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Everything posted by iamtheelvy

  1. Paul Gilbert added to the Guitar side of things. Cody Wright also just announced. Great player, but did see him just a couple of shows ago...
  2. I’m surprised to see no mention (bar one generic advert) of the show in the latest Bass Guitar Magazine...
  3. There as well, one row from the front. Bass sound all a bit woolly there too. Assumed it was where I was sat, but sounds like it was off all round! Shame, but great evening nonetheless!
  4. Cheers. Bit of a manic week... Updated post coming up above...
  5. Looking for a replacement bassist for a Portsmouth based Americana style band. Originals band in Portsmouth. Been gigging quite some time, and more lined up, including a few summer festivals (local area). Band are all 30-40s, jobs, families etc, so all very easy going and flexible. Americana style (our general description) - think American style pop, bit country/folk/blues tinged. Currently gigging with the band myself, but looking to move on to other projects and just can’t balance two bands. Honouring all commitments until a replacement is found!
  6. https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2019/06/13/rickenbacker-guitars-reveals-the-4003ac-al-cisneros-signature-bass/ I’m not into the signature bass so much, but a Ricky bridge with adjustable saddles? Bout time really...
  7. Aw, I just put a bid on another on eBay! (Also, still waiting on payday!).
  8. Keeping my eye on this, but can’t afford it right now!
  9. In fact, don’t. Don’t drop it. It’s a heart-wrenching moment... Yep, I’ve done it before and I did it again at my gig this weekend. Rested my bass against the wall to get on with other stuff only to watch it slowly fall lengthways down onto the floor. Nice new dent in the neck to remind me that it’s a bad plan to do that. 😞 Make me feel better - what’s the worst you’ve done to your bass?
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  11. Just need the earlier lighter brown Octaver to complete the set! Until the Waza Craft model is announced, of course...
  12. Just picked up a mid-eighties OC2 “Octaver”, in addition to my mid-eighties Japanese “Octave” and late-eighties Taiwanese “Octave” OC2s. This one actually seems to track a little better and sounds a little smoother than the other two.
  13. Agreed, in my shameful moonlight lighting as a weedy six-stringer, it’s my go-to overdrive, though excellent for bass too! Key distinction is the original flathead vs the Phillips head screw on the battery compartment. I have both, and both sound good, but the original British one has that colllectability value!
  14. Is this the early British model or the later overseas one?
  15. How’s the balance on that? I would have thought a 34” scale would lead to a little neck dive...?
  16. Picked up a well-priced compressor. Chris responded to my query quickly. Nice smooth transaction and the pedal arrived very quickly and well wrapped.
  17. Genuine? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273105733253 Obviously the neck is a replacement, but could be quite a bargain if the body is a genuine Pastorius sig... All looks much as it should, but could just be a Jaco plate on a cheapo body...
  18. Good luck everyone! I've found me a train to get on, though at its current speed I may just live here now...
  19. Yep, aiming to head up from Portsmouth tomorrow, if the trains allow...
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