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Everything posted by iamtheelvy

  1. I know we’re all about bass here, but it was quite cool hearing that Yolanda Charles will be playing with Guthrie Govan...
  2. Something I’m after - will pm in a sec.
  3. That’s pretty. And local... Not to get too off track, but do you play around Pompey, Pawel?
  4. What's the routing like under the scratchplate on this one? Most fenders nowadays seem to have a lot of wood missing around the picking + milling tool holes etc...
  5. Playing again this year, Steve, or not allowed to tell us yet? :-)
  6. Pretty sure the first year I went I bought tickets in September. Still no word on these on the website and no artist announcements yet...
  7. Just registering an interest... Watching a couple of these on Ebay at the moment, but will be back if nothing comes of them!
  8. Bit of an older thread, but presumably people have been using these for a while now... I've had a set on my go-to bass for about six months and they still seem to be going strong. Was wondering how these compare to the regular Dunlop roundwounds? I'm assuming the standards have a higher tension, but is the tone similar?
  9. The ramp measures 73 x 94mm. Centre to centre, the pickup holes are about 38.5mm. Drop to £15
  10. Failed experiment! Bought a basic bass ramp for my jazz bass, but managed to cock up the measurements somewhere along the line, so it won't fit at all! Ramp should fit a jazz bass with 73mm spacing between the pickups. It's a basic flat shape, so not moulded to the pickguard, but should just slot inbetween, with some loosening on the pickup screws. Clear acrylic, some marks showing. £20 posted. [URL=http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/iamtheelvy/media/IMG_0516_zpsk5lzbebf.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y440/iamtheelvy/IMG_0516_zpsk5lzbebf.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  11. Understand if you're not interested, but I'd be interested in the case alone (already have the board, but in a hard case). Anyone looking for the board alone?
  12. Which model is the Multicomp? Is it the original or the later true bypass one?
  13. [quote name='Higgie' timestamp='1481389260' post='3192002'] Thanks mate! Yeah both at once. Only playing one at a time though...I'm no Geddy Lee! [/quote] Awesome. Haven't got one yet, but that's exactly what I wanted to do with the FI! Thanks man!
  14. [quote name='Higgie' timestamp='1480095665' post='3181679'] My new board, having just received the Future Impact. Today was the first time I've been able to mess about with the software editor, and triggering it via Keyboard, but I have to say - VERY cool. They've knocked it out of the park with this one. Barely even touched the surface of what this unit can do. [url="http://s22.photobucket.com/user/Higgie123/media/IMG_4432_zps6hyhvss6.jpg.html"][/url] MIDI cable for plugging in my keyboard controller: [url="http://s22.photobucket.com/user/Higgie123/media/IMG_4433_zpsilsqoksq.jpg.html"][/url] Underneath you can see I've connected some short MIDI cables from TheGigRig so that I never have to detach it from the board for any reason. I've taped the MIDI in cable that will be used most often to the side of the board so it sits just out of the way but is easily accessible. The MIDI Out cable is only needed for downloading sounds and firmware so isn't used live. [URL=http://s22.photobucket.com/user/Higgie123/media/IMG_4434_zpssxnshmz3.jpg.html][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b341/Higgie123/IMG_4434_zpssxnshmz3.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I'm going out to the Alps for the Winter Season with a 3 piece band, so need to make it sound as big as possible. Got 6 days to get all my patches in order and songs learned, and then off I go! [/quote] Nice board! Question - Are you using the FI for both keyboard and bass? Both plugged in at once?
  15. Trying to get an early bird ticket - anyone else unable to buy because the website design covers over the 'Order Now' button?
  16. I really liked these strings. They definitely last well, and the tuning stability is brilliant. They were very close, but the Dunlop Super Brights only just won over for me in terms of tone and feel.
  17. Aha, just read a few posts back! Video on here properly now! (Twice - thanks Dad3353!)
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