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Everything posted by ossyrocks

  1. Accepting offers too. A realistically priced bass on eBay for once.
  2. I have no affiliation to this seller on eBay, I just thought I would share this. ’73 Precision, looks original, and it’s the same price I paid for my ‘73 earlier this year from ATB Guitars, except this one on eBay has the original case and mine doesn’t. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325234663345?hash=item4bb97f1fb1%3Ag%3AzlUAAOSwr3VinQj1&LH_ItemCondition=4 Rob
  3. I almost messaged that eBay seller to tell him I could buy a new one delivered for £24 more than he was asking, but then thought why bother!? I have a traveller 151P going spare which I would let go for £220, but I’m a looooong way away from you.
  4. I quite like that 70’s sunburst, but then I’m a bit biased as I have a sunburst ‘73 precision which I really like and it’s not dissimilar. The Jazz is 9lbs 4oz, which is heavier than I would like, but about my limit. Sub 9lb 70’s Fenders seem hard to find.
  5. Cheers. I need to move some other gear first really, but the temptation to spend first and recoup later is strong. I’m on holiday in Scotland at the moment, so I can’t really do much until I get back. Bass Bros prices seem very reasonable if you compare them to what others seem to be asking for 70’s Fenders, which is why I posted it up here. If there’s wriggle room for cash too, then that’s even better.
  6. Ah ha. Found it thanks. Looks like they are good to deal with. Now, what about that ^ ‘75 Jazz ………. Hmm
  7. This popped up in my Facebook feed from BassBros. Has anyone had any dealings with them? https://bassbros.co.uk/product/1975-fender-jazz-bass-2/ Rob
  8. Apparently, because of the way the CS6 works, it will deliver more current than stated from each outlet so long as you don’t exceed the overall output of the supply itself. Truetone themselves have told me to try this, but they cannot guarantee it will work before I buy one.
  9. That’s good to know, cheers. I am looking to put this on a board, but power supplies for this are tricky. The only one I’ve seen which might work is the 1 Spot CS6, but with a current doubler cable. If you have any other ideas, please let me know! Rob
  10. Thanks for all the input on this topic chaps. I saw a used Markbass Compressore for sale at a reasonable price, so I snagged that to see what it was like. I'm still tweaking the settings. The first time I used it at home (in haste to try it), I hadn't done any research into how to set it properly, and was a bit disappointed. But, I've done my homework now and I'm finding it really useful. Even at relatively low settings, ie not effecting the signal much at all, it adds a certain je ne sais quoi to the tone and feel, which I'm liking a lot. Now I'm trying to find the optimum settings for me personally, which has a lot do do with tweaking the settings to match my own picking dynamic. It does require some adjustment when swapping basses, as my vintage P has a LOT more output than my modern Roadworn Jazz. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has/had this compressor what your experience is/was and what settings you ended up using. Cheers, Rob
  11. I have this exact bass too, same colour. These are great! And this is quite a bit less than I paid for mine earlier this year. Bargain! Good luck.
  12. My experience in the past has always been with valve amps. I’ve never owned a solid state amp until I got the LM3, so hence the reason for my caution. Thanks for the reassurance. Anyway, it went very well, and I had some monitoring too, so I was happy.
  13. I too have a fragile back (major spinal surgery 5 years ago) I have a Markbass Little Mark 3 head (500w) and a 2x10 Markbass Traveller cab. It's very manageable, super lightweight. They also sound great.
  14. No worries. I just found this on the Markbass website: "Can I use my Markbass amp without connecting to a speaker cabinet? Yes, any Markbass amp can be used as a preamp only. We recommend that when doing so, you turn off the master volume (not essential, but it's better for the amp). The gain control and/or the Line Out level control will regulate the output from the amp."
  15. Quick question. I’m doing a little impromptu gig this afternoon. Everything through a little PA, but there’s no bass preamp or anything. I was thinking I could just use the LM3 as a preamp with no load, but I don’t want to damage it. Mine is an earlier class AB version. What do you think? Rob
  16. I'm not sure. I bought a '73 Precision from ATB earlier this year, all original, decent condition, and a fabulous bass which a dearly love, for £2600. But it does look like, even just a few months on from that, that it might be £3k+ now.
  17. That ‘74 Jazz is now on the ATB website, it’s pretty damn clean, but oh the price! It certainly makes the ‘75 Precision for sale in the classifieds here look like a bargain. I’m sure the one at ATB could be bought at significantly less than the ticket price though. https://www.atbguitars.com/1974-fender-jazz-bass-natural-near-mint-ohsc?fbclid=IwAR3PJs4X9rBvEOIbPIu6l9rY21E3TbPxXGtwxTt2ukRNEpNblPPHdpeeHhw Rob
  18. Ha ha, I’ve been messaging you about this on eBay. Still dithering, will try to make up my mind ASAP. I already have one, but fancy a backup. Rob
  19. It's been about 10 years since I saw Jeff Beck. I took along my wife, who didn't really know what to expect, and she sat there with her mouth open for most of the gig. She said it was the best gig she'd ever been to. I'm going to check out the rhythm section above right now, cheers. Rob
  20. I’m curious about the Markbass Nano Mark in addition to the above.
  21. ossyrocks


    Congratulations! I have the same bass, also ‘73, so I do know how you feel. I love mine. Rob
  22. The only guitars I’ve bought online (2), have been Custom Shops. Both were great, but as you say, I did have the option of return because of online selling legislation which was reassuring. I actually think with basses, as opposed to guitars, it’s more important to actually play it first though, but I can’t put my finger on exactly why.
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