit disturbed that this singer has been tried and found guilty by a kangaroo court here.
  19. Thanks for that, Booboo, I'll make a note of that for when I take a look at the bass. Do you have any idea what sort of prices each of those is likely to attract?
  20. I've read a bit about the Fender Precision 62 RI from Japan and it's all been good...are they really all they're cracked up to be? I ask because a bunch of blokes from my bike club dropped by to cheer me up in my convalescent state yesterday and one asked if I was interested in buying one as he has it and doesn't really play anymore. Sunburst, rosewood, tort...hard case, ticks all the right boxes, but....another bass...I've bought two and a neck this year already. I willingly let my head be placed in the noose and asked him to send some pics. I'm a sucker for sunburst Fenders, but have never had a sunburst P. Gigged my sunburst 60s classic J twice over the weekend, can't help thinking they'd make a great pair, but something would have to go, I'm running out of space! This would make it 60s (repro) Jazz and P, modern Jazz and P, Squier fretless P and the Epiphone Casady all competing for space in our little house. Plus amps, of course. Decisions, decisions.....
  21. We've payed the Brasenose a few times, enthusiastic and knowledgeable audience, but it's a small pub and the load in is rather tricky.
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